
Apocalyptic Savior

In a ordinary day there was a human who died by an accident, not by some normal accident but a paranormal accident. I was walking towards my house, who I Youta Saturo a student, I live in a small apartment it's already dark because I was busy in the club activities. While walking in a alley a bright flouting ball appeared, it's shining bright in the closer look it look like an thunder ball. I thought it was a hologram or something so I went close and check it, but the moment I step closer into it I lost conscious. I woke up on a bed in a small room, I get up the bed and look around, there was a small table near the bed and a letter. I Open the letter [ Hi! Youta Saturo, im the goddess of mistake Ατη you should already have guessed what happened, I... Make a mistake in your world you know about that shinny ball thingy right? That thing killed you, that shouldn't be there but you see Im clumsy tehee ] I was fcking mad at that time like I died because of a mistake!???? WTF!?

KLUX · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

chapter 1.2

I start looking for every useful item I can find in every house of this village, I open my first house to loot.

Check every room but yet to find anything, look at the living room yet still nothing I go to the kitchen here I find some plastic bag I opened the fridge it is still full yet almost everything is expired and un-edible.

There was a kitchen knifes so I take one just in case, I then go to the next house.

Look at every room, living room and the kitchen and yet couldn't find anything.

I again look for the next house, this time in one of the rooms there was a bag I look inside and full of notebooks and other used for school.

I trow all of them since they aren't that useful, I left a one notebook and a pen in the bag it might be useful someday.

I then again look at the next house, this house this time have something useful.

I found a hiking boots, the owner of the house have a hobby of hiking I wear them without a second thought.

I look carefully of the house this time in the living room, every room none but I'm not gonna give up the man who own this house is a hiker it's impossible to not loot something useful here.

I go in the kitchen, there it is a pile of treasure, a bag full of hiking essential!

I quickly open the bag, It contains emergency kit, bottle of water, pocket knife with a multi purpose tool, a map, compass, flashlight, emergency food and a camera.

" looks like I hit a jackpot "

Grinning smiling like crazy I continue to look at the kitchen I found a portable stove, I took a small pot with it.

After looking in the kitchen I go up stairs, I look at the room yet found just a kids room.

I already checked every room and there was a room that I haven't check yet, I walk towards that room and open the door it was locked.

With the military experience I gain earlier I used the multi tool to unlock it, and it was unlocked Successfully.

The room was the room of the man who have hobby of hiking, I look under the bed and found a sleeping bag.

I open the closet and found some clothes that is easy to move with, a black jogger and a black T-shirt I even took a black jacket if it gets cold out night.

Continue to look for something useful, I opened the drawer and found gloves and above the drawer was a helmet, rope and even a crowbar.

"this house sure is full of treasure"

I put everything I found in the hiking bag , I even put the school bag I might be useful.

Almost everything is ready, water, food, weapon and other necessary need for survival.

[ ting! Please be careful it's about to get dark ]

" Oh yeah I remember, zombies appear here. I should stay here for the night "

" groooolllll "

Ps: IDK the sound of zombie

" so it started huh "

[ please be aware, you are not considered human in this world so please be careful zombies might appear near you ]

" I'm not a human? "

[ you are a human but an outsider so the rule of this world doesn't affect you ]

" I see, I should stay extra alert then "

I go downstairs and put every heavy stuff I can carry at the front and back door, then I go upstairs and lock the door.

I push the bed and put it on the door for extra cautious, then hide at The closet.

I did that in just a short time thanks to the "power up" I got earlier

I can sleep and stay alert at the same time, thanks to the military experience I got.

And I'm also confident with my ears and nose so even if there is a zombie I can notice it easily.

I slowly closed my eyes and start to fall asleep