
Apex Of Apexes

Kaleo Ail, an illegal miner from Africa is buried alive inside the mine after the mine collapses due to an earthquake. He tries to dig himself out but a series of phenomena occur and he finds himself trapped in an unknown place, a place where one can literally smell death through the air, a place that doesn’t allow any light to exist in its presence, a place that doesn’t allow life to flourish, a place of absolute darkness. After overcoming trials and tribulations, Kaleo finally manages to leave the unknown place but to his dismay, the world is no longer the same as he remembers it to be. He also finds out that he has been buried for a hundred thousand years in human time.

Smallhands · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 2: The Last Blood

Josh who had been watching everything from his holographic screens was so astounded that he couldn't even sit down. Crystalline sweat covered his forehead as he couldn't even think straight, 'Just who is this man?! Which organisation does he come from?! And most importantly, what does he want?!' His mind was filled with so many questions that he couldn't think straight. And after hearing what Eagle-Eyes just said, he was so infuriated that he wanted to curse at Eagle-Eye and the ones who gave birth to him but as a leader, Josh knew that now was not the time.

It was only after he heard the questions being asked by the black man that a glimmer of hope came. And now knew how to proceed with his next move but this move of his was a risky move, a move so risky it could cost him his life.

Back to Eagle-Eye, after making eye contact with the black man, he felt like he was up close to the sun and looking at it. What surprised him though was that he didn't find the sun scary, in fact, he felt its warmth as though he had returned to his mother's embrace where he felt the safest. Unfortunately reality was something far more powerful than one's imagination or dreams, it couldn't be easily affected.

"You, why did you kill that pigeon guy? Forget that, what year is it? Where am I? What happened to the world? Is this the African continent?"

It was only when the black man spoke that Eagle-Eye came back to his senses but he was horrified to see his current state. He was literally on fire, his hair, parts of his skin, hands and even his eyelids were now nothing but burnt flesh. What terrified him even more was what he didn't even know that he was sent ablaze by just making eye contact with the black man, all this time he felt that he was being embraced by the sun when in fact he was on fire and on the brink of death. If this mysterious black man didn't say anything then he would have burnt to death without even knowing it.

[Quickly give the communication device to the kind Sir besides you, I want to talk to him!]

Josh' authority filled voice sounded through the small communication device inside his ear and Eagle-Eyes, who was on the brink of death struggled to give the black man his communication device, it took everything in him just to do that, the only strength he had left was to say a few words.

"Activate self-healing mode!"

An AI voice sounded in Eagle-Eyes mind as his body began to heal, dead skin fell on the roof as new skin started to grow at a rapid speed. The black man was slightly curious about this type of healing method, he could clearly see that it wasn't an innate healing method but rather man-made.

"Greetings Mr uhh…"

"Kaleo. Kaleo Ail."

"Greetings Mr Ail, I am Josh Perga, leader of an underground organisation. From your conversation with my surbodinate, it's safe to assume that this is your first time in a long time making contact with the outside world. I'd like to invite Mr Ail as my guest, I'll be sure to answer all your questions as well update on what's happening around the world. And maybe perhaps, some clothes,hehe."

"Hahaha, I'll be in your care then Mr Perga."

After the explosion, the place was now packed with a crowd of people wearing navy blue uniforms with a "Association Bureau" word written on either the back or the front of their uniforms.

Standing in the middle of the crater was a stunning blonde haired woman who seemed to be in her look late twenties. Her hair was tied into a ponytail, beautiful blue eyes with red lipstick, wearing a formal suit. Her eyes were cold and her face screaming dedication towards her work, you could tell just by looking that she meant business.

Besides her was a beast she held by the leash, it looked like a creature from a horror film. It looked exactly like a dog except that it was two metres tall, red and black fur covered its body, row of sharp teeth, no eyes and ears and very sensitive nose. Its nose was so acute that it could pick up a scent of a person a thousand miles away without a problem. It could also trail a scent that's a month old, differentiate and record scents and will never forget them. But the most deadly ability, an ability that led to its current name, when this beast memorised a blood scent, that's when things get serious.

With one's blood scent in its memory, escaping is impossible. No matter where you hide, be it the ocean depths of inside a volcano, it will still find you. Whether you run into tomorrow, run to ends of the world, it makes no difference, once your blood is recorded, best thing is to just surrender. This beast was the new version of the Bloodhound.

"These guys are getting more and more bolder as we let them run amok in the Suburbs. To think they'd dare cause trouble in the Inner Region of the Suburbs, has the Association Bureau kept quiet for too long that these lowlifes think they own the place, damn it! Detective Gunner, your report!"

"Yes sir, from the information I've obtained, this was a clash between the Shadows and the Heretics. And this Heretic should be the newly rising star Mr Umbrella, judging from the two corpses we found back in the alley. As for the reason behind this, either someone put a number on Mr Umbrella's head or he was carrying something important to the Shadows. I'm sure it's the latter." her analysis was so on point that it was astounding, it was as though she was there when everything happened. While giving her report, her pet started sniffling around.

Her pet ran over the other side of the crater where a puddle of blood was being gathered some of the workers, it then started digging while barking for his owner to come over.

"Sparky has found something!" said Detective Gunner as she ran over to see what her Sparky had found. After digging for a while, she found three metallic black feathers and was quite happy with this discovery. This was because Sparky had one last ability that was extremely useful, through Sparky, she could gaze at past events using the blood she found. The blood would show them its last events before it was separated from its main body.

Detective Gunner collected three drops of blood from the three feathers and excitedly shouted, " Sparky, let's see if there's any useful information we can get from this blood. Show me your last memories… The Last Blood!"

Her pupils then dilated as she seemed to have entered a new world, her eyes were blank to indicate that although her body was here, her soul had left the body to peek at past events.

"Where is this place?"

Detective Gunner was expecting to appear in the outskirts of the forest where she found the feathers but instead was sent into a completely different place. A place where an enormous white mountain was all she could see, she tried looking back but all there was, was an expanse of complete darkness. She looked at this white gigantic mountain and wondered how something can be so massive.

This was because she literally the size of an ant when compared to this mountain, it was like she was an ant in front of an elephant, incomparable.

"Sparky, where are we? Shouldn't we have appeared in the place where we found the three feathers? Take me there, I want to see what or who caused Mr Umbrella to resort to using something that would force him to sacrifice his hidden identity just to get rid of this opponent. Sparky? Sparky?!"

It took a while for Detective Gunner to realise that sim something was wrong with Sparky, he was awfully quiet today. She carefully looked at her pet beast and saw that it was shivering, it kept whimpering at Detective Gunner instead of barking like it usually did. 'Is it cold here, why is he shivering so much… wait a minute, it's not our physical bodies here rather our souls so how could Sparky keep shivering unless…"

She looked at this vast white mountain again and came to a conclusion soon after, 'This mountain is suppressing Sparky, but why? Could there be something wrong with that blood that it took us to a different location?"she kept asking herself questions which had no answers to. The only thing she was right about was the suppression of her pet beast but she was wrong about the mountain, it wasn't the mountain suppressing her pet beast rather something else, something far more terrifying than anything she'd ever seen.

"Sparky, we're leaving. Deactivate The Last Blood."


"Sparky, didn't you hear me, it's time to go. Sparky..!"

No matter what she said, how much she tried to order him around, he just wouldn't budge, as though something was stopping him from listening to the orders of his master.


Hearing this hissing sound, Sparky rolled on his back and exposed his belly. Detective wasn't stupid and knew the meaning of Sparky's actions, 'Complete Submission!'

It didn't take a genius to understand that they were currently in deep shit. Detective Gunner didn't waste any time and copied her pet beast's actions, she bowed down in complete submission. Sparky's eyes had conveyed the message quite clear to her, "Don't even think about resisting or we might die!" was the message Detective Gunner received from Sparky.

[You have quite an interesting pet there little girl, and quite smart and loyal too. My Master used to say that giving up doesn't mean you've failed, it means that you've seen the error of your ways and thus chose a different path that will still lead you to the same destination. It's those who can let go that gain more in life. Raise your head little one.] the voice said.

After raising her head, what Detective Gunner saw almost made lose her mind, she almost went insane. In front of her eyes was a titanic purple snake that, then snake's head was so big, so big that Detective Gunner felt no shame when she compared herself to a micro organism. That's how big it was, big enough that in her eyes, she considered herself as small as a micro organism.

[I don't know who you are or why you want to check on my Master's past but I'd advice you against such an act. An insignificant being like you is not worthy of looking into my Master's history, you have been warned.]

"Excuse me, if you don't mind me asking, what are you and how did you bring us here?"

While Detective Gunner was satisfying her curiosity, her body wasn't in great condition. Purple veins appeared all over her body squirming like worms, her eyes had completely turned purple as she bled from her eyes, ears, mouth, nose and even from her pores. Her entire figure was dyed red with her own blood, Sparky was no different. All his fur had fallen off his body, his teeth fell off, his claws fell off and all the bones in his body were broken.

Seeing this, the two were quickly rushed to the hospital for immediate treatment. When they reached the hospital, the doctors didn't even know where to start.

"What happened to her?!"

"We also don't know doc, one minute she was using her pet beast's ability to solve a case and the next minute she was like this. We were hoping that you'd know the cause of her condition." explained one of the agents.

"Like hell I would! Do you think that I'm some omnipotent god or something! Call Sister Juliet, maybe she has a way . I also need a family member of Miss Gunner to come and give consent, please call them over! This is beyond my expertise, this needs someone more qualified. Right, I heard that Old Man Tom is in town, quickly call him. Tell him I need his help!"