
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

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369 Chs

Being a Scumbag

By himself, it was absolutely impossible to make a mark in America, and even if he did, with his background, it would be hard to hold onto it. These underlings, in the future, might become elites in various fields. With them handling things for him, he would have an easier time, and at the same time, he could leverage their family backgrounds to gain more power.

Seth had a deep understanding of this. In his era, during his school days, the troublemaking students, although not academically inclined, often ended up doing better in society than the high-achieving students. Seth had analyzed this phenomenon. These people had rich social experience and boldness, but more importantly, they had a wider social circle. After entering society, they often gained more opportunities and resources based on the friendships they had built in school.