
Fight between aranyani and dillon!

Who is brainless bimbo,iam very very sharp and handsome,so handsome that you wanted me to get naked and I know you wanted to rape me,said dillon in frustration .........

Hey bimbo,can you please say me what is mean by rape ,said aranyani innocently..........

You....you....you..... said Dillon stammeringly................

Than suddenly realization hit his head,what eco said him in the morning ,all those things got rewind in his brain...............

He confidently removed his scarf from his face and gave a very gentle smile to aranyani and said.........

Hey angle,you really wanna know the meaning of rape???

Aranyani eyes were filled with curiosity, he was the first person who didn't fainted because of her doubts and the gentleness and approachability of dillon made aranyani to know more ............