
Apex Of Apexes

Kaleo Ail, an illegal miner from Africa is buried alive inside the mine after the mine collapses due to an earthquake. He tries to dig himself out but a series of phenomena occur and he finds himself trapped in an unknown place, a place where one can literally smell death through the air, a place that doesn’t allow any light to exist in its presence, a place that doesn’t allow life to flourish, a place of absolute darkness. After overcoming trials and tribulations, Kaleo finally manages to leave the unknown place but to his dismay, the world is no longer the same as he remembers it to be. He also finds out that he has been buried for a hundred thousand years in human time.

Smallhands · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 6: Crimson Star


"Who am I? Where am I?" a disoriented male voice sounded in the darkness. He had short black hair, brown skin that was smooth and soft, tall and muscular and very handsome. He looked to be in his late twenties and exuded an air of maturity that was like a magnet for women. Althing he was naked, he didn't feel cold at all and could see quite clearly in the dark as though it was daytime.

Looking around, he saw a bag pack not far from the underground cave and quickly walked towards it and opened it. Inside was an old set of torn clothes that would make anyone who wore them look like a beggar. Without a choice, he wore the clothes that surprisingly felt comfortable. He then activated his advanced wrist watched and made a call.

"Fuck you!"

He then ended the call and walked towards the entrance of the cave where a magic circle had already been prepared, stood at the centre of it and disappeared on the spot. The magic circle didn't immediately disappear but lit brightly before a small explosion that collapsed the cave's path and the cave itself.

The man reappeared in a dilapidated house made from wood that was starting to decay, there was no furniture in the house or even electricity. It didn't even have the futuristic design that many houses in the Inner Cities had. The man activated his wrist watch again and made a call. The call quickly went through but the person he called was the first to speak.

"My idiot little brother, is this how you greet your elder sister who's literally helped you change your fate. I wonder who taught you how to be an ingrate because it sure as hell wasn't me, hehe." said the alluring female voice jokingly.

"Enough with your nonsense Moon, why did you tell literally at the last moment that there was a fifty percent chance that I'd die?! Why didn't you also mention how excruciating the pain was going to be?!"

"That's why I call you an idiot. Star, I've told you throughout your whole upbringing that nothing comes for free in life, even when it's you receiving it. Star, to become genius Witches, we had to undergo reconstruction of the body, where do you think those abs and muscles came from. You are no longer the old Star who was a useless good for nothing, you've been reborn as a legend the world has yet to see. From now onwards, you're no longer Star but Crimson Star, I am now Crimson Moon. The day will come when Crimson Moon and Star take the lead stage on this savage world, hihihi."

Star didn't respond immediately to what Moon just said but rather digested the information he had obtained. He knew that everything Moon did was for the both of them and really appreciated all that she had done for him.

"Sis, for all that you've done for me, I won't thank you with words but with actions. I'll work hard to become the man you've always wanted me to be and I'll definitely make you proud of me!" said Star with determination and conviction before hanging up.

Moon who was naked on her bed closed her eyes as she softly muttered to herself, "Silly boy, I've always been proud of you and it's good that you're hyped because I put in a lot of effort to secure a brighter future for you. 70-30, I wonder how talented you are now compared to me, hehe."

If Star heard what Moon just said, he would be so overwhelmed by emotions that he wouldn't know what to say or do.

Star then went to the corner of the room and chanted, [Open] and the wooden floor moved to reveal a small box about thirty centimetres in size. Opening the box, Star saw what was inside but apart from a slight frown, he didn't react much and took out the things inside. Once he took everything out, the box caught fire and turned into ashes.

Seating cross legged, naked again, Star looked at the things Moon had prepared for him. It was an adult human brain, human eyeballs, a complete human skin, a wand and about five thick books.


He started chanting words that no one could understand as his brown eyes turned black, not pitch black but just black. His voice also turned into a whisper as a huge magic circle covered the whole room and emitted grey smoke which enveloped the whole room. The fog lasted for about thirty minutes before disappearing together with the magic circle. When it disappeared, all the human parts that were placed on the floor were gone and a completely different person had also appeared.

[Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Whose The Fairest Of Them All?]

A human sized mirror then appeared on the wooden wall, showing the full physical appearance of the new person. It was a short black dude in his thirties, half blond half black braids, no muscles, big tummy and an above average appearance. "Out of everyone, why did you choose this ugly guy as my disguise!"


Hearing the message left by Moon, Star was visibly pissed off, "I'm gonna show just how black I can be…" he muttered to himself as he wore his clothes and walked out the dilapidated house and onto a new chapter of his life.

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen. My name is Kaleo, Kaleo Ail. Due to some unforeseen circumstances years ago, I disappeared from the world and it's been about more than a week since I came back. I'm will…"

"When did you disappear? What was the incident? Where did you go? How did you survive? How did you come back?"

Kaleo Ail was in the meeting with the executives of the Association Bureau as well as a few prominent figures. Not one of them held back their auras in the slightest, the weakest here were Rank One City Lords and the strongest being Rank Nine City Lords. The room was fully crowded by these somewhat arrogant powerhouses and they were of different races with the whites dominating.

And how could they not, the white race was well known for its fearlessness so they were the ones responsible for both offence and defence of the Human Race since they didn't even fear death. The one leading this meeting was a man known as Commander Bulldozer, a powerful man who has more than once turned the tides of the battle with his prowess.

"I don't want to talk about my past since it brings back bad memories, I'm sure you can understand." said Kaleo calmly. One of the executives was about to press on on this topic but with a wave of his hand, Commander Bulldozer stopped him.

"I don't feel any power emanating from you as though you're an ordinary human but under the collective pressure of the executives, your expression hasn't changed a single time which brings to two conclusions, either you can't feel the pressure which is highly unlikely or you're on the same level as me or above me. I'm willing to bet all my alcohol that it's the second guess."

Everyone in the room was shocked by Commander Bulldozer's revelation as it would mean that they were putting on airs against someone who's long surpassed them and reached the same level of power as the Commanders. Such beings were held in extremely high positions and weren't people to be messed with.

Kaleo didn't answer and only gave everyone a smile which didn't convey anything and how could it. It was after all just an ordinary smile without any hidden motive behind it. The Commander continued talking, not minding the shocked expressions of everyone in the meeting.

"Mr Ail, you might claim that you're innocent and don't have any ill intentions towards humanity but we beg to differ. Around the same time that you appeared, it's been a tragedy after a tragedy. The first was the explosion I'm the Wilderness Outskirts, the second had something to do with Detective Gunner and also the hospital explosion. This all happened after you arrived, what proof do you have that proves that all these incidents aren't linked to you?" asked Commander Bulldozer.

The room became dead silent as Commander Bulldozer had mentioned a crucial point that none had thought of. In fact, these guys hadn't even bothered to investigate Kaleo's origins.

"I can assure you that everything has nothing to do with me, it's all just a chain of coincidences. I bear no ill will towards my own kind and I just want an ID to avoid unnecessary problems in the future. I've been through a lot in the years that I've been gone, all I want now is to relax and enjoy my life."

"Mr Ail, the information you've given us is the same as not saying anything. And since nothing can be done about that, we'll have to decli…"

"Let's make a trade then. In exchange for what I want, I'll give you what you need. How does that sound?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Let me see…"

Kaleo closed his eyes and didn't say anything while everyone waited for him to speak. They waited for about a minute before Kaleo presented the items he wanted to trade. With a wave of his hand, a few items appeared out of thin air and remained suspended in the air.

There was a black orb the size of an ostrich egg, a metallic rock as big as a fully grown elephant, a book with a beast skin cover, a bronze hammer and a bronze flame-holder in a palm design shaped like it was holding water. Kaleo held the flame-holder and spat on it, after spitting, a magical thing happened. The saliva became transparent like water then it slowly became thick and black, before it completely turn black, Kaleo snapped his fingers and the black saliva turned into a small flame no bigger than a candle flame.

The flame then floated upwards by a few centimetres, five centimetres to be exact and then remained hovering, it was held in place by the flame-holder.

"Ahem, Mr Ail, what exactly are these things that you're trading? Would you mind giving us a brief description for each and how it's used?" Commander Bulldozer pulled everyone out of their trance as the meeting was still ongoing.

"Of course, this black orb is called the uhh… Space Orb! Yes! Yes! A piece of this metal and this Space Orb can create a storage artifact. As for the storage size, it will depend on how much aluminium you use and you have to first melt it, turn it into a jewellery piece of your choice before placing inside the Space Orb. This book is called Secrets Of The Elements and I guess it's about elements, I don't know since I've never read it before.

The hammer is called Bronze Hammer, it can multiply itself and its what your Artificers will use when working and finally the Bronze Flame-holder as its name implies, it holds that small flame there. Without it, this flame will return to me so don't mistreat the Bronze Flame-holder or it will release the flame. As for the flame, it can melt any iron in the world."

After giving the brief description for each of the objects Kaleo had just taken out, the room fell into silence once more as everyone including Commander Bulldozer was speechless. They had never heard of such things in their lives, this opened up the door for major improvements for the Human Race. What was more unbelievable was that these priceless treasures were being exchanged for a worthless ID only applicable to humans living here.

"Mr Ail, are you truly sure that you want to exchange all of this for a worthless ID? We can…"

"It's fine, these things are useless to me anyways so you can have them."

"Does this mean that you have better treasures than what you've just shown us?" asked one of the executives. Kaleo turned to look at the person and slowly nodded. Immediately after he nodded, he noticed the greed in the eyes of most people here, no matter how they tried to hide, their greed was clearly visible in his eyes.

"Of course I have better tras… treasures with me. Treasures so powerful that they could make the Human Race the rulers of not just this world but the entire Milky Way Galaxy…" when Kaleo reached this point, the executives had stopped breathing while their eyes and mouths were wide open from shock and excitement.

"…But I won't give them to you."

Hearing this, everyone was visibly disappointed but there was nothing they could do about it, unlike Chairman Shawn's colleagues who had their intelligence blocked for a while, the executives here had clear minds that were working at full capacity. Since this guy could take out such powerful treasures that no human had ever seen before, he must be very strong too to protect his treasures. They weren't about to provoke a monster just because they were greedy, plus, Kaleo had said he wouldn't give these treasures to them which meant that there was a chance he'd give them to other people.

"Sir Ail, h-how strong exactly a-are you?" asked another executive.

"Hehe, I'm strong enough." answered Kaleo with a smile.

"Mr Ail, we accept your offer and if ever you want to do another trade, just contact me and I'll show you all the wealth humanity has accumulated over the years. I'm sure there'll be one or two things that peak your interests." said Commander Bulldozer.

"If that day comes, you'll be the first person that I'll contact. Thank you for your time.

[Let me quickly finish my mission and leave this god forsaken place. James Rubert, you dare to join the dark side and make an enemy of the Holy Father. I'll teach about the immensity of the heavens and the earth, I shall bestow upon you… JUDGMENT!]

A man with white feathery wings floated in space as he gazed coldly at the world in front of him. He was fully clad in silver armour with a golden cross at the chest and hid his face with a white hoody that emanated a blinding light. With a flap of his wings, he covered a distance of hundreds of kilometres.

[By the Order of the Holy Father, humanity shall be given a chance to repent for their actions in the afterlife. Humanity, Judgement Day has come!]