
Apex legends system in the world of Genshin Impact (dropped, I'm lazy)

Our MC Aerial dies as a result of a god's error. In exchange, the God grants her three wishes to help her, as well as reincarnating her in her chosen world, in this case Genshin Impact. Please be patient as this is my first time writing. Also, because I'm typing this on my phone, updates may be slow. By the way, I welcome constructive criticism. * I obviously do not own Genshin Impact, Apex Legends, or any other game. Only Ocs are available to me. This is the primary fanfic. I made duplicates and don't know how to remove them; this fic will have more chapters.

KittyGunmaster · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Poll on waifu and harem pls comment

This is a yuri fanfic btw if u didn't see by the tag. So who do you want to be the lover. I'll try make it not forced btw and actually put character but this is my first time writing so if there r mistakes sorry. I don't rly wanna make this a harem but if you lads want it, ok then I'll do it. also Ik only like 1 or 2 of ye will comment so yeah. mine is Xiangling btw



not harem