
Eco's blossoming blooming smile.......

Aranyani was still holding the third baby, seeing eco's ugly look she put the baby on bed and saw what wrong with eco.......

When Aranyani saw second baby mischevious smile her sight automatically went to his lower part where a bubble of pure natural ,without any unpurities, ,warm and warm boys weeing was accurate shooting to eco's abdomen.......

The stiff and incomparable handsome face of eco was worth watching.......

Aranyani couldn't take it any more and got paralyzed on the bed ,clapping her hands on the bed laughing and laughing triumphantly.........

The neatness freak eco , was like a statue and felt even more wronged seeing his beautiful wife mischevious and loud laugh which was echoing through out the whole room........

Aranyani again saw eco's face which was so stiff and all the pity greivances were clearly written on his face.......