
118 Vanquishing Monsters

[: Daniel POV :]

As far as I know, the Human Continent is ruled over by the 5 perpetual rulers.

Each overseeing the North, East, South, West, and Main Districts.

Within these districts, I'm well aware that they are further divided into 10 Factions.

Interestingly, the Viston family has been entrusted with the management of a small portion of the East District.

What's intriguing is that one of the Districts is under the governance of not one but two Factions.

And among them, the Viston Faction stands.

Within the vast expanse of the Viston Faction's territory, which encompasses countless cities, villages, and even towns.

There's a dire issue plaguing them, a relentless rampage of


It's a grim reality that monsters sometimes run amok in areas controlled by the Factions.

And these unsettling occurrences are commonly referred to as 'Monster's Break'.

As I observed the unfolding events, it struck me that this chaos had a pattern.

The monster's break always began when a particular species saw a sudden surge in their population.

Once their existing habitat could no longer sustain their numbers, these monsters would spread like a plague, wreaking havoc on other territories.

Bella and I found ourselves on a quest.

To put an end to the terror inflicted by these creatures within the Viston faction's borders.

Our mission began with information gathering.

I don't remember exactly where the location of the monster is.

And I'm even surprised that I can remember everything so far. But I still had my limits.

Fortunately, the solution was right at our doorstep: the Hunter Organization.

The Hunter Organization is simply a group of hunters that share their knowledge and experience in dealing with these monsters.

I turned to Bella and said, "Bella, we need to gather as much information as possible"

"The Hunter Organization should have the answers we seek"

"Let's head there and see what they know," I suggested.

Bella simply nodded her head adorably, and we made our way to the nearby Hunter Organization Center.

As Bella and I gathered all the necessary information, we found ourselves standing at the entrance of the city of Burq.

The very place where we would confront the monstrous threat that had wreaked havoc upon it.

The once-thriving city now lay in ruins, a grim evidence of the devastation these creatures had caused.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow and anger as I surveyed the destruction.

"Is this the city of Burq?"

I squatted and touched the ground as though I could feel the pain that the citizens had gone through.

"It's as if it's been torn apart by these monsters,"

I remarked, my eyes locked onto the chaos before us.

I was ready to behad these monsters and I would eliminate every single existence of them.

Bella, standing beside me, spoke softly, her voice heavy with empathy.

"Daniel... even though this mission is just a request from Scott..."

"As a princess, I can't help but feel the pain of this city's plight."

Her eyes were filled with genuine sadness as she took in the tragic scene.

I turned to face her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Bella, you're not alone in this"

"I've accepted this mission, and I'll do everything in my power to help you and the people of this city."

My words were meant to provide her with some comfort in this

dire situation.

But as I turned away, I couldn't help but notice the small but heartfelt smile that graced her face.

I turned to Bella, my eyes blazing with fury.

"For now, just watch," I declared, my voice carrying an edge of


"I will wipe out every existence of monsters from this city." Seeing the city, I had flashbacks of the future and the similarities

were the same.

Which is why, I wish nothing more but for the monsters to perish.

Bella, standing beside me, couldn't help but be captivated by the intensity of my gaze.

Perhaps, my demeanour at this moment My had an inexplicable

allure at that moment, and she found herself drawn to it.

As I walked away from her, my footsteps echoed through the

ravaged streets.

Bella's heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and


She was rather focused on me and every inch of my movements.

With a powerful surge of energy, I invoked the Ruler's Authority


A strange force flowed through me, granting me the basic command over the very fabric of reality.

In an instant, a surreal transformation unfolded before her eyes.

Dozens of monsters nearby, previously terrorizing the city, were now suspended in mid-air, their confusion palpable.

My fist clenched unhesitantly, and at that moment, the monsters

began to change.

Their bodies twisted and contorted, their blood drained as if by an

invisible force, until they were reduced to small masses of meat,

resembling grotesque meatballs.

The once-menacing threats were now nothing more than lifeless remnants of their former selves.

Bella stood there, awestruck by the sheer power and control I


She had seen before how I used this power, but never to the

extreme of affecting dozens of monsters.

"Amazing..." Bella whispe in awe.

Her voice was barely more than a breath as she watched my

display of power.

Her eyes remained fixed on my figure.

It was as if she couldn't believe her eyes. Simultaneously, a notification flashed before me, indicating that I

had levelled up multiple times.

The monsters, with average levels ranging from 300 to 500, had

been no match for my skill.

Yet, I wasn't content to simply defeat the monsters and leave the

wounded unattended.

With a swift motion, I summoned shadow clones, creating

duplicates of myself.

With my shadow clones, they could assist those who had been

injured during the monster's rampage.

After all, this wasn't just about perishing the monsters, but also saving the lives of the people.

It could help to increase Bella's reputation if we save more lives.

And the monsters had wreaked havoc on this city for far too long. Without wasting any more time, I moved with lightning speed.

Once I saw a group of monsters nearby, I struck down hundreds of monsters within the span of a heartbeat. Those monsters never even had a chance to react.

It was so powerful and overwhelming that the aftermath of my assault was a chilling tableau.

The once-ruined streets were now littered with the remnants of

the monstrous horde.

Their grotesque forms sprawled across the ground.

But this wasn't the end as the air in this city was still thick and it

was filled with the lingering traces of the monsters' malevolence.

I continued my relentless assault.

Like a force of nature wreaking havoc among the monstrous


With each passing second, my skills grew more devastating, more

lethal. The monsters had no chance to react, and their fates were sealed by my inexorable power.

Some of the creatures met their end in a fiery inferno, consumed

by my ethereal flames that left nothing but charred remnants in their wake.

Others were frozen in their tracks, encased in ice so cold that it

sent shivers down the spine of anyone who dared to look. Countless bolts of lightning descended upon the unfortunate monsters, reducing them to smouldering husks in an electrifying display of my prowess.

Some met their demise so swiftly that they barely had time to register their impending doom.

The city echoed with the sounds of impact as I unleashed my

skills one after another.

Each strike sends shockwaves through the very fabric of reality.

The city was painted red with the blood of the monsters, staining the once-ruined city with their malevolence. Amidst the chaos, my shadow clones worked tirelessly to ensure

the safety of the citizens.

They escorted the frightened inhabitants to safer shelters, my

ethereal flames soothing and healing those who had been injured in the monster's rampage.

The Superior Ethereal Flames, born of my power, brought comfort and hope to the people who had endured so much suffering. The battle raged on, but with each passing moment, it was clear

that the tide had turned.

The monsters were no match for the devastating force I had become, and the city's salvation was within reach.

During the monster outbreak, the city would dispatch hunters to defend and quell the rampaging creatures. Unfortunately, they struggled, and a retreat was their only option, awaiting further orders.

This grim scenario happened not only in this city but also in other


While some handled it better, most mirrored the fate of Burq City.


On the other hand, what Bella witnessed was nothing short of astonishing.

To her, it was like a blur of motion and a faint.

A brilliant light darted through the city like a comet, leaving a trail

of defeated monsters in its wake.

It all began with the demise of one monster, but as seconds ticked

by, the numbers multiplied.

In just one minute, over 100,000 monsters met their end. Normally, these creatures posed a considerable challenge, their average levels reaching the hundreds.

Yet, I dispatched them as if they were mere ants, my prowess unmatched.

By the time I had eradicated every monster in the city, the numbers had swelled to an astronomical 1,000,000, marking 10% of our quest completion.

But I didn't forget to claim the valuable loot scattered throughout

the battlefield - Silvers, Gold, Diamonds, Materials, and Prism

glistened around, waiting for me to use.

As I returned to Bella, I couldn't help but pause for a moment.

She was a beacon of reassurance and comfort.

She was tending to the tearful citizens who had believed all hope

was lost when their home was ravaged by the monsters.

Their suffering was immeasurable, having lost family members in the attack.

They mourned for their loved ones. Bella's compassionate response had earned her even greater respect and admiration from her people.

It reminded me again that all of them were living beings, humans

of another world..