
Chapter 9: With this Little Amount of money, You can't even buy a single carrot

"Big brother, can we really eat this?"

Inside the small building, Hanhan, who had just woken up, held a strawberry the size of an apple and asked in confusion.

"Of course! I just tried it, and it tastes good!" Li Tianran replied with a smile, putting the radiation-resistant vegetables he had just harvested into the kitchen freezer while turning back to answer Hanhan's question.

"But this strawberry is so big!" Hanhan tilted her head and blinked her eyes. "In fairy tales, the fruits that look delicious are usually poisonous..."

"Like the poisonous apple in Snow White..."

Li Tianran raised an eyebrow and asked, "Do you think you're Snow White?"

"Mhm!" Hanhan pouted proudly and arched her nose, indicating that her beauty could easily rival Snow White's.

"Snow White doesn't have your chubby face." Li Tianran pinched Hanhan's chubby cheeks indulgently.

"Ouch... that hurts!" Hanhan pulled away from Li Tianran's grasp like an angry little beast and placed the big strawberry on the table. "Hanhan is angry. Hanhan is going on a hunger strike!"

"Really? Don't want it?" Li Tianran picked up the strawberry and waved it in front of her.

"No!" Hanhan turned her head stubbornly, trying hard not to look at the juicy, ripe strawberry.

"Then I'll eat it myself..." Li Tianran pretended to turn away.

Hanhan's mouth watered as she struggled to swallow. Her eyes involuntarily drifted towards Li Tianran.


Hanhan, you must hold on!

You're a little princess, how can you bow down to the big villain?

But that strawberry looks so delicious!

If she took a bite, it would probably sweeten her entire day…

Thinking like this, her mouth started to water.


Hanhan walked over to Li Tianran in a huff, put her hands on her hips, and acted aloof. "If Big brother apologizes now, Hanhan will forgive you, and Hanhan won't go on a hunger strike anymore!"

Li Tianran glanced at her, raised an eyebrow, and intentionally looked away.

"Wuwuwu, Big brother has changed, Big brother never used to treat Hanhan like this! Hanhan understands, Hanhan will disappear from your sight forever..." Hanhan pouted and cried, saying, "Hanhan will make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

"Fine, fine. I give in to you..." Li Tianran reluctantly handed her the strawberry and gritted his teeth as a warning. "From now on... watch fewer brainless soap operas!"

Hanhan held the big strawberry like a victorious general, her face devoid of any tears. She pouted triumphantly, "No way! In TV dramas, when girls deal with boys, they cry, make a fuss, and threaten to commit suicide. Big brother falls for that!"

Unable to bear it any longer, Li Tianran grabbed her, ignored her strong protests, and messed up her neatly arranged short hair...

Little Black lay beside the sofa, watching the quarreling siblings. Its eyes showed a familiar expression. This wasn't a fight; it was just a way of expressing love.


"Big brother, these fruits are really sweet..."

Five minutes later.

Hanhan sat on the sofa with a fruit platter in her hands, using a small spoon to continuously feed herself. Her eyes sparkled with the enthusiasm of a seasoned foodie. "It's a taste I've never experienced before!"

Little Black, beside the sofa, also held a big strawberry and wagged its tail while eating.

Li Tianran had already tasted the radiation-resistant fruits before.

They indeed had a much better texture and a sweet and refreshing taste compared to ordinary fruits. After eating them, there was a warm feeling in the body, as if even fatigue was cleared away.

"Do you like them?" Li Tianran asked with a smile.

"I love them!" Hanhan nodded enthusiastically.

"Then, from now on, will I bring it for you every day?" Li Tianran asked again.

"Mhmm!" Hanhan's eyes sparkled with countless little stars. Then she thought for a moment, scooped a spoonful of fruit chunks and brought it to Li Tianran's mouth. "Big brother, have a bite too!"

"I'm not hungry, you can eat it yourself." Li Tianran waved his hand.

The radiation-resistant crops were equally effective in relieving hunger.

From last night until now, he had only eaten two tomatoes, but surprisingly, he didn't feel hungry at all.

"Just have a bite!" Hanhan said again.

"I'm really not hungry..."Fine." Hanhan obediently sat down. She occasionally glanced at Li Tianran's face, thinking that her Big brother was really amazing to be able to resist the temptation of the sweet strawberry…

How did he do it?

As a seasoned foodie, Hanhan couldn't understand the answer no matter how hard she tried.

"Ring Ring Ring!"

At that moment, Li Tianran's phone suddenly rang.

He glanced down and the smile on his face instantly disappeared.

Zhong Ling.

This was the second time Li Tianran received a call from Zhong Ling since the destruction era.

Although he didn't know the purpose of Zhong Ling's call, Li Tianran didn't want to have any more entanglements with her.

If they were going to break up, they should do it cleanly.

He pressed the hang-up button directly.

He thought he could have a moment of peace, but to his surprise, less than ten seconds after hanging up the call, the ringtone rang again, like a death knell.

"Ring Ring Ring!"

"Ring Ring Ring!"

"Are you done playing?" Li Tianran looked at the constantly flashing "Zhong Ling" on the screen and finally started to feel annoyed. He got up, took his phone, walked to the kitchen, and closed the door before pressing the answer button.

"Fine, tell me what you want."

The call connected.

On the other end, Zhong Ling seemed to be in a chaotic environment, with occasional disorderly shouts and angry voices, mixed with the continuous honking of car horns, which was extremely harsh.

"Hello? What's the matter?" Li Tianran's voice was cold, and he asked impatiently.

Zhong Ling's voice on the phone was also somewhat hoarse. After hearing Li Tianran's voice, she seemed surprised.

It seemed that Zhong Ling didn't expect Li Tianran to answer her call.

"Hey, Li Tianran! Do you have any stored food and vegetables in your farm? My family didn't get any rice, and we're running out of food. Can you send some over?" Zhong Ling got straight to the point.

"I'll send you a list on WeChat, just prepare according to the list!"

Li Tianran sneered at her words.

That's how Zhong Ling had always been.

When they were together before, Zhong Ling never called him when there was nothing wrong. But once she called him, it was either for money or to make him work for free.

Even after they broke up, she hadn't changed a bit. Her words were filled with a sense of entitlement!

"Miss Zhong, did you forget that we've already broken up?" Li Tianran said indifferently. "I don't think I have any obligation to help you with your problems."

Zhong Ling was stunned for a moment, and then her voice turned cold. "Li Tianran, you really are heartless! After so long in a relationship, don't you have any feelings for the past?"

At that moment, a man's voice came from Zhong Ling's end, sounding extremely annoyed.

"Zhong ling, why are you wasting your breath on him? These farmers are just taking advantage of the current inflated prices and thinking highly of themselves! Ask him what price he wants for his rice and vegetables, and I'll pay him ten times more!"

Li Tianran narrowed his eyes upon hearing the man's voice. He recognized it as the voice of the deputy general manager of Zhong Ling's company!

Anger surged in his chest.

"Alright, Li Tianran, since you don't want to cherish the past, let's talk business! Immediately bring me a hundred kilograms of rice, a hundred kilograms of flour, and a hundred kilograms of vegetables! Name your price, and I'll pay you!" Zhong Ling's voice turned cold too. "Thirty thousand? Fifty thousand? Or a hundred thousand?"

Li Tianran laughed in anger. "Fifty thousand? A hundred thousand? Let me tell you, with that amount of money, You can't even afford a carrot in my house!"