

Luo Zheng, once at the lowest rung of the Luo Clan hierarchy, now finds himself in a precarious situation. Despite his family’s legacy as the founders of a powerful refining technique capable of defeating any opponent, he faces unfair treatment from a family steward. One fateful night, driven by rage, Luo Zheng sets fire to the family records. Little does he know that this seemingly destructive act would awaken hidden magic within the ancient tome. The magic engulfs him, transforming Luo Zheng into a skilled fighter with newfound abilities. Now an outcast, he flees his home and the despicable clan that once scorned him. But his troubles are far from over. As he embarks on a journey to rescue his younger sister, he must learn to harness his newfound powers. Meanwhile, his own cousins, driven by jealousy and greed, relentlessly pursue him. Luo Zheng’s path is fraught with danger, but he is determined to protect his family and uncover the secrets hidden within the ancient texts.

Lucifersnovel · História
Classificações insuficientes
350 Chs


"Granny Long, do you think there's a need for me to continue lying?" Shi Jingtian said with a smile.

Granny Long's small eyes glared at Shi Jingtian. She just snorted but didn't say anything. After all, she just mocked Shi Jingtian and was slapped in the face right after.

"This kind of strange movement should be the result of him peeking at the surface of the Laws of Space. Just a little bit." Fei Han's eyes were filled with shock as she watched Luo Zheng's movements.

"Superficial understanding?" The Sect Master of the Magic Cloud Sect shook his head and said, "Elder Fei, forgive this old man's eyesight, but if I'm not mistaken, this Luo Zheng's movement technique should be the Phantom Steps of our Cloud Hall's Daoist Dameng! This technique can only be used after comprehending at least the 1st level of the Law of Space! "

The white-robed old man from the Magic Cloud Sect was older than Shi Jingtian. Back then, he had accidentally received a reward and was fortunate enough to enter the Sumeru Space in the Cloud Palace to study the broken stone inscriptions. Although the Sect Master of the Magic Cloud Sect did not comprehend the Law of Space in the stone inscriptions, he had studied a lot about it.

Luo Zheng's movement method was almost the same as Daoist Dameng's Phantom Steps. His body didn't move as if he was moving along an invisible track. However, Daoist Dameng's Phantom Steps could move a considerable distance, but Luo Zheng could only move a foot or so.

Fei Han shook his head and said, "This is indeed the embryonic form of the Phantom Steps, but this young man has only comprehended a superficial understanding of it. With his current comprehension of the Law of Space, he can only move in this broken space. Didn't you notice that the young man is walking in a crooked manner as if he's looking for something?"

The several Sect Masters looked at Xin Gui. Luo Zheng wasn't moving in a straight line, but instead took a few steps to the left and then a few steps to the right.

"If my guess is correct, he should be relying on the weak points of this broken world to achieve the effect of the Phantom Steps." Fei Han said slowly, "This trial taker's road is originally a broken world and the whole world is not particularly stable. In addition to the broken space in the sky, many other spaces in this broken world have already begun to collapse. Although the trial taker's road hasn't collapsed, there are still many flaws. Through these flaws, Luo Zheng should be able to move horizontally."

Fei Han was very confident in his own inference. Not just anyone could come up with this answer. "However, Luo Zheng has indeed comprehended a superficial understanding of the Law of Space. If he was in the outside world, it would be very difficult for him to find the flaws in the space, and he wouldn't be able to create the flaws in the space like Daoist Master Dameng. Xiantian third stage … … unexpectedly, he can comprehend these things. It really makes us old fellows blush with shame."

Although Fei Han was powerful, but he hadn't comprehended the Law of Space. In the past, when he had failed to comprehend the Law of Space, he could only switch to cultivating the Law of Fire.

The several Sect Masters also shook their heads. Luo Zheng's actions really made them sigh.

Luo Zheng walked all the way, and after experimenting dozens of times, he finally stopped. There were so many densely packed lines, and he couldn't keep running along them. If he continued like this, they feared that the trial taker's road would close, and he wouldn't even be halfway there.

Choosing a path in front of him, Luo Zheng took a step forward and ran wildly.

The trial taker's road was a secret territory of an ancient palace. Flying was forbidden here, so although those Illuminating Spirit realm disciples had already gone far away, they presumably wouldn't leave Luo Zheng behind too much.

The scenery of this world was very strange. There were strange and short plants everywhere, and the air was filled with a strange fog, giving people a gloomy feeling.

However, Luo Zheng ran all the way forward for seven or eight miles without encountering any danger.

The trial taker's road was also known as the Blue Cloud Road. Through this road, one could enter the Cloud Hall. Obviously, this road wasn't easy to pass, so the more smoothly Luo Zheng felt, the more vigilant he became. Dangers often lurked in the unknown.

"Fork in the road!"

"Another fork in the road!"

Along the way, Luo Zheng found that there were as many forks in the road as there were hairs on an ox. Every disciple chose a different fork in the road, and he was afraid that the content of the trial would be different.

After Luo Zheng chose a fork in the road, he found that the originally short plants seemed to have changed.

The plants in front of him grew taller and taller. The originally short plants that were as tall as his calf had become shrubbery taller than a person.

Just as Luo Zheng maintained his vigilance and slowly moved forward, a plant on the side of the road suddenly moved!

The plant that was as tall as a person was like a willow tree, with long branches hanging down. As soon as Luo Zheng stepped into its territory, the strange willow tree suddenly waved its willow branches and fiercely whipped them at Luo Zheng.

With this whip, the willow branches emitted explosive sounds in the air, and on the ends of the willow branches were countless small sawtooth thorns.

If an ordinary martial artist were to be whipped by these hundreds of willow branches, their skin would be torn open, and they would be covered in blood.

It was also very difficult to dodge. These willow branches seemed to be able to freely extend and contract. As long as one stepped into the willow tree's territory, it was the same as being wrapped by the willow tree.

"Zi zi zi …"

At this moment, the willow tree's trunk even emitted a screeching sound like a mouse. Obviously, it was very excited.

However, before those sharp willow branches could touch Luo Zheng, a sword intent suddenly surged from the surface of Luo Zheng's body.

"Perfect sword intent!"

"Kacha kacha kacha …"

The sword intent formed a cyclone of sword intent that was like countless sharp scissors, twisting all the willow branches that dared to extend over into pieces. The willow branches scattered in all directions, and not a single willow branch broke through Luo Zheng's protective sword intent.

"Zi zi!"

The willow tree was injured by Luo Zheng, and its screeching sound became louder. It constantly shook, and even pulled out its roots that were inserted into the ground and began to retreat.

"This tree can actually run by itself …" Luo Zheng was speechless.

The willow tree pulled out its roots, which were like the legs of a spider, constantly moving on the ground and rapidly retreating. Its escape speed was quite fast, and it soon disappeared into the thick jungle.

Luo Zheng did not chase after this strange willow tree. The requirements of the Trial Taker's Path were not to kill these strange plants. This willow tree might not be strong, but who knew what terrible things were hidden in the dense jungle on both sides of the path?

Without wasting too much time, Luo Zheng continued on his way.

After the attack of the willow tree, Luo Zheng was not so nervous.

Since it was the Trial Taker's Path, it was definitely a trial for warriors, not to kill them. However, this path did not belong to the Cloud Hall. There might be some dangerous and dangerous places that even the Cloud Hall did not know. He just needed to go along this path. He believed that the demon beasts or monsters in this area would not be much stronger than the willow tree.

In fact, Luo Zheng's guess was very accurate. The difficulty of the first stage of the Trial Taker's Path was indeed not high. Most of the disciples were attacked when they passed it, but the attacks on each fork were different. The participants of the Trial Taker's Path were all second-grade sects, and the passing rate of this stage was almost 100%.

Next, Luo Zheng was attacked by several kinds of plants, such as a fan-like plant with sharp teeth on its edge. It wanted to swallow Luo Zheng, but it was smashed in half by Luo Zheng's fist. There was also a plant similar to a mimosa plant. Its huge leaves stretched out on the ground. The moment Luo Zheng stepped on it, the huge leaves wrapped around him in an instant.

The green leaves looked very fragile, but in fact, they were very tough. After activating the power of the dragon scale, the leaves were forcibly broken by Luo Zheng's body.

Walking and stopping like this, Luo Zheng finally walked out of the fork. As soon as he walked out of the fork, Luo Zheng felt a burst of hot air blowing on his face. Behind the small hill in front of him, there was a blood-red light.

When Luo Zheng climbed up the small hill, there was a fiery red magma in front of him. This magma was like a sea, extending to the end of the boundless sea.

"How can I pass this?" Looking at the boundless sea of magma, Luo Zheng was somewhat helpless. Although he had the body of a high-grade spirit tool and was not afraid of being burned by the True Fire, it was unrealistic for him to swim across.

If even he could not pass, how could others pass? This Trial Taker's Path was not designed like this!