
Aranyani's muddleheadedness.......

Iris ru understood third baby the most......

on the very first day she had know that the third baby didn't like any milk drops on his clothes and he wanted to have new set of clothes.......

Such a neatness from the day of birth is very rare......

Iris ru soon took the baby and changed him into new set of clothes than finally the third baby felt

relaxed and soon jumped into his sweet sleep.......

Eco noted this fact and thought of using it when mother ru was not near......

In a very good mood, eco greeted iris ru lovingly......

Mother ru, good morning.....

listening to eco's cheerful tone Iris ru felt good, even though his face was still expressionless, the happiness in his eyes of having sons didn't went hidden........

Good morning newly promoted father of three, how was your morning and how does it feels to be a father,asked iris ru in same good mood......

Mother ru, it's good, said eco calmly......