
Apocalypse: Undying Shadows

(Mature Content) In a world ravaged by an apocalyptic event, where chaos reigns supreme and survival is the only currency that matters, a woman named Li Mei finds herself thrust into a nightmare beyond comprehension. Betrayed by her lover and best friend, she awakens from a coma only to discover that the world she once knew has crumbled into an abyss of despair. Haunted by the memories of their treachery, Li Mei's heart turns to ice as she vows to exact revenge upon those who wronged her. But she quickly realizes that her former allies, her ex-lover and best friend, have ascended to unimaginable power in this new world. They have formed a group, their powers exceeding all expectations, and they rule with an iron fist. Alone and filled with a seething desire for retribution, Li Mei embarks on a solitary journey through the desolate wastelands. Her once gentle soul tainted by the darkness of betrayal, she is determined to become stronger, to rise from the ashes like a phoenix and bring her enemies to their knees.

Ziennayaa · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 11: Lost Years

The car continued its journey, the landscape passing by in a blur as the group made their way towards the next destination. Chen Wei's sudden command to stop the car startled everyone, and they looked at him with curiosity and confusion written on their faces.

As the car screeched to a halt, confusion and concern filled the air. Lian glanced at Chen Wei, his brow furrowed with uncertainty. "What's the matter, Chen Wei?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

Chen Wei held a finger to his lips, signaling for silence. His eyes scanned their surroundings, his senses attuned to an unseen presence. The tension in the air was palpable, and Li Mei's heart raced in anticipation.

In a flash, something darted across their path, too quick for most of them to fully register. But Li Mei's eyes were sharp, and she caught a glimpse of the creature that had passed by. Its eerie gray eyes locked with hers for a brief moment, sending shivers down her spine.

Her body trembled as she tried to comprehend what she had witnessed. The encounter left her feeling disoriented and disconnected from the world. In that fleeting moment, she had glimpsed a reality beyond the horrors of the undead—a reality that she struggled to grasp.

Turning her gaze towards Chen Wei, she found him studying her with an intensity that sent a chill down her spine. His expression held a mixture of concern and recognition, as if he knew more than he let on. It only deepened the mystery surrounding him, fueling her curiosity and apprehension.

As the journey continued, the group resumed their light conversation, attempting to mask the underlying tension that had settled among them. But Li Mei couldn't shake off the lingering unease, nor the nagging questions that consumed her mind.

Mei Ling, ever perceptive, sensed Li Mei's inner turmoil and decided to share some information. "Our next destination is the former capital city," she began, her voice tinged with a mix of determination and sorrow. "It's where the first outbreak was officially announced, but actually it didn't happened there though the truth is that the government covered up the initial reports. Right now there is a new capital city where everyone human gather."

Li Mei's eyes widened in surprise, realizing that the scope of the outbreak was far greater than she had imagined. She couldn't fathom the depths of the chaos that had engulfed the world during the past years—the years she had lost from her memory.

In a hushed voice, she asked Mei Ling, "How long has it been since the outbreak?"

Mei Ling hesitated for a moment before answering. "It has been five and a half years," she replied, her gaze filled with empathy.

Li Mei's heart sank as she processed the weight of those lost years. Her mind struggled to grasp the enormity of the changes that had taken place, the lives lost, and the battles fought– more like one sided massacre of the zombie in her absence.

Attempting to gather her thoughts, Li Mei asked the crucial question. "What year is it now?"

Mei Ling's response sent a shockwave through Li Mei's entire being. "It's the year 2049," she answered softly.

A wave of disbelief washed over Li Mei as she tried to reconcile the reality before her with the fragments of her memories. Her mind raced, attempting to piece together the missing years, but the puzzle remained incomplete.

Lost in her thoughts, Li Mei barely registered Mei Ling's concerned voice. "Are you alright, Li Mei?"

But the question seemed distant and insignificant compared to the overwhelming flood of emotions and questions that consumed her. Mei Ling's sigh and exchanged glances among the other members indicated their shared concern and the need for further discussion.

For now, Li Mei's focus turned inward, her mind filled with a void of forgotten years. For them half and five her have passed since the outbreak but for her it was ten years since her last memory.

The shadows of her past loomed large, teasing her with glimpses of an unknown world she yearned to reclaim.

Lost in her thoughts, Li Mei gazed out of the car window, her mind drifting back to the past—the small, picturesque village where she had awakened. It had been a place her family often visited, a haven of tranquility and beauty.

In her last memories before the betrayal, she had sought solace in that very village. The wounds of betrayal still fresh in her heart, she had sought refuge there, hoping to find some semblance of peace. But her world had shattered once again, as she woke up in a state of ethereal existence, neither fully human nor a wandering spirit.

Floating aimlessly, she had witnessed the tragic fate that befell her family, one by one. Each incident was an orchestrated accident, carefully plotted by her ex-lover and former best friend. Their schemes had torn her family apart, and she could do nothing but watch in agonizing despair. Her voice screamed out in rage and anguish, but she was powerless to touch or harm them.

Driven by a desperate need to reclaim her body, Li Mei had searched tirelessly, drifting through the realm between life and death. The passage of time eluded her, and she couldn't recall how long she had wandered, seeking the physical vessel that belonged to her. But eventually, her spiritual form began to fade, her vision darkening into an abyss of nothingness.

The events that unfolded after that moment were shrouded in uncertainty, lost in the gaps of her fragmented memory. It felt as though a vital part of her existence had been severed, leaving her with a sense of incompleteness, a void that yearned to be filled.

As she pondered the mysteries of her lost years, Li Mei's heart grew heavy with the weight of unanswered questions. What had transpired during her absence? What had become of her physical body? And why had she been robbed of ten years' worth of memories?

The uncertainty gnawed at her, driving her to seek answers and fill the gaps in her fragmented past. But for now, the journey ahead beckoned, demanding her focus and resilience. With a deep breath, Li Mei turned her gaze away from the window, her eyes reflecting a determination to unearth the truth.