
Apocalypse: My Technological City has Infinite Upgrades

An asteroid flies off its orbit and heads toward Earth. Upon learning of this, the federation announces the disaster and builds shelters. The rich and various corporations build their private shelters, while the poor have no choice but to seek refuge at government shelters. Lorne is one of the poor, but fate has a different plan for him. A system appears in his head. It helps him survive and build the strongest technological city. [Iron Gate], [Alloy Gate], [Desert Eagle], [M4A1]... [Mechanic Crossbow], [Mechanic Cannon], [Laser Cannon], [High-frequency Laser Cannon]… [Hazmat Suit], [Exoskeleton], [Fixed Mecha], [Mobile Mecha]… [Wooden City], [Steel City],... As long as he has the necessary points, there is nothing the system cannot provide.

Oranges are not Sour · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Whitey's Origin

Editor: Atlas Studios

Lorne even built a comfortable nest for Whitey on the sofa. The comfortable environment could help it recover faster.

He prepared to go and rest as well. It had been a long day. After his spirit relaxed, he immediately felt tired.

After saying goodnight to Whitey, Lorne went to his room to rest.

While Lorne was sleeping soundly in his comfortable bed, the people in the government shelters were not as comfortable.

Byron was staring at the food in his hand in a daze. The food was rat meat and mushrooms. Byron did not even even imagine eating these two foods before the apocalypse.

His parents would always leave the best food at home for him to eat, so Byron found it difficult to swallow this food that could barely be called food in his hands.

"Byron, why aren't you eating?" His mother asked with concern when she saw Byron staring blankly at the food.

"I want to eat hamburgers and chicken. I don't want to eat this kind of thing," Byron shouted at his mother.

"Don't talk nonsense. You have to realize that you're already very lucky to be able to eat food now. Many people have already lost their most precious lives in the disaster a few days ago."

Byron's father berated him harshly.

Byron seemed to be frightened by his father's harsh words. He began to eat the food in his hand slowly.

"Do you still remember the little girl, Sandy, who usually plays with you?" Seeing that Byron was beginning to slowly eat, the father's tone softened as he asked him a question.

"Is it that cute little girl?" After hearing his father's question, the image of the little girl from the neighboring house who often came to play with him before the apocalypse appeared in Byron's mind.

"Yes, that's right, it's her."

"Their whole family lost their lives in the disaster because they didn't enter the shelter in time on the day of the disaster," his father told Byron the painful truth.

When Byron heard this news, his body suddenly stiffened. He also stopped eating and looked at his father in disbelief.

"That's why you can't complain, because you still have life." Byron's father slowly explained his concept of survival to Byron.

"Yes." It was unknown whether Byron had understood or not, but after hearing his father's words, he did not refute. Instead, he lowered his head and slowly ate his food.

After seeing Byron's action, the father did not explain any further to him.

No one could suddenly adapt to the apocalypse. Byron's father only wanted to let Byron understand the reason why he could continue living during such a difficult time.

In fact, his son seemed to be doing quite well.

Byron's father also began to eat his food in small bites, slowly chewing to ensure that he could absorb every ounce of energy in the food.

Even though such a huge disaster had happened on Earth, time was still flowing slowly. The people in the shelters began to rest. In their sleep, they seemed to have dreamed of their lives before the disaster. It was quiet and comfortable.



Lorne, who had slept comfortably for the entire night, opened his eyes and slowly stretched.

The notifications of the daily calculation of points sounded in his mind.

[You went out to explore the world after the disaster and gained 30 points.]

[You displayed your toughness and intimidated the enemy. By making the enemy retreat, you gained 40 points.]

[You saved an injured magical life form and successfully made it your companion. You gained 50 points.]

[You slept beautifully, making yourself more energetic. You gained 20 points.]


[The remaining points are 350.]

Lorne looked at the remaining points with satisfaction.

He had been worried about not having enough points to build a gun, but now the points had come.

However, Lorne also found a curious thing in the system's notifications.

'Why did the system call Whitey a magical lifeform? It seems like Whitey is indeed not a bird from Earth.'

To be able to make the system call it magical, it seemed like Whitey had its own unique points.

However, this did not make Lorne feel any jealousy. After all, Whitey was his companion. If Whitey could become stronger, it would be of greater help to him.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about this question.

Lorne first took a cup and walked to the water drawing device. He filled the cup with water and began washing up.

After washing up, he walked to the sofa and looked at Whitey. The little guy had woken up and was jumping around on the sofa.

Lorne helped Whitey get a cup of water and brought it to it. Then, he took out some jerky for himself and started eating it as breakfast.

The two of them ate quietly on the sofa, looking very happy.

After breakfast, Lorne checked Whitey's wounds and found that they were healing well.

The areas that looked like they were bleeding yesterday had actually slowly scabbed over today.

From the looks of it, Whitey's physique was really extraordinary. This confirmed another guess in Lorne's mind.

"Whitey, where did you come from?" Lorne asked after staring at Whitey for a long time.

Chirp chirp chirp. As if understanding Lorne's question, Whitey began to chirp at him.

Lorne was confused when he heard Whitey's voice. Whitey seemed to understand him.

But the problem was that he did not understand bird language. What should he do? Lorne was anxious.

"Whitey, if you understand me, can you peck me once? If you don't, peck me twice." After thinking for a long time, Lorne suggested a solution to Whitey.

After hearing Lorne's words, Whitey hobbled over to him and pecked his hand.

"Awesome," Lorne exclaimed happily when he saw that his method worked.

"Whitey, are you a bird from Earth? If you are, peck me once. If not, peck me twice." Lorne asked Whitey.

Whitey did not immediately move. Instead, it looked at Lorne in confusion and started chirping.

"Whitey, what's your name?" Seeing that Whitey was not pecking at him but was chirping, Lorne was confused.

"Whitey, I asked if you were a bird from Earth. Earth." Lorne started gesturing at Whitey.

When Whitey saw the messy gestures, it chirped even more anxiously.

"Oh, Whitey, are you asking me what Earth is?" After gesturing for a long time, Lorne suddenly thought of this and asked Whitey tentatively.

When Whitey heard this, it stopped chirping. Instead, it quickly pecked Lorne's hand to show that he was right.

"Earth is the planet we live on, the environment we live in now, this land."

After figuring out the reason, Lorne's face reddened, but he quickly explained the meaning of the word 'Earth' to Whitey.

Whitey was silent for a moment, as if it was understanding the meaning of Lorne's words.

After two minutes, Whitey pecked Lorne's hand twice, indicating that it was not a creature from Earth.

"Wow, so you're an alien bird." Lorne was amazed by Whitey's reply.

"Then, can you return to your original place?" Lorne asked curiously.

Chi chi!

After hearing Lorne's question, Whitey did not peck his hand like before. Instead, it slowly turned to the corner of the sofa with a depressed expression.

"It's okay. We're family from now on. Just follow me." Lorne also realized that the question he asked was inappropriate. He stroked Whitey and said firmly.