
Arc Rising

When a person delivers a package, you would expect it to be closed yes? Not opened and possibly stolen. But when a 17 year old boy opens a package that he is supposed to be delivering, something happens, something that the Earth has never seen. When he opened that package he opened the world up to new threats that no one could have ever imagined. Join Cole Wood on his journey. Will he reject his powers? Cursing them for what they do to him? Or will he embrace them, accepting change and realizing just how lucky he is? I made this first on Wattpad, my account is “TheGreatKnown” Also, if you haven’t noticed the cover, my name is Nathan Aery.

Awesomenathan06 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 1


Cole said as he answered his phone.

"Hey boss, I'm on my bike on my way to city center, I'm almost there. HEY! Watch it!" Cole yelled at the random pedestrian walking across the street.

After a few turns and squeezing through gaps in cars, Cole finally made it to city center. During the day this place was impressive, a massive concrete round-a-bout spanning at least 600 feet in diameter. All around it there were extremely decked stores. Real fancy. Above those, giant glass skyscrapers built over 70 stories high. The perfectly spaced windows creaked at the very top from tilting. When you are in the city center you can't even begin to see the top of the scrappers they are so tall.

Sprinkled on the round-a-bout there was basically a park, filled with some trees and flowerbeds. Brand new brown wooden benches. At the center of it all there is this weird phenomena, which if you stand in it, it's like the entire world get shut out, it's just you and whoever is in it with you. When you talk your voice echos, it's actually really cool. People call it, "The Center of the Universe" cool name, since it is in the center of the city.

"Alright boss, I'm here, where's the client?" Cole asked, "He's in the Center, you'll find him there."

"Alrighty. Thanks boss, see you later." Cole said and hung up the phone.

"Alright, now where are you?" Cole thought as he walked through the beautiful scenery of city center. He stopped just as he reached the threshold of the Center of the Universe. The flower beds ended and the ground, instead of perfect concrete, was a ground of ornate bronze and brass. And in the middle of the design, Cole saw his client.

He was hooded and in a black robe, something you'd expect from a cult, or vampire.

"Hey, are you a-, I'm sorry I can't say your name. Anyway I have a package I'm supposed to be delivering to you." Cole said. When the man said nothing Cole kept on, "So, do you like want me to leave it on the side or something?" Cole asked.

"Hello?" The man still didn't respond.

"Oh wait. I'm not in the center. Uggh, dumbass." Cole said to himself as he walked into the center.

"Hey, I can't pronounce your name, but I have a package for you."

The man turned, Cole still didn't see his face however, since he was looking down with his hood on. He reached out, and his hand was pure skin and bone. It was the oldest hand Cole had ever seen. He opened his palm and stood there, waiting to receive the package he ordered.

Cole pulled out his clipboard with the order form on it and prepared it while saying, "Ok, so you're gonna have to fill some of this form out, then the package is all yours." He handed the man the clipboard. Why does he smell like that? Cole wondered. It was the stagnant smell that you just can't get rid off no matter how hard you try. It was the smell of death.

Cole took off his bag slowly, sort of worried. He got the yellow parchment bag out and took back the clipboard from the man.

"Thanks, here's your-" "Open it." The man said very suddenly, surprising Cole. He looked up into black eyes. "Open it, now." The man said, his voice seemed hollow, as if he weren't really there.

Cole stood there stunned for a few seconds until he finally comprehended what he was just told.

"I'm sorry you want me to open your package? But it's yours!" The black eyed man nodded, slowly. "Open it." He said. "B-but-" "OPEN IT!" The man suddenly burst out in anger. "Ok! Ok. Alright, sheesh, no need to get that pissed about it." Cole said with worry heavy in his voice. He took the yellow package, and slowly opened it. What he saw next was extremely strange.

It was an orb, the insides spinning on itself, extraordinarily fast.

"What is it?" Cole asked, he looked up, but the man was gone. "Hello?" "Hello?!" Cole looked around, but the man was no where in sight.

"How does someone leave like that?" Cole asked himself, "Whatever, he gave me his package, might as well see what it is."

As he turned his attention to the sphere in the bag, it seemed to glow a sort of blue. Cole reached into the bag and picked it up. When he did this it started to glow more and more, and it's insides spun faster and faster.

"What in the world?" Cole said. He held the fist sized device in his hand, watching it glow brighter. Half a minute passed, at this point the light was so intense that Cole had to look in the complete opposite direction to avoid being blinded. And the noise. The noise was getting louder now. When it first started Cole couldn't hear anything, but now, it was almost a roar. And it was getting louder still.

All of a sudden, it stoped, stopped glowing, stopped spinning, stopped making noise. Just stopped. Cole looked at the sphere cautiously, afraid of what it could be.

Was it a bomb? A power source? Cole asked himself these questions. But since the sphere didn't look like it was doing anything, he put it in his backpack and started out from the Center. He walked out from the Center, stepped off the ornate brass, and the world went black.

Update: hey, so I'm editing out most of the cussing, since I want this to be an actual book, I'm not gonna have a massive amount of cursing in my book. So the "ass" words will stay, and some of the hells will stay.