

Richard was a normal guy, working at a grocery store to support his family. Then things took a turn when he was shot in an attempted robbery, dying before he got to the hospital. He then meets a god that gives him a chance at a new life, in a world where monsters roam the wilds. The denizens all have the ability to level up, but a lucky 20% have the power of Summoning. Richard is given this power, to use it one must kill a monster and absorb its energy. This is where his journey begins.

J_P_Sterling · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Ch. 5 Building A Goblinopolis

A month had gone by since I had taken over the Goblin camp and it had grown. We had found what we were almost positive was all the remaining Goblin forces in the forest, 76 of them coming back to the camp alive. Neither me nor my monsters had gained any levels from the Goblins we killed, all of us being at least 5 levels higher. However my Runts were no longer Runts, from hunting the monsters in the forest, mostly Forest Wolves, which apparently were the main monster in the woods. I had evolved 4 of them into Shield Bearers and one into a Striker. I also had 3 more Runts who were almost to the point of Evolution themselves. I was going to evolve them into Strikers when they evolved to even myself out. I now had 27 Summon Cards to use, and my Goblins were becoming impressive.

Gobelle was currently sitting at my feet on the small stool I had placed there for my Harem, leaning back against my lap, my cock resting on her shoulder as she kissed and licked it now and then. I had forgone pants, not needing them in my lair. "Master, the little one will come soon. I wonder what it will look like." I grinned at that, apparently I could get the Goblins pregnant, we found that out before a week had passed. Goblins apparently only took a month to give birth, which was why her belly looked like she had swallowed a watermelon whole. "Well my dear Gobelle, if it looks half as good as it's mother, then I will have to be wary of all suitors." She giggled at that and instantly took me fully into her mouth, my cock becoming rock hard in but a moment. "You tease me lover. I know I am but a lowly Goblin, Human women would make me look ugly."

I laughed "Trust me, I have seen and had my share of women, you are the prettiest I have seen." She smiled and wrapped her hand around my cock, stroking it as she nuzzled into me further. I looked over at the females and all of them had bellies much like Gobelle's. I knew they would all be giving birth soon, but I was curious about what the babies would look like. Zidane came into the throne room, bowing as he did. "Master, the Goblins have begun to melt the metal of all the scrap items you designated and begun to reforge the weapons. We also have the Tannery set up as per your instructions and Stalker has begun to train some of the weaker recruits as scouts. We will within the week begin to be able to get your forces armored and outfitted with the weapons." I nodded "Good work Zidane. How goes it with the training?"

"It goes well Master, the Runts have been practicing with the makeshift weapons, their skills growing at a steady rate. From what I have seen it looks as if they have gained skills related to all of the weapons. The biggest concern I have is they're weak. Without a plethora of wolves or other creatures to fight in our vicinity we have not been able to evolve them." I nodded, we had hunted down and killed all of the Wolves in the area, nothing else stronger was appearing in the area. "Until we have more Runts to train we can't spread ourselves too thin. Keep up with the training and have Gobra begin taking 5 or 6 Runts and search out enemies further." He nodded and bowed again, taking a glance at Gobelle and grinning "Looks like your heirs will be born soon Master. It shall be interesting to see what they will look like." I nodded and chuckled, then he left.

Zash off to my side spoke up "Master, you have been taking it easy for a while now. Do you think it's time to train some more yourself? I can have the Soldiers ready at any moment for an excursion if you wish." I shook my head "Not yet Zash, these low level creatures haven't been able to give me any experience and that is what I need more than anything. However if you're feeling antsy, we could begin our session early." He nodded and walked over to my weapon rack. I reached down and ran my fingers through Gobelle's hair for a moment, then sighed and stood up. She immediately stood and backed away, a dejected look on her face as she gave a longing look to my cock. "Don't worry dear, I will be but a few hours." She nodded and walked over to where the other girls were, working on getting lunch ready for the camp.

Zash and I stood outside of the cave, a sword and buckler in my hands while he wielded his twin hammers. We had been training like this for most of the month, each day I picked a new weapon. I needed to familiarize myself with each of these weapons and even though Zash was much stronger than I was, he insisted on being the one to train me, being the strongest of my summons. "Well done Master, had I less defence than your attack, I do believe I would have been slain, your skills are coming along nicely." I chuckled at that, mostly because I noticed that I had been getting faster, my weapon skills becoming more reflex than active thought. "It helps that I have a former Chieftain training me. I honestly don't know what I would do without you Zash." He laughed and banged his hammers together "Flattery will get you nowhere Master, now again."

It was four hours later when we called it quits. I was sore and tired, plus very hungry. We walked back into the cave and I sat upon my throne, one of the other females bringing me a small table and a bowl of stew that smelled amazing. This one was named Brina, she was the smallest of the Goblin females, yet the second most endowed. "How are you feeling today my Brina?" I asked and she smiled, kissing my hand before kneeling on the ground under the table, sliding my pants off and stroking my cock. "I feel well Master. The sickness no longer affects me and I believe I shall birth within the week." I nodded and began to dig in. "Have you been eating well?" I said after swallowing my first bite. "Yes Master, although I could do with a snack." I laughed and reached down, grabbing her hair and pulling her face to my cock, which she greedily devoured and began sucking as if it was a life line. I finished my meal just as she brought me to climax, greedily swallowing all I had to offer her. "Thank you for the snack Master, it was delightful." I smiled and grabbed her, pushing the table out of the way, then set her on my lap, my cock between her legs. "Of course Brina, being the Chief has to have perks and with all of you beautiful ladies around, I must say that I am enjoying those perks."

She giggled and kissed my neck, then slid her hand down and began to rub me until I was hard again, sliding me into her when I was. "I am enjoying this as well. Have I told you you're the biggest I've had?" I nodded and bit her ear, which elicited a yelp and a moan from her "Of course you have, every time I impale you, but I love hearing it." She laughed and began to ride me like she was riding a bull. I grabbed her breasts, which were easily in the D range, only Gobelle's were bigger and not by much.

Three more days passed uneventfully, then Gobelle began screaming on the fourth morning.

Then another two of the girls began screaming as well, I knew they were giving birth. I had been there when my own children were born, but I had no idea what to do. The other girls who hadn't given birth helpfully knew exactly what to do. It took ten minutes until Gobelle gave birth to the first of the children, which didn't have the green skin of Goblins, but a very light orange skin. It still had most of the Goblin features, with the long pointed ears, big eyes and sharp teeth that Goblins had. Zidane spoke up in awe "Master, that is a Hobgoblin." I looked around and everyone was in awe for a moment before Gobelle screamed again.

All said the girls had given birth to seven Hobgoblins. I asked Zidane what a Hobgoblin was and he spoke with reverence in his voice, "Hobgoblins are the most powerful Goblins to ever live. They grow strong quickly and have access to magic before their first Evolution. When Goblins breed it is said that 1 in 10,000 can give birth to a Hobgoblin and when they do it is made into the Chieftain of the tribe when it reaches maturity. They are much smarter than normal Goblins as well. If all of your children become Hobgoblins, then you will have a force to match that of any Goblin stronghold within months." I looked at him shocked, "Months? It takes years for a human to grow to full maturity." He chuckled "Goblins are different Master, our eldest are usually only 20 years old or so. Which is why Goblins grow into full maturity within a month. Hobgoblins can live to be up to 50 years old before they die of old age, but their growth is still that of a Goblin."

It gave me ideas and thoughts of creating an army of Hobgoblins. "If a Hobgoblin breeds with a regular Goblin, what are the chances of it giving birth to another Hobgoblin." He looked at me with a glint in his eye "A half and half chance. If two Hobgoblins breed, then their offspring will always be a Hobgoblin." I had ideas that were coming to me, deciding it was time to put in some work and figuring out.

A week later and I was the father of 27 Hobgoblins, none of the girls had given birth to a regular Goblin. There were three Hobgoblin females among them. Once they were all without child I designated the six females I hadn't named yet as regular Goblin breeders. They were taken to the smaller end of the cave, where only those Goblins who had evolved would get the privilege of breeding with, to give the Runts something to look forward to to increase their levels. Of the other six, I was going to breed myself, with the 3 Hobgoblin females being bred by the rest of the Hobgoblins when they were old enough. I had learned from Zidane and Zash that this was the way it was normally done in Goblin society. It took at least 4 generations for birth defects to show from breeding half siblings, but if we were careful and meticulous, then we could make sure to keep that at bay for longer by spreading it out. Grand designs for a massive army began to take place in my mind.

I was woken from my daydreams by Gobelle, Brina and Layla all trying to get my attention. "Finally Master, we have been trying to get your attention for a while." I chuckled "Sorry my loves, dreams of a massive army were filling my thoughts." They nodded and Gobelle spoke up "Zidane didn't want to disturb your musings, so he told me to let you know he has found an Orc camp." My eyes went wide "An Orc camp, truly?" she nodded "Yes, would you like me to fetch him?" I nodded and she turned, grabbing one of the Runts who was tending to the cleaning chores, which they hated. It was another of Zidane's ideas to encourage the Runts to get stronger, after all evolved Goblins didn't have to clean.

He rushed off after she had given him the orders, then sat back down, draping her head on my right leg. Brina was on my left, with Layla between my legs. I had decided the girls would switch places daily, making sure that none of them felt left out and were all given equal treatment. After all these were my Harem girls. Zidane came back a few moments later with a big grin on his face. Bowing he began to speak "My lord, Orcs have been spotted recently, their camp being 3 days to the north at our fastest speed, a week for a march." I nodded as he continued. "From what the scouts have seen, their Grunts are between levels 7 and 8, their stats half again stronger than an average Goblin Runt of the same level. They have not encroached on your territory yet, but they seem to be steadily moving this way. We will be keeping an eye on them, but my suggestion will be to make your army stronger as quickly as possible. as we are now, only your summons will make a difference." I nodded at that and sat back down. Looking at my three girls I chuckled "Looks like we have a lot of work to do girls." They spoke in unison, their eyes hungry "Yes Master."