
55.Neighbors want to kill Zhang Yi

After much contemplation, Zhou Keren eventually acquiesced.

Her moral compass and conscience forbade her from becoming a base individual.

However, in her eyes, the neighbors' decision to plunder Zhang Yi out of jealousy was even more despicable.

So, she chose to aid Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi remarked, "Very well, I must first see some valuable intelligence from you, and then I shall provide what you desire. The next steps will depend on your performance!"

Zhou Keren replied, "Yes, I understand."

She was a woman of kind disposition, yet far from foolish. She would never naively demand unconditional assistance from Zhang Yi.

Their conversation came to an end at this juncture.

Zhang Yi cast a glance at the large group chat, where messages numbered 99+ and continued to mention him, subjecting him to moral coercion and intimidation.

"Zhang Yi, where have you vanished to? Provide us with an answer promptly, will you surrender the supplies or not!"

Impatience had already gripped some.

A wry smile curled at the corners of Zhang Yi's lips. It seemed they were intent on assaulting his home.

"To hell with all of you!"

Zhang Yi responded with a laugh.

Immediately, the group erupted into a cacophony of curses and vulgarities.

Zhang Yi paid it no mind. If they had the mettle, they could come over!

By now, he had already tried his hand at taking lives, and there was no hint of remorse. Thus, he had no qualms about taking more.

"Very well, Zhang Yi, you've brought this upon yourself!"

"But do not dare claim that we didn't offer you a chance, you selfish and base scoundrel!"

"From this moment onward, you shall bear the consequences of everything that unfolds!"

The tirade gradually subsided.

There was no need to speculate; they were undoubtedly forming a plan akin to how they had dealt with Chen Zhenghao earlier, sidestepping Zhang Yi as they created a separate chat group.

Their purpose was clear: to strategize on how to attack Zhang Yi's residence.

Zhang Yi drew a deep breath, and a hint of both nervousness and excitement flickered in his gaze. He was so stirred that his body began to tremble slightly.

Even though he knew his home was an impenetrable fortress, facing an assault by over a hundred individuals without a trace of nervousness would be nothing short of deceitful.

Yet that exhilarating sensation kindled the fiery passion within Zhang Yi.

Oh, how he had longed to personally mete out retribution to those ungrateful curs who had once feasted upon his shares!

A glint of steely resolve flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes.

"Let however many come as they may!"


As Zhang Yi had foreseen, the neighbors, realizing that he wouldn't yield his supplies, were infuriated!

Sun Zhichao established a new group chat, adding all the surviving homeowners except Zhang Yi.

They even included Chen Zhenghao.

Upon seeing Chen Zhenghao, some shuddered in trepidation.

However, Chen Zhenghao took the initiative to speak, "Ladies and gentlemen, our primary objective now is to confront Zhang Yi. The supplies in his home likely exceed the total of all our possessions!"

"As long as we bring him down, we can acquire a substantial quantity of supplies."

"So, fear not. I shan't harm anyone else for now."

"But regarding this operation, I demand half of the spoils!"

Having suffered losses at Zhang Yi's hands before, Chen Zhenghao understood that Zhang Yi's home was fortified, not to mention the crossbows.

Hence, he dared not launch a solo assault and planned to lead the cannon fodder from the building along with him.

He believed that with over a hundred individuals, breaking into Zhang Yi's home should be feasible.

"How many weapons could Zhang Yi possibly possess? How many individuals can he eliminate?"

With over a hundred people in the entire building and just six in Chen Zhenghao's group, yet he demanded half of the supplies.

But no one deemed it unjust; instead, they viewed Chen Zhenghao as an admirable individual.

He clearly possessed a firearm but was willing to divide the spoils among us. What a noble person!

Sun Zhichao declared, "Indeed, for now, we should temporarily set aside past grievances. Our foremost objective is to breach Zhang Yi's home and reclaim the communal supplies!"

These two spearheaded the rallying cry, and the others naturally responded fervently.

After witnessing the conditions in Zhang Yi's home, their envious eyes reddened. They wished to eliminate Zhang Yi immediately and enjoy his current lifestyle.

"We have blades in hand; follow me! Let's kill Zhang Yi and seize the supplies!"

"Beat that shameless, selfish scoundrel to death!"

The collective roar echoed with fervor.

Only a handful remained silent, like Uncle You and Zhou Keren.

The others, even those who had a reasonably good relationship with Zhang Yi and had benefited from his generosity, had cast those considerations aside.

Nothing was more paramount than staying alive, and for the sake of survival, they were willing to jettison all ethical and moral qualms!


Zhang Yi was in his home, meticulously cleaning his firearms.

These instruments were no strangers to him; he had frequently employed them at the shooting club.

Furthermore, in the month preceding the onset of this new order, he had intensified his training.

Shooting someone at close quarters was a task devoid of any pressure.

Just at that moment, Zhou Keren sent a message.

"They intend to go to your residence."

Upon reading it, Zhang Yi replied with a simple "Oh, understood."

Seated on her home's sofa, Zhou Keren furrowed her brows upon seeing Zhang Yi's composed response.

She clutched the two layers of blankets around her, pulling her snow-white feet inwards.

"It appears that every household is joining in. They've seen your video, and it has driven them to madness."

"Aren't you contemplating a solution?"

In Zhou Keren's opinion, the most rational course of action at this juncture would be to relinquish a portion of the supplies, quelling the collective fury.

Otherwise, even a formidable individual would be incapable of contending with so many others.

Over a hundred people could effortlessly dismantle a house, after all!

Zhang Yi smiled, offering no extensive explanations.

He merely stated, "Remember, do not come over this time. I'm only reminding you once."

"And then, prepare to watch a good show!"

With a furrowed brow, Zhou Keren was consumed by curiosity.

She couldn't fathom whence Zhang Yi's confidence stemmed, to confront over a hundred people singlehandedly.

This was no trivial matter; once the threshold of his home was breached, the frenzied mob would undoubtedly be after his life!

"Could it be that he's a lunatic?"

Zhou Keren muttered to herself.

Yet this was Zhang Yi's personal choice, and she had no power to alter it.

Nevertheless, she did abide by Zhang Yi's instructions, refraining from joining the crowd's assault on his home. She was a person with a moral compass, after all, and wouldn't partake in the bloodshed, whether it was Zhang Yi's or the neighbors'.