
Aranyani's trick to lure out eco

Eco was enjoying aranyani's desperation to meet him, he hid himself very cleverly and seen aranyani's searching for him.......

He was excited as how she will find him, he was surprised to see tigers being obedient to aranyani and not hunting any animals for aranyani's sake......

He saw her anger, her love towards belly and holly, the way she treated them was like her family.......

He was amused!!!!

Aranyani thought of meeting the mischievous creature , she thought a trick to lure the creature out, aranyani liked woolen sweaters a lot and thought ,may be this creature would also like it so she started weaving the sweater whole night, she dyed with purple colour , and made lite pink colour heart in the left side of the sweater, it was beautiful but had a girly look .........