
Appoplexian in marvel

It’s about a dude getting reverse truck kuned, he ends up being a hybrid Appoplexian. No omnitrix it’s just rath all the time. This is an experimental story so I hope you enjoy. Check out my patr eon. Smithsonian_86

Smithsonian86_ · Anime e quadrinhos
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35 Chs

Cool his core

This helicarrier is such a big flex not gonna lie. But in my opinion it's kinda over compensating, it's like that guy who buys a pc then decided to buy the top of the line parts to improve every single aspect of his pc then just dumps it when the newer model comes out. And before you argue shield has three more of these somewhere and the triskellion so my words hold meaning.

Now that we landed Natasha gave me some warnings, don't piss of Bruce, no scaring agents into thinking I'm a xenomorph, don't steal coulsons trading cards and Lola. She was going to say something about fury but we've already arrived. Captain slipped him five bucks and he began his little speech.

"Welcome to my helicarrier, she's the most advanced aircraft in the world and the only functioning mobile air base." I just zoned out and suppressed my presence before walking over to galaga guy and whispered to him "hey, wanna dual screen" he looked at me before pressing a button spawning a second ship for me to pilot.

He worked the WASD and space bar to shoot while I took the arrow keys and the mouse. For thirty minutes I blatantly ignored the tense atmosphere that was built up thanks to fury and starks arrival. They acted all dramatic and as they are about to win "YES!!!!!!! he's high score!! Suck it David! Woooo!" And then high fives galaga guy.

Fury glared with one eye and processed that i had been ignoring him "Nathan Apothos" oh he's about to scold me, pre-emptive strike "Nicholas Josephine Fury" the room froze as someone snickered "your middle names Josephine" stark snickered while the agents began sweating heavily. Fury directed his anger at tony "You want to say something Antoinette?" He shut his mouth real fast and fury nodded as if to say "damn right" then turned back to me.

"Did you get any of the sensitive information I just conveyed" I shrugged "his step brother brainwashed your guys, stole an infinity stone, Loki has a second objective then something about a security council. Tony was hacking the computers while being snarky, Cap was thinking about some Gilf and references, widow is still trying to process what happened on the plane ride over, Thor is comparing Asgard to here, Coulson is fanboying over cap, Bruce is trying to keep calm because he's been socially reclusive for a while and all the big personalities are making him antsy then there's you who's wasting time."

"Did I get everything~" "you missed the part where I was measuring threat levels" he replied insinuating he may have me arrested. "And I missed the part where I get the pay check I'm due. Widow just go pretend to be a regular woman infront of loki so he'll squeal. Imma getting some grub".

And with that I left, these guys love making entrances but no one exits like I do. Oops shouldn't forget my own hack, I whipped out my phone and checked it it connected, you didn't think I really just played galaga the whole time. Oooof cccourse not— I stuck one of moon girls Hacking devices on that console.

It's been uploaded to her now so I can find how much shield knows and what they know. The only person left that I would consider for my team would be the black cat. I'm not aiming for a relationship with her because she likes to get people cucked. All Spider-Man girls have some kind of issue that annoyed me in the comics. Except silk I liked her character a lot but she probably won't exist in this world.

Now then time to call the girls *purururu purururu purururu ca cha*. "Hello tiger~ how's Germany" "morning Oreo~ it was boring. I beat up Loki from Norse mythology and iron man insulted me. Then Thor showed up and blasted me so i tested your birthday present. I love it!!"

Ororo from the other side smiled happily "that's good lady jade here is a little worried about you" "no I'm not" I heard from the background. "Ohh is she pouting because I got pulled out of bed" Ororo nodded "she certainly is but don't worry I'll keep it warm for you. How are these...avengers that you mentioned."

I exhaled "a shit show babe, you met the Russian earlier. Thor will probably join, iron man is an asshole, I think the archer guy who is bewitched will join once he's rescued. Captain America seems nice but he's just distracting himself. I don't think you and jen should join. Also her cousins here and he looks like he's hopped up on coffee with how he's twitching every so often."

Then I heard the phone ruffling before I saw Jen's face. "Bruceys there? Aww tell him I miss him so much. Dad too~ maybe you should bring him back with you." "You sure? He wrecked Harlem last time so may be a bit apprehensive about going back. Also I'm wondering how he'll take our relationship" she scoffed "it's not up to him plus you could kick the green guys ass no problem". This is true I nodded sagely and stroked my non existent beard. Jen is really into Wuxia and manhwa lately so we called her lady jade.

"Now then hurry up and get finished over there. I want some more of my kitten milk~ hmm? Oh and Ororo wants photos of Loki's weapon." "Got it bye~ love you." I heard two I love yous over the phone. When I ended the call I turned to find a short guy with a purple shirt "was that my cousin?" He asked abruptly. So I pulled the miles morales and touched his shoulder "yup we're fuck buddies. See ya around Brucey~ " and walked towards the mess hall.

*brt brt brt* hmm I wonder why an alarm is going off, meh probably nothing. Now then I entered the mess hall and found no cue so I helped myself to the buffet. Lasagna, fried chicken, spaghetti, french fried, shepherds pie and for desert a brownie ice cream. I munched away but the alarm was still going on "could someone please shut that shit off!" I shouted which made the sound system stop. "Thank you". *ktch cliclak thrup* Hmm I turned to see some dudes in black armour pointing guns at me.

"Get on your knees!!!" "I'm not your mother last night" "open fire!!!" The sound idea gunshots rang out and screams of soldiers with the occasional order "grenade out?!?!" But I would just kick it towards someone as soon as it landed. There was about twenty of them. As I finished the door to the mess hall slid open and Natasha entered gun in hand. She looked at the carnage and then looked at me "you do know they were under duress" "shut up they shot my brownie. A mans food is his castle"

She rolled her eyes "come on, Loki escaped when the hulk started a rampage outta no where. His goons appeared shortly after and started working there way through the ship. Starks fixing the hole in the turbine and Thor handled Hawkeye." "Is Phil ok?" She looked at me confused "yes he was on the bridge with us why?" "No reason~ what about the hulk".

She then slowed down "he uh knocked himself out" "really?! I mean seriously" "don't" " I mean he has one talent and he knocked himself out?!?! Hahaha I couldn't do that if I tried." "Loki's still on the ship and we need a heavy hitter like you or cap on him. Can you get banner up".

I looked at her and said "lady if there's one thing I know how to do it's get a hulk up. I'll need Loki's sceptre for this." She stopped talking and just led me to the laboratory where some goons where trying to steal it. *snikt* I popped my claws and laid into them. Two minutes later I was recording the sceptre from different angles and then messaging Ororo."

"I don't see how this will get hulk up and after Loki" "hahaha you will~" we marched towards the big green gorilla. He's just a big lump of muscles laying flat on his belly with his ass in the air. Good makes things easier I thought as a malicious grin appeared on my face.

My phone buzzed so I opened it and read the text "has jotunheim frost enhancements on the base and some kind of mystic power source." I texted back a thank you before tossing my phone to natasha. "Record this, it's going to be a historic moment." "Why do I have a bad feeling" "let me tell you something about myself Natasha Romanoff aka black widow. Recently I watched a series with my girlfriends called Blue Mountain State."

She is recording this so I continued to smile "in that show it follows footballers at college. During one episode they had to train in absurd heat. The boys would fall from heatstroke, so they had to cool themselves down. The medic had a certain practice to cool down their cores. I theorise that the same practices will awake a hulk and allow you to direct them at an enemy."

Romanoff is interested now "it's called ice rod treatment, thanks to my lovely girlfriend I have a tool that should be cold enough to wake the hulk" I then lifted Loki's sceptre and rubbed the blunt end of it making it glow blue. A frosty air began to leak from it and widow shivered.

I turned towards the sleeping banner and whispered in his ear "Loki did it" which made him exhale a little harder. I then circled round to his ass that he held in the air. "This technqiue has many names but the one I like the most if ten thousand years of death. But we're changing it to suit the situation."

I then took at step back and shouted "ice style- frosty annihilation" and proceeded to use Loki's staff to cool hulks core. *RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!*. A mighty roar sounded out throughout the ship that made everyone tense for a second. I grabbed romanoff and booked it around the corner but left my phone recording.

The hulk was shivering in a mixture of cold and unyielding rage. He turned around to the source of his pain and found a metal stick rammed up his ass. As he looked at the stick banners memories of it passed through his brain. 'Loki's stick, Loki did it~ puny god bad touch Hulk'. Hulk ripped the stick out and screamed "PUNY GOD!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Loki heard it and realised it was aimed at him so he made the jet take off. Fuck the staff he thought, that sounded worse than mangog!!! The avengers also heard the scream and collectively thought "what did that guy do?!?!"

Rath then walked around the corner towards the pissed off hulk who was leaking a green aura. "Hulk" the green giant snapped towards him. "Loki ran away after he attacked you, he's going to starks tower. In New York banner can direct you there. Quickly the puny god is getting away and laughing about what he did!!!!" The hulk nodded and jumped through the metal walls aiming at New York.

Nathan smiles as he went towards his phone and stopped the recording. He pulled up the group chat of temper "and send~". Widow came around the corner and was ghastly pale "you are a living nightmare, how something so twisted, so foul can exist is beyond me." And then looked towards me and bowed "please forgive me for breaking into your apartment. I'm truly sorry" I snorted in acknowledgement "damn right you are. Your forgiven Naty. I'm calling you Naty from now on". She just nodded and looked like Subaru from Re:zero as puck ended the world.

"Come on we gotta get to a jet, loki is about to do something nasty." She snapped back to reality and began running towards fury. I was inwardly chuckling as the group chats notifications in my pocket went nuts.