
Apollo The Rejected (Revived)

This was shut down for a few years but thanks to the power of several thousand people having viewed this, I'm gonna try to rewrite and bring it back.

MALICIOUS56 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Hazy Eyes Meet The Broken Soul (old)

Slowly the heavy lids of his eyes were lifted with his little strength, all of his force being put into keeping them open and looking forward.

What he saw was roofing of brimstone held up by black iron arches, with platforms holding braziers of purple fire and polished silver statues of perched beasts with gem eyes.

He could feel nothing except the cold feeling of stone against the skin of his back and the frigid air surrounding him.

The silence in his brain felt foreign to his mind, and the quite room led the light ringing in his ears to be the only thing he heard.

Slowely his strength came to him, first in the form of his thoughts, 'Cold.' was all he could think at first, slowly evolving to 'I'm cold.' then to 'why am I cold?' 'I'm cold because the room is cold.' 'why is the room cold?' 'because there's no heat.' 'but why? There's fire, but no heat.' 'the fire is purple, it's not normal fire. It probably isn't producing heat.'

Then it came to him in his fingers and toes as he wiggled them, slowly leading to him moving his hands and feet, then his legs and arms, then neck and chest.

'I want to get up.'

He pushed himself up from the icy stone alter, looking around at the room he stood in.

It was in more of a hall shape then that of a normal room, and the big arches and commanding architecture made it seem like it was important, but it felt... Unused, like it's been centuries, but the room was in perfect condition as if frozen in time.

He kept walking, curious about where he was. The further he walked the warmer it got, and a faint thumping, like that of a heart, began to go through the building.

As he stepped out of the open grand ebony doors into an endless dark, a purple light began to grow, beating in time with the heart-like thumping, slowly growing in strength with the sound, showing the meaty, veiny texture covering the glow, slowly spreading through vein-like structures in the place he walked into, slowely but surely spreading, and finally the final parts became noticeable.

'it looks like they're eyelids.' he thought to himself, before they shot open, revealing purple rings surrounded by black.

They looked down to him, a small haze forming over them, as the veins grew around his feet like veins.

At first he tried to jump back, but his body wouldn't move and, oddly enough, the veins covering him felt... Natural.

He let it happen but kept his mind strong, he needs to be his own even though his body no longer is.

The eyes stared at him still, trying it's very hardest to peirce his mind, but all he did was stare back.

Then the eyes shut.

And the veins left his body.

And the heart burst Into a violent purple light, a small femanine silhouette forming.

It stepped from the light and looked up to him.



I'm going to leave this here and rewrite it in the next chapter.

now watch the style change (:

MALICIOUS56creators' thoughts