

Everyone in the world has superpowers or is am alien or hybrid of the sort and well normal humans are common just not treated right so here lies our protagonists a human descriminated and captured for experiments until his body collapsed having been sent into a new one he's rescued by another organisation Here's where their trouble begin

Kvng_zeno · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

chapter 5

ZEd's pov.

So I wake up as usual like I used to no experiments no test tubes no tables this is nice.

So I go to the cafeteria and then guess what.

Demiurge:"sup bro "

Zed:"I'm good where's sona"

Demiurge:"with gliss"

Zed:"better for me then,but out of curiosity where are they or rather why are we so few "

Demiurge :"that's cause everyone is taking an ability test right now I didn't expect you to know since you just woke up and all "

Zed :"if that's the case why are you  here "

Demiurge :"cause my abilities where already tested at the facility before I got here "

Zed :"oh...."

Demiurge:"you should go test yours too since your Here "

Zed :" they said I don't have an ability but kay"

So I'm like walking around aimlessly when I meet jin.

Jin:"Zack I was looking for you"

Zed :"me?"

Jin:"yes your supposed to be at the test center "


ack :"guess each of us was heading in the same direction "

Jin:"you were really going to the center "

Zed:"sure bit I think you'll be disappointed with the results "

Jin:"no matter the result isn't important "

Zed :"if you say so "

So we're walking down to the test facility and I undergo some tests like ability capacity, stamina, strength but as expected failed everything

I was expecting to be scolded called useless but instead I got encouraged it made me feel safe, happy but I could see this made others angry at me well who cares.

I leave the testing room and meet up with Persona by pure accident if I could id avoid it.

Sona:"sub Zack I passed my test you know "

Zed:"that's great(don't Care but I'll smile anyway )"

Sona :"how'd Your test go "

Zed:"*smirking* I failed horribly "

Sona:"oh oka-what!!!!! . You failed "


Sona:"how can you be so happy "

???:"because he knew he'd fail from the beginning "

Zed:"oh demiurge it's you "

Demiurge:"hey again zack overhead you failed the test"

Zed :"yes I did got a big fat zero"

Demiurge:"well I wasn't expecting much from you considering the facility  agents threw you away while screaming 'useless trash!!!! ' "

Zed :"sure did and that hurts "

Sona is no hugging me and it's a bit too tight and it's starting to hurt seriously why is she so strong it's weird.

Demiurge:"sona let go of him that's in the past now besides your hurting him he's gotta be suffocating Him  "

Sona:"oops sorry"

  She let go thank goodness

Zed:"*gasp*I can breath again"

Demiurge :"haha thus is a good friendship we have wanna try keeping it what do ya say "

He sticks out his fist for a fist bump I guess well he's right I wanna keep this what we have so I stick out my fist too and so does sona.

Demiurge :"alright guys this is it if we go we go together no one left behind., from this day forward we fight, eat, sleep, and die together "


Demiurge:"so if one of us dies? "

Zed/sona:"we all die!!! "

Demiurge :"exactly but that doesn't mean that if it's possible for at least one of us to survive we won't make sure that person does ya hear"


Sona:"of course"

So we all continue on with this friend ship of ours hopefully it brings something worthwhile, I really hope it lasts its been a while since i had friends .