

Zhang Yi sat at home, quietly waiting for his crazy neighbors to arrive.

His face bore a serious expression, and in front of him was an array of weapons.

At this moment, he received a message from the security guard, Uncle You.

"Xiao Zhang, you better run! They're all coming for you with tools," Uncle You warned.

A slight warmth filled Zhang Yi's heart. In this world, it was rare to find good people.

He smiled and replied, "Uncle You, don't worry, I can handle it."

Uncle You fell silent for a moment, as if he understood that running away wouldn't be an option at this point. Resistance was the only choice.

He said, "Xiao Zhang, I hope you make it out alive. I'm sorry; I might not be able to help you this time."

Uncle You felt ashamed because he owed Zhang Yi a debt of gratitude. When Zhang Yi had reminded him to stock up on supplies, Uncle You had filled his home with instant noodles, sausages, and other items. Now, he was living relatively comfortably, but seeing that Zhang Yi was about to be surrounded by so many people, he felt helpless.

Zhang Yi calmly said, "The fact that you didn't join them shows your kindness. It's okay; I don't need you to worry about me."

Uncle You's choice was the right one. Helping Zhang Yi at this moment would likely result in being attacked by over a hundred other residents.

After a brief chat with Uncle You, Zhang Yi was cautious not to reveal any details about his home. He couldn't afford to trust anyone completely, regardless of who they were.

Before long, Zhang Yi felt a slight trembling beneath his feet. Outside, there was a rumbling sound.

"They're here," Zhang Yi said casually.

He knew that the sound was coming from over a hundred people making their way up the stairs. However, Zhang Yi lived on the 24th floor. The elevator was out of order, so the people coming up the stairs were bound to be exhausted.

But the people outside were not the only ones. At least, through the large screen that displayed the entire unit's surveillance, Zhang Yi saw his neighbor from 2402 also coming out with kitchen knives and wrenches.

Next door was a married couple, with the woman holding a kitchen knife while hiding behind the man. Their eyes glowed with envy as they gazed at Zhang Yi's door. It seemed that after learning about his luxurious life over the past two weeks, they were filled with jealousy.

The crowd continued to pour in, blocking the corridor in front of Zhang Yi's door. Some people held umbrellas overhead to shield themselves from any water he might pour outside.

Before long, someone couldn't resist and started pounding on his door.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Zhang Yi, come out! This is your last chance if you don't want to die!"

"Don't wait for us to break in, or it'll be too late!"

Through the surveillance, Zhang Yi didn't see anyone like Sun Zhichao, and he didn't see Chen Zhenghao either. The fact that these people were banging on his door confirmed that they hadn't informed them of the actual situation inside his home.

In other words, their goal was to use the other neighbors as cannon fodder, making them endure Zhang Yi's crossbow bolts and high-voltage shocks.

Zhang Yi didn't hold back either. He had more than enough power sources in his hands, so he didn't care about using electricity.

He activated the high-voltage shock button. The guy who had been angrily pounding on the door was immediately seized by the electric current, his face contorting in agony.

The most horrifying part was that since over a hundred people had crowded into the corridor, it turned into a human crush. Therefore, after he was shocked, a large group of people behind him also got electrified.


"It's high voltage! Get away!"

The people behind him reacted as if they had been bitten by a tiger, quickly withdrawing their hands. If they weren't wearing so much clothing, they wouldn't have had a chance to break free.

Everyone was shocked by high voltage and their muscles twitched in pain. The guy who had been pounding on the door and the seven or eight people around him suffered the most. Since they had no chance to escape, they were charred from head to toe.

Others watched them in terror but didn't dare to go rescue them. After about ten seconds, Zhang Yi cut off the electricity.

Nine people were emitting blue smoke, and the air was filled with the smell of roasting meat and burnt clothes.


All nine people collapsed to the ground, their bodies charred, and it was unclear if they were dead or alive. However, everyone understood that, even if they were still breathing, they were as good as dead in the current situation.

People stared wide-eyed, horrified by the scene before them. They hadn't expected so many people to die all at once, right in front of them.

The people who died from the electric shock looked extremely grotesque, with bulging eyeballs.

Several women in the crowd couldn't handle it and let out screams, bending over and vomiting.

Unfortunately, their stomachs were empty, and they could only vomit bile.

Some people began to feel fear and attempted to escape. But when they reached the stairs, they found that Chen Zhenghao and his henchmen had blocked the corridor.

"What are you trying to do? Go back!" Chen Zhenghao held a gun and said menacingly.

The corridor was their only way back, and Chen Zhenghao had blocked it, intending to force everyone to fight Zhang Yi. The more who died, the easier it would be for Chen Zhenghao to seize their resources.

Sun Zhichao and his men, despite their injuries, were also present. They looked at the nine corpses with indifference.

Clearly, they shared the same idea as Chen Zhenghao and his group.

Sun Zhichao saw that the people were growing fearful and shouted, "That damned Zhang Yi, he's nothing but a beast! He actually killed his own neighbors."

"My brothers and sisters, we must kill Zhang Yi and avenge them!"

"Don't be afraid. Use wood to strike the door; just don't touch it!"

"He doesn't have many tricks left; he's already run out of ideas!"

"As long as we break down this door, there's a comfortable heater and an abundance of food waiting for us!"

Sun Zhichao's words inflamed the crowd, and it brought tears to many eyes.

They had been living in hunger and cold for over half a month, and they were willing to do anything for a meal and a moment of warmth.

Someone quickly found a piece of wood, likely torn from a wardrobe or a bed.

"Brothers, follow me! Open the door and kill that son of a b****, Zhang Yi!"

A group of people held wooden planks and began their frenzied assault on Zhang Yi's door.




The intense pounding caused the cups on Zhang Yi's coffee table to shake.

However, Zhang Yi felt he wasn't having enough fun yet. He retrieved a large Sennheiser speaker from his pocket dimension and connected it to his phone. He started playing his favorite song, "Making Love While Doing It."

As people outside desperately pounded on the door, the inside of the apartment filled with the sounds of upbeat music, further fueling their anger.

"Zhang Yi, you arrogant jerk! We're going to kill you soon!"

"You're going to die today, in repayment for my brother!"

They raised their wooden planks and began to strike with increasing intensity.

But after dozens of strikes, they sadly discovered that the door hadn't budged an inch.

A dozen grown men, using the combined force of over a thousand pounds, had only left a few white marks and nearly imperceptible dents on the solid black metal door.

The neighbors' spirits sank.

"What kind of door is this, and why is it so strong?"

"At this rate, how long will it take to break it down?"

Everyone was gasping for breath. They had been working in temperatures of minus seventy degrees, and due to their malnourishment, they had very little strength left.

After this episode, many people were too exhausted and had to be replaced.

At the current pace, it seemed unlikely that they would ever break down the door, and everyone might die of exhaustion.

At this moment, a man approached the door, stared at it for a while, and then exclaimed, "This... this is a bank vault door!"

This man worked in a bank and upon closer inspection, he immediately recognized the signs.

Hearing this, the people around him felt even more despair.

"So, this thing can't be broken into?"

The bank employee shook his head with bitterness. "Even if you use explosives, you can't break open this top-tier vault door! Without the key, only the world's most elite lockpick expert has a slim chance of opening it."

At this point, Zhang Yi, holding his crossbow, had already reached the firing hole.