
Aranyani giving new name to eco, ended up in sinking,jumping& flourishing kiss

Eco jumped from the window and went near aranyani and hugged her directly ,patting her back , it's okay, it's okay now, calm down, it was just a nightmare............

Aranyani soon pushed eco back, you beasty how dare you, how dare you to pull my long hair, from.back , why were you teasing me all the time, you pinched my nose too, why did you pinch my cheeks and irritated me with playing with them, yelled aranyani at eco with reddy red face,puffing her cheeks making them look round, bouncy and cute.............

Eco understood everything what aranyani said and he was so so merrily happy, aru now that our hearts are already connected so well that all my wishes have been fulfilled in my aru's dream thought eco smiling faintly..........

So, my sweet aru, i accompanied you in your super sweetdreams, did i really do all that my cute little aru, you dreamed of me , aww iam so blessed and delighted to know that, said eco teasingly and happily.........