
Apocalypse Club

The once tranquil town of Summertown, Texas was rocked by a catastrophic nuclear explosion, unleashing a horde of mutated monsters that now roam the desolate landscape. Amidst the chaos, Kiya Camillo must fight to survive in this perilous new world while searching for a means to escape. Along the way, she encounters a ragtag group of survivors, but her rare and deadly illness threatens to put them all in grave danger. Will Kiya be able to keep herself and her newfound companions alive in the face of unspeakable horror? Only time will tell in this heart-pounding tale of survival and adventure.

Camrin_Dumalet · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


The nuclear power plant was in a panic, and it was all Owen's fault. He didn't mean to do it. He knew he had been told to keep it a secret. But they had picked the wrong guy. How could he keep a plan like #01 secret? I mean, the fact that they were experimenting on humans was shocking enough, but doing it on the entire town was too much, he had to tell people; they needed to get out of there as fast as possible. Of course, no one believed him. They never did. Owen was known for his gossiping, and over time people learned to not trust what he said. But this time, he was telling the truth. Not soon after, he was called to see the head scientist. 

"Owen, do you know why you were called up here?"Silence."We trusted you. Trusted you to keep a secret. It seems to us that you didn't trust us back, Owen. Now, why is that I may ask?" 

  "It's not a secret," Owen spat. "It's a plan. A despicable plan to torture people, innocent people, just for the sake of science." 

"So it didn't bother you when we experimented on those homeless people, then?"

"No, that was different. They were getting paid, and they agreed to it. But this? This is just inhumane."

The head scientist shook his head."Owen, Owen, Owen. When will you understand? It doesn't matter what we do, as long as the consequence will benefit the whole of humanity. Don't you get it? If this experiment goes right, we're on the road to a record-breaking scientific discovery!"

"No. Don't do it. Not for this price, not for this consequence. If it goes wrong, we could exterminate an entire town. It's not worth it."

The head scientist sighed."We had such high hopes for you, Owen. If you accomplished some of these simple tasks, you would have gotten a promotion. And if you had just kept your mouth shut, you would have still led a somewhat normal life."

"Wait, what d-"Owen was interrupted by the feeling of a burning, tingling sensation as the head scientist infused a syringe full of neon liquid into his veins.

"No matter. #07 should be a sufficient replacement to aid me in this experiment, it's relatively smart enough. Smarter than you, apparently." Owen could not respond, as he was now a strange, furry creature without a face lying dead on the floor."Fetch me #07," he barked to his secretary. "And get everything ready, check everything, make sure every little detail is in it's place. It is time to begin experiment #01."