
Apocalypse (Save Earth)

Suddenly a day came when the whole world was destroyed, but 7 saviors came to stop the imminent destruction of the world Cover: Knatdreamart

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5 Chs

Episode 1 : Save my home in the jungle

Hello, I'm Jiu and I'm just a typical high school girl, I don't want to introduce myself because it's too old-fashioned in book universes.


Jiu: Oh my shocking god, I woke up late!! it's already 9 AM!!! I hurried to get dressed to catch up with my class that I was already late for.

Hello readers, let's go to Yoohyeon's house!!

Yoohyeon's Maid: Yeon, you are awake at noon, you will be late for school

Yoohyeon: Give me 10 more minutes to fall asleep

Maid: It's not possible, it's too late

Yoohyeon: it's okay, let's get dressed girl.

Jiu and Yoohyeon meet at the gate of their School, and yes they are in the same class!

Jiu: Yoohyeon!!!

Yoohyeon: Jiu!!!

Yoohyeon: How are you, we just met again, after our elementary school graduation

Jiu: Wait, do you see what I see...

Yoohyeon: What is that...

Jiu: Mateors? ,and at this time?

Yoohyeon: Jiu, let's go?

Jiu: are you sure?

A huge meteor crashed into the school forest and something started to evaporate from the meteor like a toxic gas mixing with the air...

Yoohyeon: Jiu.

Jiu: Why? What's wrong?

Yoohyeon: Did you smell it? It's nauseating!!!

Jiu: Yoohyeon let's go, we need to escape now. We need to warn others about this

Episode 2 COMING NOON!!

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