
Happy to have such a glorious pain.

All was immersed in the happiness of eco and aranyani, only zywie was having a worried look on her face........

Aranyani still have one more baby inside but the baby was not making any movement, she was panicking , her thoughts run wild ,as she had seen this few days the critical condition of aranyani, she known the consequences well, if baby have no movements than it will be hard to get the baby out.........

She need to feed aranyani the medicine for forced labor, which is more painful ...........

Aranyani still need to have pains and teh baby need to make movement to rush out but aranyani was very normal and no signs of pain cam be seen.....

Zywie was in trance......

Eco who was immersed in his joy thought of another baby, he saw zywie who was bit pale and was in tense.........

Eco suddenly thought of the words he heard when he was unconscious........

He understood the situation quite well now........