
Apocalypse: Unfinished story

NEW CHAPTERS HAVE SET DATES** This is one of the stories I wrote when I was bored in class. It's about a boy who experiences a zombie apocalypse and meets new people on the way. He has to deal with not only the zombies, but protection himself, his friends, and his family from them. To make things harder, he has to deal with trauma from the apocalypse. TW//gore, blood, curse words, homophobia, transphobia, weapons, suicide mentions, trauma, LGBTQ+

Sunoo · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3

And of course, The 'new kids' came in. One boy and one girl, both pale and tall. The girl had long jet black hair while the boy had light brown, curly hair. You wouldn't even know they were siblings. First, the girl introduced herself. "Hi." her voice was low and soft, yet so cold and intimidating. She said her name was Annie or something like that. I wasn't listening. The guy's voice was higher and louder, which gave off more of a comforting type of vibe. Dylan or whatever. Ava-what's-her-face sat next to me, near the back, and her brother sat in the middle of the class.

"Alright, " the teacher started. "Today we'll be continuing our topic--" I didn't hear the rest of the sentence. At this point, I was already studying Amy and Derek, or whatever their names are. Ally seemed so tough and mean..kinda scared me, Not gonna lie. (TIME SKIP TO AFTER CLASS AND AFTER SCHOOL<3)

As I packed my bag and started for the door, I heard a soft voice.


I turned, knowing that person probably wasn't talking to me, but to my surprise, it was Armin waving at me. She and her brother both walked up to me.

"What's up?" She held out her hand. I took it. "H-hi.?" I stuttered. How embarrassing. And cringe.

"I'm Alisa."

Alisa? Basic. I ended up introducing myself and just leaving. Why waste time talking to people I couldn't care less about?


"Diana?! What are you doing on this side of the hall?"

"HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT'S BEEN GOING ON OUTSIDE??" she yelled. I could feel all eyes on the two of us.

"N-no..? what's up?"

Diana took my arm and started dragging me towards the nearest window. I looked up at the sky, which was dark and cloudy.

"It's going to rain?"

"NO- LOOK AT THAT" She pointed to a person who was limping. At this point, there was a crowd around us and the window. The person seemed to be covered in some type of liquid, and it was on top of another person. At first, I thought it was some type of shooter, but when I took a closer look at the person, they seemed to be picking up body parts and putting them in their mouth.

"WHAT IS THAT PERSON DOING?!" someone yelled from the crowd.

"T-THAT NOT A PERSON…" Someone else yelled.

"pfft, you idiots!" Someone's laugh filled the hallways. "It's OBVIOUSLY a prank! You guys are so dumb." Anthony pushed through everyone to get towards the window. He was just some class clown everyone knew. He NEVER took anything seriously and thought everything was some kind of prank.

"But it's not even Halloween? Why would someone do this?"

Anthony looked at the person who said that with an annoyed look on his face. "BECAUSE! Y'know what, I'LL SHOW YOU THAT THIS IS ALL FAKE!" Anthony ran out of the school and towards the unordinary person as people from the crowd took out their phones to record the event. Within seconds though, the person got up and chased him. He looked somewhat horrified, to be honest. The person jumped Anthony and he screamed. The scream was so loud, you could hear it through the window. The person started ripping him apart, tearing him up, and eating all his limbs one by one. The halls started to fill up with screams of horror. Then I realized, that was no person. It was a monster. A monster who craved human flesh.