
Aranyani getting blessing from celestine.....

You idiotic monster, you can't fool me like this, when did we took oaths , we didn't, so it won't be considered, said aranyani nonchalantly...........

I have taken oath when i returned the bonding kiss to you , and my heart was witness of my oaths, said eco seriously adding lot of huskyness to his silvery voice.........

Aranyani felt shy for the first time in her life by listening to eco and was not able to face him and to hide it from eco, she immediately turned her face as if she is angry and spoke not at all facing eco sucessfully hiding her shyness and said artogantly ............

Stop fooling me, and i have many doubts , you first need to clear that, her tone was so domineering but the difference was ,she was not showing her face asusually...........

Ho aranyani not now, i will be taking you somewhere else , said eco hurriedly not noticing the diffrence in aranyani..............