
Apocalypse: rescue beautiful woman system

After Earth was struck by a small asteroid, a unique radiation turned a large portion of the population into zombies, with no cure in sight. Only a select few are immune to this radiation. The zombies are nearly indestructible, and regular humans face a constant struggle of getting infected and wiped out. Clark wakes up to find himself in this apocalyptic nightmare. The only chance for survival lies in carrying out a mission assigned by a mysterious system—to rescue a beautiful woman. In a world teeming with danger and uncertainty, Clark must navigate through hordes of zombies, face the constant threat of infection, and embark on a thrilling quest to save not only himself but humanity's last hope for a brighter future.

AvalonEmber · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
190 Chs

Giant Catfish

"Don't cause conflicts. Michael is in charge of security, but he did help us," Michael chuckled at Clark. "It's good that you're okay!" Clark walked briskly to Olivia Turner's side. 

Only after seeing that her mental state was reasonably good did he feel a bit relieved. At the same time, he shot Michael a stern look. This guy couldn't just abandon his responsibilities.

"When did you arrive?" Emma Kensington asked. The submarine had clearly submerged, yet it resurfaced to pick them up. She didn't think Michael was so kind-hearted.

"Humph!" Michael's expression turned somewhat unpleasant. "The Alliance's duty is to protect the survivors. Since you're still alive, I naturally came to pick you up."

"He's lying!" Olivia Turner didn't give Michael a friendly look. She immediately exposed him, saying, "There are surveillance cameras installed on the dock. They knew you were alive, but since no one paid attention to him, he came up to pick you up!"

"You!" Michael's face twitched a few times, unable to find words.

"Ha-ha, Captain, don't be so angry!" A hearty voice came from the cockpit, and then a young man walked out. This man appeared to be in his twenties, with long, well-kept hair and a bit of beard that seemed carefully groomed. He looked lively and spirited.

"He insisted on coming up to pick you up!" Olivia Turner's demeanor became noticeably friendlier when she saw this man.

"Just call me Joseph!" Joseph smiled and said, "I'm the liaison for this mission and the safety officer of this submarine. I have the obligation to take anyone who can make it to the dock safely off this city."

Although he said this, it was clear that Joseph and Michael weren't on good terms; they avoided looking at each other.

"Are we leaving the city now?" Emma Kensington asked.

"No, we're not leaving. We're just entering the fortress beneath the city," Joseph smiled. Facing Emma Kensington puzzled expression, he explained, "The information you received earlier is inaccurate. It's a rule of the Alliance. 

Executives at each level receive inaccurate information to ensure the safety of the Alliance's plans. You don't have to worry about leaks. We just need to successfully carry out our assigned tasks."

"Is the fortress we're heading to underwater?" Clark felt discomfort in his eardrums. The water pressure around them was noticeably increasing, indicating that they were already at a considerable depth.

Joseph nodded but didn't elaborate further.

Boom! Everyone staggered, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Boom! Before everyone could react, the submarine shook again, as if it had taken a heavy blow.

"Something outside is attacking us!" shouted from the cockpit. At the same time, a massive shadow appeared on the screens inside the cabin, continuously prowling on the right side of the submarine, almost the same size as the submarine itself.

"Illuminate with lights; I want to see what this is!" Joseph shouted towards the cockpit.

A beam of light shot out from the top of the submarine, revealing three huge mouths filled with sharp teeth! It was a giant catfish with three mouths. Besides the central large mouth, the gills on both sides had also transformed into mouths, open at the same time, with teeth carrying remnants of human corpses.

"Damn it, encountering this monster here!" Joseph clearly knew about this creature and looked nervous.

"Full speed dive, get rid of it!" Joseph shouted loudly.

The submarine accelerated its descent. Some people couldn't handle the sudden change, covering their ears in pain, crouching on the floor. Some people cried out in fear.

"Don't be afraid!" Clark also felt a bit of difficulty in breathing but tried to stay calm while comforting Olivia Turner.

The giant catfish wouldn't give up so easily. It followed the submarine downstream, and surprisingly, its speed was almost the same. The two were almost sticking together as they descended.

"We can't shake it!" a frustrated voice came from the cockpit.

"Fire the cannons, blast it to bits!" Joseph yelled.

"Boom!" The submarine's cannons fired, and several streaks of light directly hit the giant catfish, pushing it away for some distance.

The explosion stirred up water waves, causing the submarine's trajectory to deviate. The interior of the submarine continued to shake, and items were scattered all over the place.

"That thing is catching up again!" the driver shouted.

On the pitch-black screen, a shadow rushed directly towards them, three large mouths wide open, biting recklessly. It had obvious wounds, likely caused by the earlier cannons, but the injuries were not fatal.

"Fire the cannons! Blast it to pieces!" Joseph shouted.

Boom, boom, boom! The cannons continuously fired, but the giant catfish managed to dodge all the shots.

"This guy has gotten smarter!" Clark watched the catfish, almost feeling its cunning even through the screen.

The learning ability of creatures was not inferior to humans at all!

Boom! The giant catfish slammed into the submarine again, biting down on it. The sound of metal tearing reached the cabin, making everyone feel like their eardrums were about to burst.

"The right engine is malfunctioning; we won't hold out for long!" the driver shouted.

His words immediately caused chaos, and the crowd was in disarray.

"Shut up, all of you! Anyone causing trouble, be careful of the gun in my hand!" Michael shouted angrily. Even he was feeling panicked at this moment.

"Launch a signal flare; see if we can lure it away!" Joseph ordered.

A flashbang was launched from inside the submarine, illuminating a large area of the surrounding water. The giant catfish did slow down its pursuit, hesitating for a moment as it ascended. However, it didn't fall for the trick and continued to dive, chasing after the submarine.

"Damn it, it didn't fall for it!" Joseph felt frustrated; he hadn't expected this tactic to fail.

"There's another way!" Clark spoke up at this moment, and all eyes turned to him.

"We need someone to go out, use a more stimulating method to lure it away. As long as we can succeed, everyone else in the sub will be safe," Clark didn't finish his sentence, but everyone understood that the person going out as bait might not make it back.

Silence fell over the group, and people instinctively retreated. No one wanted to sacrifice themselves.

"Count me in. I can swim!" Clark volunteered.

"Alright, I'm going with you on this journey!" Joseph suddenly laughed, appearing somewhat carefree.