
Deal of eco with rocher ru making him happy ......

Humpty,Hopper,Gajja,belly,holly,molly,lolly, blacky all made great roar feeling happy that rocher ru had regarded them as family...............

Aranyani was happy too seeing the happiness of all..........

eco who was watching everything , whose mood was low due to the kisses of all, but after listening to rocher ru he felt happy that all the family members of aranyani had kissed him...........

His gloomy mood turned into a pleasant mood and his spirits were high rocketed thinking from such an angle..........

Every one was moved to the palace near by the cave to have dinner but rocher ru didn't moved from cave and was with iris ru to take care of her........

Aranyani was not able to convince her father to move to the palace .........

Her mood was low seeing her father gloomy everyday ...........

Eco felt bad seeing father and aranyani in low spirits .........