

"Fight. Clear the tower. You live. Fail. Die. Extinction" Just like that every human is transported into the Tower of Extinction. Men, women, children, old, young, sick. They don't give a damn. You either fight and live or fail and die. In the Tower of Extinction, Heroes die first. Kiel was no Hero. That's why he can get to lv 92 before he die. But why was Kiel sent back in time after his death?

Oril · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter 22 - Orcs Are Here!!

Kiel looked at Thorgen's pale face. He cried.

It had been a long time ago since he last cried. He thought he had lost the ability to cry.

He thought he had gotten used to death and destruction. But he was just a human after all.

Kiel had wanted to give Thorgen a proper burial. But before he could, he saw Thorgen's body start to shrivel up like a mummy.

Kiel panicked and tried to pick up the body, but once he touched it, it crumbled into dust.

Kiel shut his eyes and took a deep breath. 

"Maybe this is for the better."

He buried what remained of Thorgen's clothes and accessories under a simple headstone but he kept Thorgen's long sword for himself.

"Fine Steel Sword(C): +15 Damage"

In front of Thorgen's grave. Kiel washed the sword with wine and made a promise.

"I have to leave you here.

You can't go with me,

but I'll bring your sword with me.

I'll make sure he is gorged with Orcs' blood and wine."

With that, the exhausted Kiel wasted no time and started to dig into the head of the Orcs for Mana Cores.

His harvest was pretty good, 8 minor Mana Core. He did not get anything from the Elite Orc.

He washed himself off the blood and then covered himself in mud to hide his stench. He needed to get away fast, the Orcs were coming. 

That night, he decided to climb up a tree and sleep on the high branch. 

The blood stench is strong and it is no longer safe, the Orcs hunting parties are drawing near.

After a night of rest, he had completely recovered from what would have taken other people a month in bed.

Just before he got down, he heard a lot of footsteps heading towards him.

He decided to stay still and stay in his camouflage up the tree and observe.

Slowly Orc Scouts were coming into view. Fifty meters behind them were Orc Hunters and another Elite Orc Hunter in the midst of them all.

This group was much smaller than what he encountered. 2 Scouts, 3 Hunters with spears, 4 with sabers and the Elite with the Cleaver.

He knew there was no running away from Orcs. Once they pick up your trail, they would never stop until they found you. So he stayed still and started to cook a battle plan.

There was no way of ambushing them one by one as they all had each other in sight. So, he continued waiting. 

Just as the Elite Orc Hunter who was at the last of the group passed him. He dashed from the tree and aimed his sword on its neck.

The Elite Orc Hunter was very alert and as soon as he was near, it had turned around. Pity, it was too late. Kiel collided into the Orc driving his sword deep into its throat down its chest. 

"It stabs well."

Kiel evaluated as he landed on the Orc's chest.

Kiel was so close it could see its eyes lose its light. 

"Elite Orc Hunter killed, 250 Experience gained."

He landed on the chest of the dead Orc and dashed forward. 

Weaving between the sabers, Kiel casted "Basic Vine Whip(D)" to entrap the 4 Orc Hunters then proceed to easily kill them one by one.

The first one died with its head decapitated by Thorgen's sword

"Orc Hunter killed, 80 experience gained."

"It cuts well"

The second Orc died to a stab from his SwordMage Blade

"Orc Hunter killed, 80 experience gained."

The third died from a "Basic Water Bullet(C)" Kiel shot through its eyes to its brain.

"Orc Hunter killed, 80 experience gained."

The last one died from a "Basic Fire Blast(C)" and "Basic Electric Shock(C)" which stunned it in its place long enough for Kiel to throw his sword to stab at its neck.

"Orc Hunter killed, 80 experience gained."

"Good weight and balance."

"Level Up. You are now level 12.

You gained:

+4 Stamina

+6 Intellect

+6 Strength

+6 Agility

+4 Free Stat"

Ignoring the message, he continued to calmly walk forward and pulled out the sword stuck on the corpse of the Orc.

The rest of the Orc charges at him. Instead of running away, Kiel rushed forward, sliding between the spears, he arrived under one of the Orcs and cut upwards with Thorgen's sword.

The spear wielding Orc Hunter was cut neatly into two from the bottom up.

"Good rigidity"

"Orc Hunter killed, 80 experience gained."

Bringing his blade on his left hand up, he casually blocked another spear thrust, parrying it away from himself. Then lunging forward he stabbed the Orc in the throat. 

"Orc Hunter killed, 80 experience gained."

3 "Instant Step(S)" and 3 slash later, all the Orcs were dead.

"Orc Hunter killed, 80 experience gained."

"Orc Scout killed, 55 experience gained."

"Orc Scout killed, 55 experience gained."

Digging around, he found another 5 Minor Mana Core. He proceeded to immediately leave the area. 

The noise and blood stench might draw unwanted attention.

As he walked towards the mountain pass. Kiel could not help but feel something was wrong.

As he continued walking, he noticed that there were many torn barks and cut tree stumps. These trees were recently cut.

Frowning, he investigated closer and to his horror, his guess was true. There were bite marks on the left over tree barks and crude cuts on the leftover tree stump.

They were obviously made by Orcs grinding their teeth with tree barks to polish them and Orcs were known to harvest trees using badly made axes.

The invasion was supposed to be six months after he appeared. Yet the sign shows that their activity near the mountain pass is increasing and they would probably discover the city before long.

This did not bode well.

Things were looking grim. If the invasion is brought forward, the humans in the city might not have enough time to prepare yet.

It's only been about 3 months since he arrived. The city had not had enough time yet. They were not prepared. At this rate no one would survive

From the signs, the Orcs were likely to attack in 1 to 2 months at most. What brought forward the invasion?