
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
120 Chs

Chapter 76:Gingerina

In Etna Dungeon, a duo was standing while eerie silence surrounded them.

There were monster carcasses surrounding them while the man was skinning the last monster, his partner was enjoying the meat of the other.

After carefully placing the prized loot in his bag he stood up and looked at his partner and said, " I think this should be enough. Let's go back, Aria. It's almost evening."

His partner looked at him with her face covered with blood and telepathically said.

[Okay Bhaiya]

While the duo was backtracking their way they didn't come across any monsters but only a few fellow adventures.

He was thankful that now his familiar was covered in monster blood, dying her fur red, and didn't look like any rare monster.

While he was walking he checked his status.


[Name: Satvik Vinashak]


[Race: Human - Apostle]

[Class: Dancer]

[Level: 12]

[Title: Spouse of Spirit Sovereign, Loved by the Gods, Marked One, Herder, Widower, Avenger ]

[Strength:113 ]

[Attack: 109]

[Defense: 97]

[Agility: 121]

[Stamina: 126]

[Mana: 10,000,198+ 500]

[Spirit: 0 ]

[Skill(Active): Tandav (Apostle Skill) Lvl:1, Third Eye (LVL:2), Elemental Aura (Lvl:3) Telepathy (Lvl: 5), Concealment (Lvl: 8) ]

[Skill (Passive): Lasya (Lvl: 2), Enchanter (Lvl: 1), Low Heal (Lvl: 1) ]

[Blessings: Goddess of Wealth, Goddess of Land, Goddess of Knowledge, God of Serpentine, Sun God, Moon God, God of love and Desire, God of War, Apsara ]

[Familiar: Aria Vinashak]


'I've already reached level 12, a little bit more and I'll be level 13 in no time,' he thought inwardly.

During their travels, he avoided fighting strong monsters and believed in the ideology that slow and steady wins the race.

Although hunting stronger monsters would've fetched greater results but for the time being, he would like to avoid taking risks.

'If I could find one more party member, we could enhance our grinding,' he thought while looking at Aria's status.

He could even access her status through his while using a familiar column.


[Name: Aria Vinashak]

[Age: 3 Months]

[Race: Luminous Tiger]

[Level: 8]

[Title: Familiar of Apostle, Fearless Daughter]

[Strength: 73 ]

[Attack: 78]

[Defense: 69]

[Agility: 84]

[Stamina: 78]

[Mana: 104]

[Spirit: 0 ]

[Skill (Active): Claw (Lvl 3), Bite ( Lvl 3),

Stealth (Lvl 4) ]

[Skill (Passive): Spatial Awareness (Lvl 3), Heightened Senses (Lvl 4), Fearless Pride (Lvl Max) ]

[Blessings: Goddess 'Asura Destroyer' ]


'She's doing fine as well,' he thought with a satisfied smile.

When they came out from the dungeon, they were welcomed by mocking laughs.

After looking at Aria, people rated Satvik as a rookie tamer who got his ass handed over in the dungeon.

"Poor little guy. It's hard to survive with a stupid tamer isn't it?" asked one of the adventurers from Aria in order to mock Satvik and everyone started laughing.

Satvik rolled over his eyes. This was also a part of being an adventurer, facing mockery from others. So, he was already expecting such behavior.

Though he was thankful that these high and mighty ignorant side characters failed to notice Aria's special trait and thought that she was some average feline monster and didn't even give her a second glance.

They have moved quite far from the mocking adventurers but both could still hear the monstrous laughs which pissed off Aria for someone.

No matter if she called him Bhaiya and he treated her like a sister but at the end of the day he was his master and she didn't like it one bit.

Her pride didn't allow it. Her master was her pride and people mocking him, only boiled her blood with anger and made her grouchy.

[Bhaiya, once I became strong enough, I'm gonna eat that man with a bald head and another one with a weird dressing sense.]

Satvik started sweating after hearing her declaration and said, "Please don't! It will leave a bad taste in your mouth and they will probably give you bad gas."

"I will treat you to something good later. Don't their mocking comments get to your head?"

"Sometimes others should undermine us, it's better for our cover as well, I guess," he said in order to pacify his ferocious pussy cat.


'Yep! Now she's back to her teenage phase,' he laughed inwardly.

"Let us head back to the guild and do away with our loot. This weight is gonna give me a backache," he said and they turned towards the Guild.

'I should have asked for dimensional skill. Can't they read my mind? Oh, gawd, please someone bless me with storage skills,' he thought while adjusting his makeshift backpack.


Satvik reached the outer and walked towards the counter to meet a guild representative to sell his loot.

However, he was surprised to see that the middle-aged ginger-haired representative was waiting for him and even waving at him.

He frowned and hesitantly walked toward her with a poker face.

"Welcome back, Mr. Ansimp. It seems your first dive was quite fruitful," she said with a smile on her face.

Satvik nodded and placed his backpack on the ground next to the ground. Then after observing the woman for a moment, he said, "I wish to sell this loot."

But before she could reply another adventurer butted in between them and said, "I was here before him and you told me that you're on the break."

"Since, now your break is over, heed my request first," he said and brought out a piece of paper and pushed it toward the representative.

Then the adventurer looked at Satvik and gave him an intimidating stare and was about to speak something to him but the guild representative spoke first.

"Oye Pig! Go and talk to another representative. There are tons of them slacking around, shoo!" she said with a frown and waved her hands as if she was shooing a filthy animal.

The adventurer was flabbergasted and in confusion muttered, "Huh?"

"Go on! Shoo!!" she said again and the adventurer was about to yell at her when another representative came and took him away.

Satvik was also feeling paranoid due to the actions of the representative and wanted to run away from here as soon as possible, so he mumbled, "I just want to sell my loot, Asap!"

The middle-aged woman nodded and guided him to another room. She was wearing her usual white blouse with a violet long skirt. Her hair was tied in a neat bun her green emerald eyes shined brightly.

While on their way, her butt would sway hypnotically as if she wanted to seduce Satvik and she even tried to make short conversation with him, asking random questions.

Then after a while, she looked at him with a serious expression and said, "You know Mr. Ansimp, I was there, at the city square the other day when you saved those filthy beast-kins."

"Although it was quite heroic, Why did you save them?" she questioned him.

Satvik shrugged his shoulder and said, "Because they needed my help."

The woman frowned and said, "That's something unexpected. Humans these days only look down at other races these days and treat them as good."

"It's a shame, that the concept of racial neutrality, on which this city was raised from the ground, is hardly there."

"Only place that is left neutral anymore, is the academy grounds. Then there's you, throwing away a couple of gold coins to save a mother-daughter pair of beastkins while, you are facing monetary struggle, I suppose," she said with eyes filled with sorrow and her gaze lost their focus.

Satvik nodded and said, "Disdain towards the other races is quite visible in humans but it is different here, especially in your eyes."

"They carry serenity. Why is that, Mrs. Human?" he asked.

She was definitely trying to take a peek at his thoughts. So, he cross-questioned her.

"Oh! Are you complimenting my eyes, if you want to take this lady out, she's more than happy to go out with ya," she said in a sultry voice.

'She's a clever one,' he thought inwardly.

"You never introduced yourself," he said with a polite gaze.

She panicked and started stammering, "Oh my name of course I-it is Ka-*ahem* Gingerina. Yes, that's my name."

"Your name is Gingerina?" he asked her again with a deadpan expression.

She nodded with sweat glistening on her forehead and nodded while speaking, "Yes, my parents were quite lazy while naming me."

Satvik nodded and said, "Well no one complains about that, can they?"

"So, why you chose to become an adventurer? Given your looks you could have chosen many other professions," she said in order to divert the topic.

"To get stronger while making money," he replied.

They had already reached the loot exchange station and after receiving the money from the exchange which was only one silver coin and a few copper changes he started walking back.

"Goodbye, Ms. Gingerina. I hope we meet again," he bid her farewell.

"Of course, we will meet again, you're not getting away from my clutches any time soon. Good luck with your hunt, Mr. Ansimp," she replied with a smile.

Both Aria and Satvik were heading back to their temporary residence and then Aria spoke telepathically.

[Did she really think she could hide her scent? If some human would have forgotten about it, that would make sense but a beastkin makes the same mistake, it's outright stupid, Bhaiya.]

Satvik nodded and said, "Let her be, until and unless she harms us, we'll play her little game."

While they were walking away, a middle-aged man's gaze was fixed on them.

The man was casually standing next to the window, in his room which was on the third floor of the guild building.

In his room was another person standing with ginger-colored hair tied in a bun and was wearing a white blouse and a blue long skirt.

"So, even that little fox is interested in him?" asked the man from the woman standing next to him.

The woman nodded and said, "Yes, she requested to swap places with me. Even offered to pay a hundred golds to me, Guild Master."

"But as per your instructions, I just swapped the place without any monetary exchange," she finished with a bow.

"I'm grateful, Reina. I have known his father since we were young, dumb, and broke. It's a shame she had to go through all that. If only I had known."

"His father would be throwing curses at me from the heavens," said the guild manager.

Then he again looked at the silhouette of the duo which was fading away in the crowd and muttered, "I want eyes on them."

She nodded and he spoke again, "I need to talk to another nine as soon as possible, things are about to get interesting."

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