
Chapter 30: Building a Fish Pond

June 18th

Time passed quickly, and it was already the tenth day after the Cataclysm.

It was also the third day after Liang Tianyu's death.

During these three days, no military or police came to take Li Tianran away, and no super assassins invaded the farm under the cover of the night.

Everything seemed calm and peaceful.

However, beneath this façade of tranquility, Li Tianran remained vigilant. He knew that people like Liang Tianyu and Sun Dayou were different. Liang Tianyu held a high position in Tianrun Company and was undoubtedly a significant figure.

With Liang Tianyu's death, there would undoubtedly be investigations by certain individuals.

Under this apparent calm, there might be a massive storm waiting for him.

Liang Tianyu's case deeply affected Li Tianran.

In the post-apocalyptic world, the previous order would gradually collapse. Although he didn't have to worry about food, clothing, or the cold now, his strength was still much weaker compared to some big tycoons.

Ignoring the mysterious parent company behind Liang Tianyu, even Tianrun Pharmaceutical was an existence he couldn't currently contend with.

If it weren't for the internal conflicts within Tianrun Company, and if Liang Tianyu hadn't been cautious about using the company's power openly, Li Tianran's farm might have already been attacked...

Afterward, Li Tianran didn't hesitate to spend 50,000 points to activate the remote-control function for the farm.

During the previous incident, Li Tianran's lack of control over the farm became apparent when the thugs under Liang Tianyu's command tried to attack while he was away. He realized that his ability to control the farm was insufficient.

His system's capabilities were like a phone with no service outside the farm, leaving Li Tianran feeling blind about the current situation on the farm. If any accidents occurred with the guards, he wouldn't know at all, and that would be a lifelong regret.

With the remote-control feature, even if Li Tianran was outside the farm, he could control everything inside conveniently!


During these three days, Li Tianran learned from various forums online that the external changes had become even more severe.

The situation had become increasingly chaotic.

Criminals were now openly selling prohibited items on the internet, such as certain stimulating drugs and weapons like guns and rifles.

Li Tianran had anticipated this development.

In the post-apocalyptic world, there were too many hidden dangers, and it was understandable for people to buy weapons to protect themselves.

However, this also indicated that the collapse of order was just a matter of time.

Without resolving the food shortage, even if the authorities did their best to control crime, it would be in vain.

Initially, when the Cataclysm just occurred, Li Tianran had the fantasy that the higher-ups might handle the crisis, and humanity could resist natural disasters, returning to the civilization of the past.

But now, Li Tianran had completely given up on such illusions.

He no longer placed his hope in anyone else and focused on strengthening his own power!

He wanted to create a 100% safe environment for his daughter Hanhan, where she could grow up happily without any worries or dangers.

He wanted to become strong enough so that even if the earth was destroyed, and the human race perished, he could protect Hanhan and create a new civilization on the ruins!

With this determination, he believed he should accelerate the farm's development, gain more points, and obtain all the goods from the store. Only then could he truly have peace of mind.

At noon, Li Tianran cooked spinach and lean meat porridge, accompanied by two bowls of sauced beef and four spicy lamb trotters.

It had been ten days since the Cataclysm, and the food shortage had become more severe. In many places, people were losing their lives due to food riots.

In just South City alone, nearly 80% of families now only ate two meals a day, and even those meals were meager, consisting of plain noodles with a bit of salt as seasoning.

Vegetables and meat had become rare and expensive, with prices skyrocketing to nearly a hundred times their previous value, and yet they were still difficult to find.

Many netizens voiced their opinions on various social media apps, all expressing the same sentiment: they were starving and longed for more food.

Li Tianran and Hanhan also had large appetites. Their stomachs seemed like bottomless pits, and each of them consumed around five kilograms of meat per meal, along with fruits and desserts to aid digestion.

However, as their appetites increased, their physical attributes also improved significantly. Li Tianran's attribute points had all reached level 14, and Hanhan's strength and speed had increased by 2 points.

Li Tianran experimented and found that with his current strength, he could easily lift a 30-kilogram dumbbell with just one hand.

He was no longer an ordinary person. His strength and reaction speed had reached a level that could rival top athletes.

Though it pleased him to be powerful, Li Tianran also faced challenges. His increased strength caused him to accidentally break various objects in the house, such as glass cups and stools, with just a light touch.

After finishing their sumptuous lunch, Li Tianran patted his slightly bloated belly, feeling satisfied.

In the current environment, being able to eat a full meal was a form of happiness.

"HanHan, tell big brother what you want for dinner, and I'll prepare it in advance," Li Tianran gently asked Hanhan.

Hanhan blinked her eyes and thought for a moment before saying, "Big brother, we haven't had fish for a long time. Maybe we could have a big pot of fish for dinner."

Hanhan's words reminded Li Tianran.

There was a piece of open land at the northernmost part of the farm. It didn't belong to the planting or livestock areas, and it used to be a low-lying weedy area. But now, perhaps it could be dug up to make a fish pond!

Li Tianran became excited at the idea.

He decided to do it!

After lunch, Li Tianran sent the intelligent working robot to collect the freshly matured grains from yesterday. Meanwhile, he took a hoe and went to the northernmost part of the farm.

"You have collected 800 kilograms of radiation-resistant rice and earned 8000 points!"

"You have collected 700 kilograms of radiation-resistant..."

As the pleasing notification sounds from the system echoed, Li Tianran felt the excitement of receiving a million yuan from Alipay. These points were more precious than money!

After these few days of hard work, he had accumulated around 830,000 points in the store.

He looked at the "Livestock" category.

"Livestock. Fish. Edible Type:

Level 1 Fry: 10/50 points (requires water quality above Level 1)

Level 2 Fry: 10/500 points (requires water quality above Level 2)

Level 3 Fry: 10/5000 points (requires water quality above Level 3)

Level 4 Fry: 10/500,000 points (requires water quality above Level 4)

Level 5 Tuna: 10/5,000,000 points (requires water quality above Level 5)

He roughly scanned the options and found that the grading for fish was similar to that of crops. They both had five levels, and the prices for different grades and types were the same.

"This is quite reasonable," Li Tianran sighed. Before the Cataclysm, tuna was considered a luxury ingredient, but now, he seemed to be able to afford it. "And the best part is, regardless of their growth environment, as long as the water quality is good enough, all types of fish can live in the same fish pond!"

Li Tianran swung the shovel in his hand, psyching himself up. Let's get to work!

Of course, he didn't plan to dig a fish pond that covered about 1000 square meters with just a shovel.

That would be an impossible dream!

However, he was someone who valued rituals, and even if he planned to use an excavator later, he still wanted to dig the first shovel of soil with his own hands. It was his self-cultivation as a farmer!