
The angle like girl would have raped me.

No I can't said dillon embarrassingly...........................

Do you want to be a dead meat?,said aranyani nonchalantly..........

Hey angle ,show some mercy on me,what are your intentions asking me do such shameless act,iam really shy and please don't take advantage of me,please leave this innocent human,show some humanity, please don't rape me!!!!..........

Are you a human? you belong to a category called monster right,and what is rape???.........

Hey angle are you acting dumb and innocent or are you for real,I can't do this,better I choose to be a dead meat!!!

my daring darlings just tore his clothes said aranyani domineeringly...........

Belly and lolly started tearing his clothes ,his legs were all exposed...........

wholly and holly were about to tear but there was a loud sound ordering to stop...........

Every one turned around and saw eco grenville with very stern face........