
Apocalyptic Awakening

In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, Cody and his high school classmates search for their families and a safe haven. Cody gets bitten while saving his friend and is left behind by his group. He is later found by Lucas, who leads a small group of survivors with supernatural powers. They discover Cody, who also has powers and accept him into their group. The group reaches the Citadel of Hope, a fortress offering refuge to those with valuable skills and resources. Follow Cody and his friends as they uncover the dark truth about the outbreak! Guys this is my first story and english is not my first language so please have mercy with me if I make some mistakes : -)

Tobero · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Subway Escape

Day 3 after the outbreak

Cody and his group made their way through the ruins of the city, dodging abandoned cars and debris as they went. The sound of shuffling footsteps followed them wherever they went, and the occasional moan of a zombie echoed through the streets. As they rounded a corner, they came face-to-face with a towering skyscraper.

Standing tall amidst the barren wasteland, the skyscraper looms like a giant sentinel, its steel and glass facade reflecting the harsh, unforgiving sun. The once-thriving city that surrounded it now lies in ruins, reduced to a dusty wasteland by the apocalypse.

As they approach the towering structure, they can't help but feel a sense of awe and unease. The building seems almost out of place in this desolate landscape, as if it were a monument to a long-forgotten era.

They can see that the skyscraper is massive, stretching high into the sky, with row upon row of broken windows gleaming in the sunlight. Its edges are sharp and angular, giving it an almost menacing appearance that seems to match the harsh environment around it.

As the group draws closer, you can see that the entrance to the building is barricaded with rubble. Cody and his friends found a small gap between the blocks of concrete and saw an once-grand lobby, now a hollow shell, stripped of all its furnishings and fixtures. But despite the devastation, there is something about the skyscraper that still exudes a sense of power and resilience.

They can only imagine what it must have been like in its heyday, with people bustling in and out of its doors, the sounds of commerce and industry echoing through its halls. But now, it stands as a solitary figure, a testament to the fragility of human progress. They darted into the first floor, their footsteps echoing in the empty hallways. The air was thick with dust and the scent of decay. They kept a watchful eye out for any signs of danger, while going from hallway to hallway. Suddenly they heard the unmistakable sound of zombies shuffling nearby. Cody motioned for the group to be quiet, and they peered cautiously around the corner.

Around the corner, they immediately sense that something is terribly wrong. The air is thick with a sickly sweet stench that assaults your senses, and the sound of shuffling footsteps echoes ominously in the hallway.

As they cautiously make their way down the corridor, they catch sight of them - a mob of zombies, their eyes empty and their skin gray and rotting. They stumble towards them with a relentless hunger, their moans growing louder and more frenzied with each passing moment.

Their appearance is horrific - some have gaping wounds that ooze with blackened blood, while others have chunks of flesh missing from their faces and limbs. Their clothes are tattered and stained with blood and filth, and they move with an eerie lack of coordination that only adds to their terrifying presence.

As the group tries to back away, they feel the cold metal of the wall against their backs, leaving them with nowhere to run. The group was able to see the hunger in their eyes, and they knew that they'd be the zombies' next meal.

Their hearts are pounding in their chests as they frantically search for a weapon, but all they can find are broken pieces of glass. It feels woefully inadequate against the monstrous horde that is closing in on them, and they know that this could be their end.

As the zombies drew closer, their outstretched hands clawing towards them, Cody spotted an old maintenance hatch in the wall. He told the group to follow him, and they escaped into the hatch as quickly as possible. Their breath came in short gasps as they squeezed through the tight space.

Cody was at the back of the group, pushing the others along as quickly as he could. As they crawled, they heard the sound of the zombies below growing louder and more urgent. Cody's heart pounded in his chest as he urged the others on. Finally, they emerged into an old subway tunnel.

The walls were covered in graffiti, and the air was thick with the scent of mold and decay. Cody led the group down the tunnel, their footsteps echoing off the concrete walls.

After a few minutes of running, they came to a small alcove off to the side of the tunnel. It was hidden from view, and there was a pile of rubble blocking the entrance. Cody motioned for the group to help him move the debris, and they quickly cleared the way.

Inside, they found a small room that was relatively safe. There was a pile of old blankets in one corner, and a few cans of food that had been left behind by a previous occupant. Cody collapsed onto the floor, his heart racing and his breath coming in short gasps.

He turned to the others and let out a sigh of relief. "We're safe for now," he said. "But we can't stay here forever. We need to keep moving." The others nodded in agreement, their faces grim with determination.

They knew that the road ahead would be long and dangerous, but they also knew that they had each other. And that was enough to keep them going. As they followed the dimly lit subway, their fear intensified with every step they took. The only light they had was from the screens of their smartphones, casting an eerie glow on the surrounding walls. The sound of water dripping echoed through the empty tunnels, making their nerves even more on edge.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of shuffling feet and low growls coming from ahead of them. The group froze in terror as they realized that they were not alone in the tunnels. The sound grew louder and closer until they finally saw a zombie emerging from the darkness.

The zombie was grotesque, with flesh hanging off its face and bloodshot eyes fixed on the group. Panic set in as the zombie began to shamble towards them. They knew they had to act fast before it got too close.

Klein's quick thinking saved them as he spotted a vent in the ceiling. They all scrambled to lift each other up and get through the opening, struggling to contain their fear and avoid making any noise. As they crawled through the vent, the sound of the zombie grew louder and louder, until they could hear its labored breathing directly beneath them. They held their breath and stayed as still as possible, hoping the zombie would not detect them.

The sound of the zombie below them was so close that they could practically feel its rancid breath on their skin. Their hearts pounded in their chests, and every nerve in their bodies was on high alert.

As they waited, their minds raced with thoughts of what could happen if they were discovered. Would they be eaten alive? Would they be turned into zombies themselves?

The sound of the zombie's labored breathing was so close that they could practically hear its heart beating. And then, suddenly, there was a deafening silence.

Klein dared to peek through the vent, and his heart sank as he saw the zombie directly below them, its face contorted in a snarl of frustration. It was as if it could sense their presence but couldn't quite figure out where they were.

The group continued to hold their breath, praying that the zombie would move on and leave them alone. And, to their relief, after what felt like an eternity, the sound of the zombie's shuffling feet grew fainter and eventually faded away.

Klein let out a silent sigh of relief and started to wriggle his way out of the cramped vent, carefully avoiding any sudden movements that might attract unwanted attention. But just as he was about to make his escape, disaster struck.

His smartphone, which had been tucked away in his pocket, slipped out and clattered loudly on the metal floor below. His heart leaped into his throat as he watched the zombie's head snap up, its milky eyes suddenly fixed on the source of the noise. Klein froze, his mind racing as the creature shambled closer, its outstretched hand groping blindly for him.

He could feel the cold sweat breaking out on his forehead as the zombie drew nearer, its rotten breath washing over his face. Klein tried to scramble away, but his foot caught on a loose screw and he stumbled, falling to the ground. The zombie's hand closed around his ankle, its grip cold and clammy.

He could feel its putrid breath on his face, and the stench of decay filled his nostrils. As the zombie's hand closed around Klein's foot, Cody sprang into action, putting himself between them. With fierce determination, he swung a pipe, which he found on the floor, with all his might, striking the creature in the side of the head.

The zombie let out a guttural groan and staggered back, its grip on Klein's foot loosening. For a moment, it seemed like they might have a chance to escape. But then the zombie lunged forward, its teeth bared and hunger in its eyes. Without a second thought, Cody threw himself in front of Klein, taking the brunt of the attack.

The zombie's teeth sank into his shoulder, and Cody cried out in pain, but he didn't falter. He fought back with all his strength, striking the creature again and again with his pipe.

The zombie's grip on Cody's shoulder tightened, and Cody could feel its saliva dripping down their arm, but they refused to give up. With a final burst of strength, Cody wrenched themself free from the zombie's grasp, but the damage had already been done.

Cody stumbled backwards, blood pouring from their wound, and collapsed to the ground.