
aranyani's sadness made eco heart ache

After being angry with eco, aranyani started doing her works but she was not so lively, as she use to be, she doesn't smile frequently now... .........

she stopped singing the songs too, she was absent minded and always into deep thoughts, she rather looked sad and demotivated..........

As aranyani was sad ,humpty was too sad even mintu and pintu were not at all active and belly, holly were dull as if something precious is missing , molly, lolly tried to cheer aranyani time to time but she never came back to her original way.........

Eco saw all this and felt very bad, his heart ached for aranyani.......

Even pluffy was also sad and angry on eco that he stopped hiding in his sleeves and didn't climbed on eco's shoulder, snowy behaved in the same manner........

Pluffy had no idea what going on eco mind, it was always on eco side and understood him so well, it also knew that eco's happiness is aranyani but eco didn't dared to show him up to aranyani........