
Apocalypse in DxD

The Lamb of God, or Lion of Judah opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons forth four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. Although some interpretations differ, in most accounts, the four riders are seen as symbolizing Conquest, War, Famine, and Death, respectively.

LUVxLUX · Anime e quadrinhos
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37 Chs


The group moved forward and after some reached the mountain, the grave of Fionn and rest of the warriors of Fianna.

There was a large metal gate at the base of the mountain, around two hundred meters tall and thirty meters wide. The door was engraved with various runes.

They all went near the gate and started checking out each and every runes and Blair is an expert in magic she has figured the meaning behind the runes.

Blair: "These ancient runes here are engraved by a High-God.Probably by Lugh. We can't enter."

Ralph: "Can't you nullify them?"

Blair: "My level isn't nowhere near to that I need to nullify that."

Liam: "No we can't open it." , Liam was pissed, he waited so long period of time, exactly two days. Now that he so near, he couldn't enter.

Ralph: "Cranium."

Ralph put on the Mask of Death and started looking at his surrounding. A large boulder caught his attention and he went near it.

Blair: "Is there something wrong with it?" , She asked curiously but was ignored.

He touched the boulder and then punched it so hard that it shattered into pieces, revealing a white hunting horn which was inside it.

Ralph: "Dord Fiann, the hunting horn of the Fianna."

He gave the horn to Ryan and said, "Three times."

Ryan understood his brother meant and filled his lungs with air and blew the horn three times. VOOOOO, VOOOOO, VOOOOO, the loud noise echoed throughout the land. Even the rest of the Horsemen and Blair covered their ears because of it.


Ralph laughed and answered, "According to the most popular account of Fionn's death, he is not dead at all, rather, he sleeps in a cave, surrounded by the Fianna. One day he will awake and defend Ireland in the hour of her greatest need. In one account, it is said that he will arise when the Dord Fiann, the hunting horn of the Fianna, is sounded three times, and he will be as strong and as well as he ever was. That legend may be somewhat true or least a part of it is."

As he said this, the large gate opened. The ground beneath them started shaking, a giant around fifty meters in size came out of it.

Ralph: "A Fomorian."

The giant had grey skin that looked like rocks, his appearance was similar to a giant troll. Ralph had already what he was? A Fomorian

The Fomorians are a malevolent race of giant divinities with a ghostly presence that haunted all who attempted to rule or Ireland. They were aggressive in nature and had the power to humiliate. Even though they are generally depicted as ugly, though with exception such as the beautiful Breas.

( A/N: Balor was the former king of Fomorians. )

Giant looked down at them and said, "Are you all here take the test?"

Test? They did not know anything about any test.

Jamie: What test are you talking about?

The Giant turned to look at the mountain and answered, "This mountain was not just a graveyard for the warriors of Fianna, this was also built for choosing their successor."

Ralph understood what the Giant meant, " 'Successor', so only one of us?"

Giant: "Yes, only one of you all could in there and take the test of Fianna.", saying this the Giant blocked the gate.

Jamie: "What if we all go in?", after saying this he covered himself with lightning and stood in front of the Giant.

Giant: "The test of Fianna was created by Lord Lugh himself so if you break any rules, I'll be forced to notify him about this."

Liam stopped Jamie and said, "calm down brother. Do you really believe that I can't pass this test of..."

Giant: "Test of Fianna."

Liam: "Whatever, have faith in me brothers.", he managed to convince Jamie to back off.

Jamie looked at Ryan and asked, "Aren't you going to say something about this?"

Ryan: "I am protective of you guys but I grew up listening and reading stories about these heroes, I admire and respect their legacies."

Ralph: "It's your life, your decisions but if anything goes wrong, I am going to barge in there and I will kill whoever is in my way I don't care who it is? Lugh or this dick face.", he said pointing at the Giant.

Ralph: "No offence."

The Giant: "None taken."

Blair: "Same old code of honor...are you all done with bullcrap."

Jamie: "Oh please, you behave like us around Esmée."

Blair: "Don't bring her into this."

Liam: "SHUT UP! This is my moment.", Liam grew tired all the little quarrels between Jamie and Blair, they have been fighting like this the entire way here.

Jamie and Blair stopped fighting and Liam went toward the Giant.

Liam: "I want to go in."

The Giant moved away from Liam's way and said, " You may enter."