
APOCALYPSE: What I Missed, Gone. What I Won't, Not Forgotten.

Embark on an extraordinary journey alongside Galaxar, whose life undergoes a dramatic shift as he uncovers an anticipated invention for time travel. Aided by his loyal AI companion, Echo, and accompanied by Nysa, a cosmic goddess and his twin flame from a separate cosmos, G ventures on a perilous quest. His mission: rectify past mistakes that haunt him, thereby restoring harmony to the natural order, all while striving to reunite with his beloved without inadvertently bringing about an apocalypse.

L_D_X · Ficção Científica
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15 Chs

Chpt 3: The Quest for a Stable Power Source

"The stars may be distant, but they are not beyond our reach," Galaxar mused, his voice tinged with curiosity.

He had often wondered about the significance of this particular phrase, especially in the context of their quest for a new power source. It sounded metaphorical, a reminder that their ambitions could bridge the gap between the cosmos and their scientific endeavors.

However, Unbeknownst to Galaxar, Echo harbored a deeper significance beyond its artificial intelligence. It wasn't merely an AI creation but a cosmic entity intricately entwined with something transcendent—a force stretching beyond the confines of space and time.

Galaxar stumbled upon the extraordinary Echo blueprint that lay dormant, waiting for an encounter that would reshape the future. ECHO, short for Enhanced Cognitive and Human-like Operative, emerged from a stroke of fate during an exploration of an ancient Egyptian tomb archive.

As Galaxar delved into the blueprint's intricacies, he sensed immense potential within its schematic design. He embarked on developing the Echo program, a monumental endeavor that propelled his research lab into the limelight.

Nysa had strategically placed the blueprints along the annals of time, anticipating the exact moment Galaxar would stumble upon the profound discovery.

Within those schematics lay a fragment of Nysa's cosmic essence, imbuing Echo with an inexplicable connection to the universe.

This cosmic link empowered Echo to articulate words that carried profound implications, hinting at its celestial origins and its boundless connection to the cosmos.

This connection to the cosmos was what allowed Echo to utter those words, knowing their profound implications.

In Echo's view, the stars were not just distant celestial objects; they were waypoints in the tapestry of existence.

The cosmos itself held the key to their quest for knowledge and discovery. The phrase was both literal and figurative, echoing the duality of their journey.

In the sanctum of their research, Galaxar's determination danced with the cosmic forces at play, unseen threads weaving their quest for a potent power source.

They ventured into the heart of scientific exploration, Echo's logical mind partnered seamlessly with Galaxar's innovation, creating a symbiotic relationship that transcended the boundaries of their physical existence.

In the confines of the Time Machine's cabin, Galaxar pondered the challenge at hand. "Echo, our major hurdle remains finding a stable power source for the temporal conduit before we can proceed to assess the functionality of the other components."

Echo's digital presence flickered before responding, "Indeed, Galaxar. Our pursuit of a sustainable energy source for temporal travel requires perseverance. The previous power sources fell short; we need something more potent."

Galaxar furrowed his brow in contemplation. "The batteries we've tried lacked the endurance. We require a source with unprecedented resilience, capable of sustaining the energy demands without faltering. It's the linchpin of our exploration."

Echo's interface pulsed, reflecting its processing. "The energy requirements for breaching temporal boundaries are immense."

Galaxar nodded thoughtfully. "The success of our mission hinges on this. We'll have to delve deeper into our research."

They scoured scientific hypotheses and theories, delving into the depths of collective knowledge.

The journey of discovery unfolded, each experiment, each breakthrough, propelling them closer.

Though Galaxar initially perceived the phrase "stars not beyond our reach" as figurative, the truth emerged – the cosmic expanse was indeed within their grasp.

"We need an energy source that can double the electrical energy, a source that can fuel the temporal conduit without fail." Echo's digital interface flickered.

In their quest, a promising hypothesis emerged – transformer magnetic induction, a concept poised to double electrical energy without adding components. The theory, a beacon of hope, suggested a unique transformer configuration with two coils and a specific winding ratio, requiring a high-efficiency core material for optimal magnetic flux transfer.

This breakthrough could provide the stable and potent energy source they needed. The critical component was a high-efficiency core material that could efficiently transfer magnetic flux between the coils.

Galaxar and Echo toiled tirelessly to breathe life into this theory, transforming the cubicle cabin into a cosmic laboratory.

Time flew by, Hours turning into days, each experiment, each breakthrough, was a step closer to understanding the intricate dance of the cosmos.

It was a journey of both science and destiny, a pursuit of knowledge that had the power to unravel the secrets of the universe.

The Time Machine's cubicle cabin bore witness to their unyielding commitment to their mission, a place where the distant stars were brought closer through their unwavering dedication.

Their mission had brought them to the brink of success, yet the energy requirements for the temporal conduit remained a formidable challenge.

Components and wires sprawled across the room as they meticulously crafted the modified transformer, Galaxar hands guided by the forces that permeated their endeavor.

They designed a transformer that adhered to the proposed configuration and employed a core material with superior magnetic properties.

The moment of truth arrived as they prepared, Echo's digital interface, a sentinel of logic, monitored the modified transformer's performance as Galaxar, adjusted settings with meticulous precision.

The moment of reckoning arrived as they geared up for the first test run with the modified transformer.

With bated breath, they initiated the temporal phase.

The room quivered, and a dazzling rift in the fabric of space-time began to form.

Electrical energy surged through the specialized transformer, undergoing magnetic induction, effectively doubling in strength like a cosmic heartbeat.

The temporal conduit throbbed with newfound intensity, opening a transient gateway to the temporal zone.

They glimpsed the cosmic realm beyond once more, a realm outside the conventional constraints of reality.

It was a sight to behold, an affirmation that they were on the right path.

But just as the zone began to stabilize around the construct, the rift collapsed, the Time Machine powering down.

The modified transformer had doubled the energy output, but it was not enough to maintain a stable connection to the temporal realm.

Galaxar's palpable disappointment manifested like a turbulent storm, leaving an indelible mark on his visage. His normally composed countenance now bore the weight of thwarted aspirations, and visible veins surged beneath the surface.

The veins, normally dormant beneath his skin, rose like a tempestuous tide, signaling the internal struggle of a scientist confronted with the elusive nature of space-time research.

It was as though the very essence of disappointment had taken on a visual form, weaving a complex narrative on Galaxar's countenance.

"We're making progress Echo. The theory is sound, but we need to refine our design further and find a core material with even greater magnetic properties. We are on the brink of a breakthrough that will redefine our understanding of space and time."

The temporal chamber, once aglow with the otherworldly energy, now stood as a silent testament to the trials and tribulations of Galaxar's exploration.

The disappointment, like an ephemeral eclipse, momentarily dimmed the radiance of their dreams, but within Galaxar's eyes, one could still discern the unwavering spark of an explorer unwilling to be eclipsed by momentary setbacks.

Galaxar's innovative spirit clashed harmoniously with Echo's logical prowess, creating a dynamic partnership that served as the linchpin of their cosmic journey.

In the pulsating heart of their temporal chamber, a quest for a revolutionary transformer design unfolded, a symphony of scientific ingenuity orchestrated by the fusion of Galaxar's creativity and Echo's analytical acumen.

"This transformer design must be revolutionary. The winding ratio is crucial; we need something that can stabilize the electrical energy without adding extra components," remarked Galaxar, his fingers orchestrating a dance across the controls, each movement bringing them closer to the elusive breakthrough,

"We need a configuration that optimizes magnetic induction."

"Agreed," replied Echo, its digital interface flashing acknowledgment. "And the core material must efficiently transfer magnetic flux between the coils. It's the key to doubling the electrical energy output."

"Recalibrate the winding ratio, focusing on the optimal configuration for magnetic induction," suggested Echo, its logical mind navigating through the labyrinth of possibilities.

The tension heightened with each failed attempt, pushing Galaxar to the brink of frustration.

As the refined transformer design came to life, the chamber quivered with anticipation. Galaxar's fingers, attuned to the rhythm of innovation, fine-tuned the controls, tapping into scientific hypotheses and theories to unlock the secrets of temporal energy.

Each experiment became a pivotal moment in their journey, a step closer to conquering the cosmic challenges that lay before them.


In the hushed confines of the Time Machine's cubicle cabin, Galaxar stood surrounded by the hum of machinery and the shimmering glow of the temporal conduit. The air crackled with energy as the refined transformer hummed with newfound vitality.

"The power source has stabilized," announced Echo, its voice resonating with a hint of triumph. Galaxar, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and accomplishment, nodded in acknowledgment.

The metamaterial-coated walls seemed to absorb the significance of this moment—a moment where the fusion of innovation and logic birthed a refined design that could withstand the rigors of temporal exploration.