
Apocalyptic World: I've Got The Second System

Seventeen-year-old Seth's mundane existence takes an astonishing twist when he hears a divine proclamation from God. The world teeters on the edge of an apocalyptic event, but instead of the typical chaos and destruction, God transforms it into a challenge. A challenge where every human receives a unique system and concealed abilities, all in the name of survival. "Shit! What should I do?" I could hardly hear my own voice as I faced imminent death. In the midst of the darkness, a woman's voice taunted me. "What an intriguing human, on the verge of death, aren't you?" Yes, I am! Please, stop talking and let me pass in peace. "How about I offer you a chance? You need to help me escape, and I believe you're the only one who can." How could I possibly do that? "Yes, yes, just form a pact with me. I'll grant you the victory you desire most, and in return, I'll gain my freedom. But it won't be without a cost. I'll bestow upon you the Ouroboros curse." Are you seriously presenting me with this choice while I'm on the brink of death? Ugh, do I even have a choice? As I resolved to accept, I heard a voice. [Downloading the new system] [100% success] [The new system connects to the server] [100% success] [Incognito mode: activated] [Welcome to the second system, Tiamat] Huh!? I have two systems now!?

Solastius_Seena · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
99 Chs

Rage Unleash

There were so many things I wanted to ask Aoki, but I couldn't. In the end, the three of us explored the spaceship in silence.

I hesitated to speak, considering Garcia's irritated demeanor. She was walking briskly in front of us, likely still miffed because I challenged her. I found myself walking alongside Aoki.

"So... From which class are you?" I asked Aoki abruptly, cursing my own awkwardness.

"Ah, I'm an assassin," she replied shortly. Aoki had now donned a helmet, leaving only her face visible, which, I must admit, was still beautiful.

{What a simp}

Tiamat's unwelcome comment annoyed me. I just wanted to engage in polite conversation with a teammate, not express romantic interest.

"And from which colony are you?" I inquired further.

"I am from the South."

We were from different colonies after all. What a shame.

Wait, why would I think that way? It didn't matter from which colony she was, why did I even care? It wasn't like I intended to visit her or anything.

"What are the two of you doing?" Garcia interjected suddenly, her voice tinged with irritation.

"Chatting," I replied cautiously, hoping not to escalate her frustration.

Garcia sighed with annoyance. "What a stupid ass," she muttered.

I sighed in return. It baffled me that the two women couldn't just be kind to each other. We were in a mini-game that could potentially be lethal, but for now, we weren't in immediate danger.

Besides, I doubted Aoki was from another team; she seemed too innocent. She didn't strike me as someone capable of deceit.

Garcia suddenly stopped, and I followed suit, confused about what had caught her attention. Up ahead, a lone figure in a spacesuit with a red light and a lightsaber stood, looking like trouble.

I didn't think he was a problem since there were three of us anyway, but since I holding a Galactica cube, I might not help much.

"Guard that cube with your life, Seth. Lose it, and you'll be sipping dinner through a straw," Garcia warned, her threat emphasizing the cube's importance, even against our own teammate, Aoki.

I just nodded, feeling the weight of the situation. She was really serious about it too, it was scary.

Garcia confidently approached the lightsaber guy. Would she handle him easily with her strength?

She threw a punch at his head, but he dodged effortlessly, gearing up for a lightsaber strike. Garcia stepped back, narrowly avoiding the blade.

The guy countered with a flurry of rapid attacks, showcasing incredible speed and agility. Garcia, with her gauntlets, deflected most blows, but some hit her, leaving visible cracks in her armor and slash marks all over it.

He attacked again and this time it slashed Garcia's armor deep until it bleed. Without getting her rest, he struck again, and Garcia fought back, holding him off with her gauntlets.

But he persisted, pushing his lightsaber against her, causing her to step back and the gauntlet almost broke completely as I could see the armor fall off of it.

I wrestled with the urge to jump in. Garcia said to stay put, but watching her struggle was tough. So, I fired my gun, hoping to divert the guy's attention with a shot nearby.

It worked. He backed off, giving Garcia a moment to breathe. She took the chance, landing another punch. But he was quick, activating a shield that made her attacks useless.

Garcia, undeterred, used a laser from her gauntlet, breaking through the shield. The laser hit the guy's shoulder, and he retreated, seeking cover in another alley.

Damn! He was not a weak player!

I wanted to approach Garcia, but she stopped me with her look as I needed to protect the cube and also looking at Aoki's movement, we were not sure if she was an enemy or teammate anyway.

So I turned around to look at her still with the same armor color at us and sighed in relief. If she was an enemy and I needed to fight her while Garcia busy, it would be a real nightmare.

So now, the only thing I could do was to assist Garcia and she seriously needed to drink potion because she was bleeding.

But it seemed like our enemy didn't give Garcia any rest at all. He emerged from the alley, and relentlessly pursued her, wielding a larger and more radiant sword, it was evident he employed a skill from the Warrior class.

The attacks intensified, becoming faster and more powerful. Garcia struggled to evade, and even when she managed to dodge, his strikes effortlessly tore through her armor.

The assault reached a devastating climax as he targeted her head, sending her helmet flying. Garcia collapsed to the floor, blood streaming from her throat.

The events unfolded so rapidly that I could hardly process them. Instinctively, I handed the Galactica cube to Aoki and rushed towards them, gun in hand.

I fired relentlessly at the approaching enemy, my sole focus on reaching Garcia and ensuring her survival.

Amidst the chaos, I witnessed her grim struggle, hands desperately attempting to stem the bleeding. Without hesitation, I materialized a healing potion and hurled it in her direction.

As the man closed in, ready to strike, I discarded my gun, fully aware of what needed to be done.

Drawing upon Niel's skills and expertise in hand-in-hand combat, I swiftly dodged his attacks, identifying an opening in his defense. Positioned to attack from above, the enemy aimed to bring his sword down on me.

I addressed Tiamat, "Change my class to Material Artist and activate the Prince of Chaos."


{The Architect activated: swapping the attribute}


{Activated the Prince of Chaos}


Empowered by heightened physical strength and agility, I unleashed a powerful punch to the man's stomach, sending him sprawling to the floor with his armor shattered.

Damn! I was stronger than I thought!

{I shifted most of your attributes to physical attack and agility, making you potentially stronger than Garcia even without the gauntlet.}

Oh, I see, and probably because of the Prince of Chaos too. I didn't care how messed up this game would be in the end, I just wanted to end this despicable man.

As he attempted to rise, I swiftly delivered a hard kick to his stomach and disarmed him of both his hand and lightsaber, sending the weapon clattering away.

Consumed by anger, likely fueled by the harm inflicted upon Garcia, I forcefully opened his helmet and gazed at his repulsive face.

Unrelenting, I pummeled him mercilessly, each blow accompanied by the sickening sound of impact and the sight of blood.

"Please... Stop... I'm sorry..." his ragged voice pleaded, hands attempting to shield his face from the onslaught.

But I wouldn't stop now, after what he did! If Garcia died, how could I ever face Gideon and the rest of my party members again? The weight of that thought fueled my relentless assault on the fallen enemy.

This piece of shit! How dare he!

Unable to reach my gun, I materialized my short sword, it was a shame that it hadn't transformed into a lightsaber. But it didn't matter, for now, my immediate goal was clear – to end this man's life.

With a swift motion, I sliced his throat until his movements ceased. Blood painted the floor, splattering across my spacesuit and helmet. The system notification materialized before me:

[You received 5000 killing points and 250 EXP for killing one player]

[Killing count: 6 players]

I fought to control my ragged breath as I stood up from the man's body, approaching Garcia. Despite the blood, her wounds had closed thanks to the healing potion, but she remained in a deep sleep.

The regular rise and fall of her chest reassured me – she was alive but exhausted. How many hours had passed since the start of this game? Perhaps around 3 hours?

Feeling the weight of fatigue, I sat down beside Garcia, leaning against the cold wall. The desolate hallway stretched before me, prompting a sudden realization – Aoki was missing.

Panic surged through me as I frantically called out for her, "Aoki? Where are you? Come out!"

But she was nowhere to be found.



Garcia would kill me!

{Looks like you're not just an NPC anymore. You're an MC}

{A braindead one}

Tiamat's laughter echoed in my mind as I grappled with the impending consequences.


I forgot sometimes how fun is it to write action scenes. It was really fun and frustrating and the same time. But at least, MC looks cool in this chapter, right?

Solastius_Seenacreators' thoughts