
AoT Unleashed | How to Survive in a World infested with Titans

Kaito's day went from boring to brutal in 2 seconds flat. One minute he's driving home with a trunk full of avocados, the next he's waking up in a world where humans are on the menu. No, he didn't get lost in a bad anime marathon - he literally woke up in Viva la Titan's land. Now, he's just trying to survive without getting eaten, all while wondering if he left his stove on back in the real world. Oh, now that he's here, why not bang some beauties too!

NightSpectra · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs


"Oops!" Kaito muttered under his breath, realizing he had inadvertently drawn attention to himself. "Don't mind me! You guys continue!" he shouted towards the cadets below, trying to divert the commander's focus away from him.

But Kitz's anger was palpable, his voice booming with fury. "CADET, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THERE!? Get out of this place right now!" he roared, his patience wearing thin. However, Kaito's attention was elsewhere, his gaze fixed on the tired face of the familiar Asian girl.

'She looks so moeee'

"That does it!" Kaito decided at once, no longer can he let such a moe face remain sad!

With a swift motion, he struck the wall's surface, his hand gripping tightly as he ripped up a chunk of stone. With determination for moe blazing in his eyes, he stood up and hurled the stones with precision, mimicking the legendary Monkey Zeke's style.

The splintered stones found their mark, striking the cannon mounted on the building with pinpoint accuracy. The impact sent the cannon tumbling down, crashing to the ground below in a deafening cacophony of metal and stone.

Once the cannon came crashing down, Kaito wasted no time. With a leap from the towering wall, he descended towards the ground below, his form slicing through the air like a comet. As he plummeted, he adopted a superhero pose, his landing causing the ground to crack beneath him.

'Cool Landing Check!'

For a moment, everyone watched in stunned silence, marveling at how a mere human could survive such a daring feat.

As Kaito stood amidst the wreckage, he addressed the bewildered soldiers with a cheerful tone. "Okay, guys, thank you for your work today. You all can go home, eat dinner, and take a good night's nap now."

The soldiers exchanged confused glances, unsure of how to react to this unexpected turn of events. Ian leaned in to whisper to Kitz,who was looking at the daring cadet in confusion and anger, "S-sir, that's Kaito, another one from our elite unit."

Kitz's frustration boiled over as he gritted his teeth in anger. "Cadet Kaito, are you colluding with the traitors?" he demanded, his voice sharp with accusation.

His crimson-red pupils bored into Kitz's. The intensity of his gaze sent shivers down Kitz's spine, a primal instinct urging him to flee.

"...What if I am?" Kaito whispered, his voice dripping with icy menace.

Kaito's sudden appearance and menacing demeanor left them reeling, unsure of how to respond. Kitz, though shaken, refused to back down, his resolve bolstered by the presence of his men.

"We won't tolerate treachery within ou-ckk!" Kitz declared, his voice wavering slightly despite his attempt to sound authoritative but his voice was cutoff in middle as he felt a cold sensation wrapping around his neck and his feets leaving the ground.

His own sound of choking resounding in his ears made him realize what was happening.

Kaito hanged the captain by his neck as he looked at the other soldiers, who were stunned by the sudden presence of the cadet chocking their captain.

One second ago the cadet was tens of meter away and in a blink of eye, he had covered the distance without anyone noticing. A chill ran through their body.

If the other party intended to kill them, they won't even know when their neck was separated from their body...

Kaito's lips curled into a sinister smirk. "And who decides what constitutes treachery, Commander? You?" His words hung heavy in the air, challenging the authority of Kitz and the Garrison.

Ian, sensing the tension escalating, stepped forward cautiously. "Cadet Kaito, we need to resolve this peacefully. Let's not make matters worse than they already are."

"Peace? How quaint," he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Tell me, Ian, how do you propose we achieve peace when you're all so quick to label anyone who questions your authority as a traitor?"

Ian's eyes widened in realization, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "We... We just want to maintain order and protect humanity," he stammered, struggling to find the right words.

 "Order? Humanity?" he scoffed. "You're all so blinded by fear and ignorance that you can't even see the real threats."

Releasing his grip, the 'commanding officer' fell on the ground, grasping for breaths. "Y-You dare attack your superior?", Kitz said while stammering breath.

"Yeah, now shaddup."Kaito lowered his face to meet his eyes, causing Kitz to swallow his words as he flinched in fear.

"Coward." Kaito commented.

With that said, Kaito turned his back and walked toward the trio. Kitz moved, the sudde pressure on him had vanished and with that came back his courage, taking a rifle from a stunned soldier.

Just as he was about to take aim, Ian tackled him away. Kitz seemed to boil in smoke when a sudden voice cooled the surrounding.

"Cut it out already. You haven't changed. As big as you are, you've still got the guts of a scared fawn." the voice of an aged man sounded from the back of battlement.

"Commander Pixis?" ,Kitz said in astonishment.

Commander Pixis's arrival brought an immediate sense of calm to the tense situation.

With a thoughtful stroke of his mustache, Pixis addressed Captain Klitz.

"Captain, it seems that today's events have taken a toll on everyone. Perhaps it would be best if you took some time to rest and gather your thoughts. I will handle the situation from here."

Klitz, though reluctant, saluted and left as per Pixis's orders, his fist clenched so tight that blood was visible.

Pixis then turned his attention to Kaito, noticing his battered appearance. "Cadet, as much as I would like to applaud your ...performance, you look injured." His gaze focused on the big tear in his clothes where previously the crystal spikes had penetrated his body. Kaito hadn't purposefully healed thrm. "I trust you should seek medical attention immediately."

Kaito, suddenly aware of his wounds, grinned sheepishly. "Ah, yes, Commander. I guess I got a bit carried away back there. I'll head to the infirmary right away."

Pixis, his expression stern yet understanding, added, "While your intentions may have been noble, Kaito, you did break protocol by attacking a senior officer. We'll need to address that at a later time."

Kaito, his usual cheekiness resurfacing, replied, "Understood, Commander. I guess I just couldn't resist the urge to be the hero of the day."

With a mock salute, Kaito turned to leave, but not before throwing a wink at Mikasa and whispering a sentence only she could hear "Catch you later, my moe titan slayer."

Mikasa, caught off guard by the sudden attention, felt a blush creep up her cheeks. She quickly regained her composure and focused on the conversation at hand.

Pixis then addressed Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. "As for you three, come with me. We have much to discuss."

The trio exchanged glances, a mix of uncertainty and hope in their eyes. They followed Pixis to the top of the wall, where they could speak privately.

As they walked, Armin seized the opportunity to explain Eren's importance. "Commander, if I may, Eren's ability to transform into a titan could be a turning point in our fight. With proper planning, we could use his power to seal the hole in Wall Rose, just like the one in Wall Maria five years ago."

Pixis listened intently, his mind already formulating plans and strategies. The conversation continued, with Eren expressing his determination to help humanity and Pixis acknowledging the challenges that lay ahead.

Meanwhile, Kaito made his way to the infirmary, his mind replaying the events of the day.

Back on the wall, Pixis and the trio delved deeper into their discussion, weighing the risks and benefits of their next moves. The fate of humanity within the walls hung in the balance, and the decisions made in the coming hours would shape the course of their fight against the titans.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the battered city, a sense of purpose and determination settled over the group. They knew the road ahead would be treacherous, but with the power of Eren's titan ability and the unwavering spirit of the Survey Corps, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Here is the last chapter which I had pre-written. As for future, in next month, I may or may not upload chapter.

But worry not, I promise to upload many chapters in May and upcoming months.

Sayonara Amigos!

See ya later.

NightSpectracreators' thoughts