
Chapter 35: Sorry, wrong group chat.

"But after the crazy post-seeking incident on the forum last time, Li Tianran dared not to issue a warning anymore.

At least, not for the time being! Unless the whole Yan Huang is in great danger, he will not easily expose his cards again.

And since he took care of Liang Tianyu, there haven't been anyone searching for his posts on the forum.

Life is full of coincidences.

Li Tianran originally wanted to find someone to investigate the information of the poster. Now it seems, he can save the trouble.


Half an hour later.

While the people around the world were nibbling on dry bread and dreaming of the end of the famine in three months, Li Tianran and Hanhan were sweating profusely as they enjoyed spicy hot pot on the induction cooker.

Plate after plate of beef balls and slices of lamb were put into the pot. With the red broth boiling, it emitted an enticing fragrance.

"Big brother, here some sesame sauce..." Han Han handed over a small bowl containing sesame sauce sprinkled with chopped green onions and cilantro.

Lamb slices and sesame sauce were a perfect match. Li Tianran took a bite, and the delicious taste refreshed him.

Actually, what goes better with lamb hot pot should be clear broth hot pot to maintain the original flavor of the lamb. However, due to the recent severe temperature drop, Li Tianran also liked to use spicy flavors to satisfy his desire for sweating.

Since the era of destruction, the temperature difference between day and night has become increasingly large.

The daytime temperature is about minus two or three degrees Celsius, and at night, the temperature can drop to around minus fifty degrees Celsius. Even with three layers of down jackets, ordinary people still feel the biting cold wind, making them ache all over.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening, and the cold wind had already started outside the window.

Li Tianran opened his phone and saw several photos in the WeChat group of his former university classmates. They were pictures of people standing in long lines in the cold wind, wearing layers of coats, waiting to buy ingredients at the grain sales point.

Gao Le: "This damn weather, freezing me to death! The queue is so long... I really don't know when I'll get my turn!"

Li Suyan: "@Gao Le, what is the daily quota in your city now? In my community, each family is only allocated half a catty of rice per day, and sometimes you can't even grab it. It's really infuriating!"

After graduating from university, there were fewer interactions in this WeChat group. Everyone had gone to different cities and chosen different career paths. Common ground became less, so the conversations were limited.

However, a disaster has brought the classmates scattered around the world together again to discuss a common topic.

The group quickly became lively.

Most of them were complaining about the difficulty of buying food and the hardships of life. Li Tianran just watched silently and did not speak.

His relationship with his university classmates was not too close.

During university, although they had not yet stepped out of the campus gates, some students had already formed their values in society, and friendships were often formed within certain circles. Someone like Li Tianran, whose family background was not particularly good, found it challenging to gain much recognition.

At this moment, Gao Le, who had been actively speaking in the group, suddenly mentioned Li Tianran.

Gao Le: "By the way, I heard that Li Tianran went back home to farm after graduating... I laughed for several days at that time. A high-achieving student from a 211 university became a farmer. Now it seems that he had foresight. He's probably not suffering like us, he might have turned into a big shot by reselling grain. If only I had known, I would have gone back to the countryside to be a farmer!"

Wang Nannan: "@Gao Le, are you stupid? This time, global crops have decayed and contain toxins. Li Tianran's crops must have failed, maybe even suffered a big loss, and still became 'Entrepreneur Li'... what a false dream!"

Gao Le: "Haha, true! After all, Li Tianran lives off the land... This time, the weather is really not helping him, completely smashing his livelihood."

Wang Nannan: "@Li Tianran, old classmate, come out and say something! Let us see what the great farmer entrepreneur has become now?"

Zhao Yuhao: "You two, that's enough! We are all classmates, Li Tianran did nothing to offend you. Is it fun to mock him like this?"

Gao Le: "Who's mocking him? We just casually mentioned..."

Wang Nannan: "Yeah, yeah! I can't even speak the truth!"

Zhao Yuhao: "Nonsense!"

Li Tianran looked at the conversation between Gao Le and Wang Nannan, expressionless.

Although it had been a year since graduation, he still had a deep impression of Gao Le and Wang Nannan.

Gao Le was his roommate in the dormitory, with a sharp tongue and a tendency to belittle others to elevate himself. It was as if by doing so, he could make himself superior in front of others despite not being outstanding.

Wang Nannan, on the other hand, was a female student from a well-off family. It was said that her father worked in a certain government department. She had been pampered since childhood, which developed some not-so-good habits. She always felt superior to others, whether it was classmates or friends.

During university, Wang Nannan and Li Tianran had a conflict.

It was a simple matter.

Because of a quota for impoverished students.

At that time, there was a classmate in the class named Wang Chong. His parents were chronically ill and urgently needed the financial assistance, but Wang Nannan also applied for the impoverished student election.

During university, sometimes the quota for impoverished students might not necessarily go to those who truly needed it; some students, who were clearly not impoverished, could still get the money.

This was a common occurrence.

Due to the influence of Wang Nannan's father working in a government department, the class's impoverished student quota inevitably fell into Wang Nannan's hands.

Although her family was not poor, who would refuse extra money?

But on the day the financial aid was distributed, Li Tianran, in front of the whole class and teachers during a class meeting, loudly questioned Wang Nannan and the class advisor: Why does Wang Nannan's wealthy family manage to get the impoverished student status? Why did Wang Chong, whose family was genuinely struggling, miss out?

Is this about selecting impoverished students, or is it about using connections?!

Li Tianran roared, slammed the table, and questioned the two in front of everyone.

The classmates were stunned.

This was something everyone tacitly understood.

Wang Nannan wanted the money, and the class advisor might want Wang Nannan's father to do something for them. It was an open secret.

But to avoid offending Wang Nannan and the class advisor, everyone chose to remain silent.

But now, after Li Tianran had publicly exposed it, everyone could no longer pretend not to know.

This incident alarmed the school, and it ended with Wang Nannan being disqualified, receiving a severe disciplinary warning, and the class advisor being internally reprimanded and transferred from Li Tianran's class.

Since then, there has been an irreconcilable enmity between Wang Nannan and Li Tianran.

Until now, Wang Nannan did not forget to dig up Li Tianran to mock and ridicule him!

"These two people can actually chat together. It seems that belittling me is their common hobby..." Li Tianran sneered.

The group didn't stay chaotic for too long.

Perhaps Zhao Yuhao didn't want to get involved with people like Wang Nannan, and he quickly chose to mute group messages.

Seeing Zhao Yuhao no longer speaking, Wang Nannan suddenly felt a triumphant sense of victory.

Wang Nannan: "It's better to work at the unit. Our director specially approved some gifts for me at the grain purchase point, no need to wait in line... Originally, I felt a little embarrassed, but who made him ask my dad for something, so I shamelessly accepted it! Just looked at it, it's some snacks, finally able to enjoy tonight..."

She posted a picture.

It showed several packages of packaged snacks, similar to pickled chicken feet and pickled chicken legs, usually a few yuan per package in the supermarket. However, despite the grain shortage, the price of these snacks had soared to two hundred yuan per package, which was quite terrifying.

Although these things were not particularly rare normally, in the current situation, they were considered rare delicacies!

Especially after eating plain water noodles with salt for several days!

Gao Le: "Envious! It's still nice to have a good dad. I'm here braving the cold wind to queue up for food, and you're at home munching on chicken legs. Tsk tsk, what a difference! Can I ask if your dad still needs a son?"

Zhou Ning: "I'm also asking!"

Fan Pengfei: "Sister Nan, can you start a live broadcast? I want to deceive myself. I'm not eating pickled vegetables; I'm eating big chicken legs!"

After saying that, Fan Pengfei posted a picture in the group.

It was a picture of plain water instant noodles with pickled vegetables, accompanied by a crying expression.

Wang Nannan: "@Fan Pengfei, sure! Satisfy your wish!"

Just then, a series of pictures appeared in the group again.

They were posted by Li Tianran!

In the steaming hot pot, tender lamb slices bobbed up and down with the soup, emitting an enticing luster.

The red chili and meatballs mixed together, and with just a glance, it made people feel a spicy appetite.

On the side, there was an electric grill, and the thick beef steak was sizzling, with a golden surface!

Most importantly, on the plate next to the hot pot, there were actually dishes of vibrant green vegetables!

At this moment, the WeChat group fell silent.

After a while, Li Tianran sent a message.

"Oh dear! Sorry, wrong group, let me remove that..."