
Apocalyptic Savior

In a ordinary day there was a human who died by an accident, not by some normal accident but a paranormal accident. I was walking towards my house, who I Youta Saturo a student, I live in a small apartment it's already dark because I was busy in the club activities. While walking in a alley a bright flouting ball appeared, it's shining bright in the closer look it look like an thunder ball. I thought it was a hologram or something so I went close and check it, but the moment I step closer into it I lost conscious. I woke up on a bed in a small room, I get up the bed and look around, there was a small table near the bed and a letter. I Open the letter [ Hi! Youta Saturo, im the goddess of mistake Ατη you should already have guessed what happened, I... Make a mistake in your world you know about that shinny ball thingy right? That thing killed you, that shouldn't be there but you see Im clumsy tehee ] I was fcking mad at that time like I died because of a mistake!???? WTF!?

KLUX · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

chapter 7

The store was looted, the doors are broken and the store was empty.

Except for those expired and rotten food "what do we do now Youta?"

"We should look for a big houses and check it"

We then look around looking for big houses, but one after another we found nothing.

But why did we search for big houses? Because you will be probably pick a big house for your base right?

But now that there are no sign for any survivors there are only one way, I explain to Amelia what to do and she agrees.

And for why am I on the rooftop? The plan is to use Amelia as a bait, she have a megaphone and she will pretend to be looking for survivors.

She is a girl and she is defenseless, not having to see a girl in a couple of months will drive mens crazy.

As for the megaphone I buy It from the system shop, now well just have to wait for a survivors to come.



She keeps repeating that after a couple of minutes maybe 5 minutes, then she looked at me then I signal her to stop.

She will then wait for her Prince Charming to come, not knowing it was a bait.

If every Prince Charming did come then Amelia will knock him down, or we'll forcefully shoot him/her.

If she's/he's obedient then she/he would Probably put her/he's hand up.

Waiting for 5 minutes, nothing change

Waiting for 10 minutes, nothing change

Waiting for 20 minute, still nothing change

Waiting for 30 minute, yep still nothing change

Then after waiting for an hour we decided that the survivor might leave the village.

We did the same for the next two villages but still, we didn't see any survivors.

It's already noon, I look at my watch and it's 3:58:04 Pm.

We decided to go back and try our luck tomorrow, as usual I sneak out early in the morning to kill some zombies.

And come back and sleep again, wake up eat breakfast and look for survivors.

This continues in a week.

And finally there are only last 2 villages to check, the villages that we check was; the store are looted some even loot the houses and some of the village wasn't even touched.

What I mean is the store wasn't even loot nor a sign of a human activity,

"there are only 2 villages that we need to look around right?" I asked

"yes" she replied

"by the way, where were you when the disaster starts?" I asked

She thinks and said "hmm I was around the mountains doing some camping, it was about a week when I come down but then this Happened"

"hehh, you sure are lucky that you are still alive"

She smiled and said "yes"

We start doing our thing, first looking for store and this is a bit weird cause all the store are looted.

It was empty like no rotten food or any expired food left, what makes it weirder is it was not forcefully break in.

We get out of the motor bike

I check at the door handle and it was unlocked, forcefully unlocked maybe by a string or something.

A burst of wind suddenly comes then the towel that Amelia was holding was taken by the wind, she runs to get it.

"this is weird..." I look at Amelia I began to get shiver and I rushed at her and Hugged her but with the impact we Slammed at the wall.

But before we slam at the wall I rotated so that I'll be the one who will get the impact, Amelia was confused why I did that.

"Youta! Are you okay? Why did you do that?" she said worriedly

"look closely where your stepping at" I pointed my finger at the ground and there was a wire a thin wire where if you don't pay attention to it carefully you won't notice.

I notice this because of the "power up" we don't know what are waiting for us there, so we immediately get a place to hide.

I trow a rock at the wire and all if a sudden a arrow fired, I told Amelia to pick the arrow.

She comes back and give the arrow to me, looking at it carefully the arrow was well crafted.

The arrow was purposely made to kill zombies

"Amelia, get ready there might be a high chance that we can find a survivor here"

"but be aware, the survivor might be an experience hunter and might try to kill me or even us"

She gets nervous "okay, I'll be more extra careful"

That's only one of the worse case scenario for us, there might be not only one survivor here.

And they might not "welcome" us politely, i should be more careful.

Earlier if I didn't have the power up then Amelia might be dead by now.

I already have a plan in mind, knowing that the survivor are good with traps then he's base should be full of traps.

I told Amelia about the plan so she an I work Separately, I then began to look for traps.

Having the power up save me a lot of time but still, one wrong move and in done.

Since the trap are made for zombies then the survivor might not expecting a human to lunch an attack on him.

As I get deeper at the village many traps are in there, there are even traps that are visible in the naked eye.

As I go farther I notice a house, near it was full of wires Randomly place at the road.

" I see... The survivor are smart but he probably didn't think that a zombie can climb"

I then jump at the nearby wall and climb at it, I walk towards the front gate trying to balance my self to not fall down.

Looking down there are lots of traps that if I step at it I'm dead, as I carefully step at the wall to get to the gate.

I'm now at the top of the gate, not I just need to get my knife at my packet and trow it at the traps to get trigger.

"after that he will notice this and get out, then I'll-"

"what a shame! You sure are smart to think of a plan like that but! You make one mistake!"

"you underestimate me too much! When the first trap you triggered near the store I already know that there are humans here"

I slowly turn around to look where the voice at, and saw a women with a black hair and probably a collage student.

She was holding a modern crossbow, I slowly put my hands at the back of my head.

"I see... So I lost huh?"

She have a smug look face and it's annoying "pretty much"

"so what do you want from me?" I asked

"none! Now die!" she fire the crossbow at Me so suddenly

But I Dodge it she was shocked when she saw this "what!?" she then tried to reload her crossbow but then

A laser pointed at her breast, I laugh at her and get my pistol at my wrist and pointed at her.

"now! Who lose?" she dropped the crossbow and out her hands at the back of her head

I trow her my hand cuffs and told her she wear it, after slowly wearing the hand cuffs while shaking.

"now turn around"

Then I jump at the roof where she is, It was probably about 1 meter apart.

She was surprised at this, I start searching for any weapons in her body.

While searching I accidentally touched her chest "hey! Watch where you're touching!"

I smiled like a devil and whisper "don't worry I can enjoy your body whatever I want, after all your my slave now"

"wha-! You bastard!" she won't shut up so I knock her down, I signal at Amelia to stop now and come with me.