
Apex Of Apexes

Kaleo Ail, an illegal miner from Africa is buried alive inside the mine after the mine collapses due to an earthquake. He tries to dig himself out but a series of phenomena occur and he finds himself trapped in an unknown place, a place where one can literally smell death through the air, a place that doesn’t allow any light to exist in its presence, a place that doesn’t allow life to flourish, a place of absolute darkness. After overcoming trials and tribulations, Kaleo finally manages to leave the unknown place but to his dismay, the world is no longer the same as he remembers it to be. He also finds out that he has been buried for a hundred thousand years in human time.

Smallhands · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 7: Not Very Smart

James woke up today feeling a lot uneasy, yesterday on the news, the Association Bureau had announced that they were going to introduce storage artifacts to society in the near future. Not just that, the academies would also soon be opening for recruitments of young talents, all youths between the ages of five and eighteen were welcomed to register online for their kids, even the kids born in the Villages would be given a chance to apply. This was amazing news for everyone as it meant that humanity had improved by yet another step in this savage world.

James was also happy when he heard the news but later on just felt anxious and on edge, he didn't know why as it was his first time feeling like this. He thought that maybe he was too tired and had gone to bed early but it seems even sleeping didn't help. He turned on the tv to watch the news, when he saw what was on the news, he almost fell off from the couch.

On the tv, it showed a bright light falling approaching slowly from the sky, although it seems like it was moving slowly, this light was coming fast, really fast. What's worse, James could clearly see that this was no falling star but actually an angel. He threw away the remote and the blankets and quickly made his way outside. Looking up, he could see the light that was almost as bright as the sun and looking at it, he felt his skin crawl. "So that's why I've been on edge, turns out… war is coming and is coming fast. I must act quickly!"

[My Beloved Children Of Darkness, that light you're seeing in the sky is not a falling star but rather an angel. It seems that the Holy Father has chosen to upon us… Judgement Day. Take refuge inside the churches and Lord Three Eyed shall protect you from the light of death. No matter what happens, do not leave the churches for if I die, I leave my legacy and the future of humanity with you!] James's voice was filled with authority, it sounded throughout the entire Human Continent.

After his speech, James went back to his house and came out ten minutes later wearing clothes. He then rushed to the church, entering the church, we walked hurriedly towards the statue. Ash black wings appeared on his black as they quickly turned grey, a third eye on his forehead and an entire change in demeanour. He looked at the huge statue and spoke calmly.

[The Holy Light has made its move and is fast approaching, I must be prepared.]

The statue then began to change from a winged humanoid being covered in a dark cloak to a huge bird. The bird was so big that it towered over James's tall figure, it was covered in ash black feathers, huge grey wings with a twenty meter wingspan, a sharp grey beak and long neck, metallic talons that were extremely sharp. It looked extremely lifelike as it gazed coldly at James's figure with its three eyes.

[Screech… screech… screech… screech…]

[I've never been to the battlefield and I've never liked violence so no, my blood isn't boiling from excitement. Don't worry about that, there's a first time for everything right, I'll bring his headless corpse back to you. Follow my instincts? I'll try. What I need right now is armour, not good luck.]


[It's not arrogance but confidence in myself. Trust me when I say I'll bring back to you his headless corpse.]


The crow no longer spoke but stared deeply at James before opening its mouth and released a cloud of black smoke that enveloped James's body. James then lost consciousness as the dark cloud devoured him.

[I did not choose wrong. With you, I might be able to finally… haaa… boy, you shall be my sword that cuts down everything standing in my way. I didn't choose you by mistake, after-all, you're a child of @$#*%€S]

A contrasting view managed to manifest itself on the Human Continent, this contrasting view was so beautiful that it would make any photographer risk their lives just to get it on camera. Above was a being wearing silver armour with a golden cross on the chest, eight wings on his back and a hoody releasing a bright light. The being himself was emitting bright light which made him look holy and pure.

Down below, there was also a being there, fully clad in black armour that hid visage, floating about twenty feet above ground. The darkness from below that extended all the way to his body wasn't coming from him, in fact, if one looked carefully, one would see vague shadows trying to pull him down into the darkness. The man had two ash black wings protruding from his back.

This sight would be the perfect theme for light versus darkness, evil and good, above and below, heaven and hell. Above was blindingly bright and down below was absolute darkness.

[Rank One Planetary Lord? Is this a joke? Hahaha, do you think that just you alone is enough to take me down, ridiculous!] said the angel. His voice was sweet, pleasant to listen to and soothing to the soul.

[And you're a Rank Nine Planetary Lord who talks too much. You know, it's ironic seeing you here. When I asked the Holy Father to prove to me that he existed by showing me a sign, nothing happened but when I revolt to the side of darkness, he doesn't hesitate to show his existence. Kind of makes me wonder just how dark the heart of sadistic bastard actual is!]

[BLASPHEMY!!! Human, you dare to disrespect the Holy Father, spitting on the face of the one who created you! How dare you! You're beyond redemption, only after I purge you shall you see the light and if you want to return to it, it will be up to the Lord to decide.]

[By purge you mean to kill me right? And what do you mean by created by the Lord, there's something called sex, I don't if you've heard of it but it's when a man inserts his peni…]

[Enough! As declared by the Lord, Judgment Day to the human race of this world, I, Faith Hunter, shall bestow Judgment upon these tainted souls as ordered by the Holy Father!]


Two dots, one black and one white left a trail behind them as they moved at breakneck speed and collided.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two men exchanged a few blows before separating, with Faith Hunter being caught by surprise. He was shocked at a human at the First Rank was able to go toe to toe with him, someone who was already at the Ninth Rank.

[His armour and… heheh, I'm gonna enjoy beating you to a pulp you arrogant bastard!]

Faith Hunter didn't waste any more time and continued to attack, his fists were imbued with a white light that was especially effective against those of darkness. Of course, under the protection of the armour given to him by the Death Crow, James didn't feel any pain when these punches landed on his body. 'This armour is really…' he couldn't finish this thought as he felt a sting as though he was being pinched.

'What's happe…'

[It stings right? Don't worry, it won't sting for long!] said Faith Hunter.

The light on his fists glowed brighter as he became unrelenting with his punches, the strange thing was that when he punched, the light disappeared into the armour but James still felt the stinging pain which was getting worse as time went by. James tried to counterattack by copying what Faith Hunter was doing, he also imbued his fists with darkness but when the punches landed on the silver armour, the darkness was vanquished by the bright light of the armour.

[You spoke so arrogantly before, like some kind of powerful being who had everything playing out in the palm of their hand, look at you now! I can't believe it, where did you get the confidence to disrespect me and the Holy Father when you've never been in a fight. You probably didn't have any until a few days ago, hahaha. Let me ask you this, do you think a bird that doesn't know how to fly could learn to if it threw itself down a cliff? No, the bird would simply die because it doesn't know what flying even means and you are like that bird. Having power you don't know how to use, ridiculous!] said Faith Hunter.

He slowly stood up and looked down on James who in this moment was unrecognisable. His armour was full of cracks, his helmet gone and his face was literally punched in, Faith Hunter had beaten the arrogance, confidence and pride out of him, literally!

His chest heaved ever so slowly as he struggled to breathe, his consciousness on the verge of collapse. He was so badly wounded that he couldn't even think clearly, his ears weren't working, his eyes swollen almost to a close, his nose stuck together with what was left of his mouth.

"Groan… groan… groan…"

That's the only sound he could as tears poured out constantly from somewhere on his face, it was obvious that James was in excruciating pain as a man is only allowed to cry when he's extremely happy or extremely sad and for him it was the latter.

[Did you think this was a game? Did you think that we'd start slowly as you get to learn about yourself and the power you possess? No, this is war! People die in wars, they die painfully, having to watch as their lives flash before their eyes. They die with regrets. I've spoken enough, it's time to put you out of your misery.]

James somehow managed to hear Faith Hunter's words this time, like they were spoken directly to his soul and he couldn't help but cry even more as the tree of hatred in his heart thickened its roots and grew even larger.

[I-I'll… k-k-kill… every l-last… one of y-you… that's a pro… pro… promise..!!!] James's pitch black swollen eyes stared coldly at Faith Hunter without fear.

Faith Hunter was shocked not by James's words but by the extreme, deep rooted hatred towards 'them' as in the Holy Race. James's entire being exuded an extreme hatred, hatred that coursed through his veins, engraved on his bones and growing stronger every moment. And there was something about James's eyes that made Faith Hunter's spine tingle.

[You… you… what are you..?!!!]

Faith Hunter didn't wait for James to answer as he simply unsheathed his sword and aimed at James's neck but suddenly, everything was dark and when he blinked again, James had disappeared. 'What happened…' he thought to himself as he looked around and about a hundred metres away, James lay there not moving, obviously unconscious. Faith Hunter was about to chase after him when he a hand or rather a claw grab his shoulder.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you… or maybe I would, I don't know since I'm not you and what would you do if you were you, wait a minute, you are you. Well, just don't do what you're planning to do." said the voice.

Faith Hunter was horrified when he heard the first sentence that he almost forgot to breathe but when the voice continued to speak, it totally ruined his scared attitude. If not for his instincts warning him to not do anything stupid, he would have flung this hand or claw away and killed James right there and then.

"You know, you sure do look and smell like those guys I once ate except, your wings are white and theirs were black. The cross in your forehead is upright and gold while theirs was in reverse position and blood red, there was even that one guy with black gold wings that Master… oh, I almost forgot about my mission. My Master said that he wasn't satisfied with the fight so there'll be a round two which will take place a year from now, if you still defeat that guy then he won't stand in your way, even if it's total annihilation of the Human Species."

Hearing this, Faith Hunter felt rage bubbling from within and how could he not be angry, he could tell at a glance that James was and forever would be, a danger to the Holy Race. How could he just let him go like that?!

[What? You're not willing to comply? Seems like you're not very smart like those black wings ones, at least they knew not to mess with us when they saw us. I'll eat your wings then as punishment.]

'Wait… what..?'