
AOT : The Ymir's Saga

In an alternate reality, Titans weren't confined to a single planet; they were integral to a sprawling interplanetary network that linked diverse worlds across the galaxy. Tasked with safeguarding planets and their inhabitants from external threats, Titans had become the linchpin of the interstellar defense force. However, this newfound importance didn't guarantee universal acceptance. Some planets viewed Titans as encroachments on their autonomy, leading to simmering tensions and occasional conflicts. Yet, for Ymir, a Titan born into a world entrenched in warfare, this interplanetary structure symbolized hope—a chance to transcend personal battles and contribute to a cosmic cause. As the narrative unfolds, it traverses from Earth-centric conflicts to a grand interplanetary stage, eventually intertwining with an intergalactic storyline. Politics and intrigue serve as the backdrop, enriching the tale with unexpected twists and ethical quandaries. Readers can support the author's creative journey and gain access to exclusive content by joining their Patreon campaign at P@.treon/DarkLord001, fostering a vibrant community around the evolving narrative. This project promises an enthralling exploration of cosmic politics, personal growth, and epic conflicts across the vast expanse of the universe.

DarkLord01 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Desolair: The Toss

Remy's voice oozed with anger as he spat out the accusation, "You witch!"

Tleilaxu's lips curved into a sly smile, mischief dancing in her eyes. "But my dear Remy, I thought you would relish the gift I had prepared, considering your solemn vow to bring the Commander's demise."

Remy's patience had worn thin, his tolerance for Tleilaxu's games evaporating in an instant. Determination etched deep lines upon his face as he strode purposefully towards her, fueled by a singular resolve to put an end to this charade once and for all.

Yet, as Remy closed in on his target, a sudden and ominous thud echoed through the chamber. An iron bar descended from above, crashing down with a resounding force that erected an impassable barrier between Remy and Tleilaxu.

The barrier stood tall, a physical manifestation of the invisible walls that now separated them, sealing their fates in this twisted confrontation.

Caught off guard, Remy halted in his tracks, his eyes locked on the insurmountable obstacle that now stood between him and his elusive adversary. The bar stood as an unyielding sentinel, casting a shadow over their impending clash, a stark reminder of the forces at play.

"Let us not be hasty in our approach, for there may be a way I can be of assistance to you," Tleilaxu proposed, her voice laced with a hint of intrigue.

A cold, resolute glare burned in Remy's eyes as he retorted, "You will meet your demise in this wretched abyss, mark my words."

Before Remy could continue his fervent declaration, Nefud interjected, his voice tinged with anger and sorrow. "You have slaughtered my people merely to revel in your own power."

Tleilaxu winced, caught in the crossfire of their animosity. "Ah! My brother has been bestowed the command of his fleet, his authority granting him the freedom to act. And what better target than the rebel stronghold?"

Curiosity tinged with skepticism danced in Nefud's eyes as he posed the question, "Then why do you find yourself in this treacherous place?"

A fleeting moment of vulnerability washed over Tleilaxu's face as she spoke, her voice carrying the weight of destiny. "Because I am destined to be the Kahn, and I am the eldest daughter of the Maximum Vanguard."

"I appreciate your sentiment, but I have no desire to entangle myself in the family's political strife," Remy responded with a touch of defiance.

Tleilaxu's expression remained unyielding as she countered, "Yet you are well aware that you cannot escape this fate."

"My brother, Atreus, will stop at nothing to assert his dominance over the Andromedus throne," Remy stated, his voice tinged with a mix of caution and concern.

"He knows precisely where to begin, and it is you and your people who will bear the brunt of his initial onslaught. As the law dictates, only the one who proves themselves worthy in the darkest of times will claim the throne," Tleilaxu explained with an air of resignation.

Nefud's voice resonated with a dark edge as he added, "In that case, prepare yourself to embark on a journey to The Dark Star, where your destiny will be inscribed with ink as black as the void."

A sense of resolve filled Tleilaxu's eyes as she concluded, "And that is precisely why I find myself here."

"I need your help to emerge victorious against the formidable intergalactic forces of Xenomorphs," she pleaded.

Nefud inter

jected with a touch of skepticism, "But you know it's impossible, don't you? The boundaries imposed by the enigmatic Dark Star create an impassable barrier. Your technology alone cannot breach its defenses, trust me."

Tleilaxu's eyes bore the weight of knowledge as she continued, "The Xenomorphs have defied these boundaries for centuries, raiding our planets with ruthless efficiency. They are the result of biological enhancements conducted on the precipice of the Dark Star. We exist only as long as they remain obedient to their true master, the one who slumbers."

Nefud's words carried a somber truth as he emphasized, "You must come to terms with the reality that victory against the Xenomorphs is an unattainable feat. Their power lies in their ability to follow the one who possesses true control over them."

Tleilaxu's expression grew resolute as she countered, "But things have changed. The Xenomorphs have evolved. They now exhibit a newfound precision in their attacks, targeting the industrial planets of the belt. They strike in coordinated formations. We managed to capture one of them, lifeless, and discovered that their brains have undergone a remarkable transformation. And it seems..."

Both Remy and Nefud stared towards Tleilaxu, she stopped in the middle, realizing that she must use them as a weapon.


"This is not a matter of personal favor or a selfless act. It's a simple bargain, an exchange where each party gains something valuable."

Nefud's curiosity was piqued as he questioned, "What do I stand to gain from this arrangement?"

Tleilaxu's voice carried the promise of liberation, "Freedom. If we emerge triumphant in this battle, you will be granted your freedom. No longer bound by the constraints of Magnus' order."

Skepticism lingered in Nefud's response, "And what guarantee do we have that we can trust you?"

Tleilaxu's eyes gleamed with conviction as she explained, "Trust is the only option we have. It requires a leap of faith, a mutual understanding that our shared goals align in this precarious endeavor."

Remy interjected, his voice laced with determination, "I refuse to become a mere pawn in your hands, serving your every whim."

Tleilaxu's expression remained steadfast, "Once again, this is a bargain, a mutually beneficial agreement that can lead us to victory."

She continued, her words carrying a glimmer of hope, "Outside awaits a fleet of three ships. Each of you will have your own vessel, surely under my control."

"And I think that's the only option you have, as you are already dead outside this prison."

"Women! don't threaten me."

Tleilaxu's gaze remained unwavering as she calmly responded, "I have no intention of threatening you. However, it is crucial to recognize the reality of our situation. The realms of politics and power are his domain, and he will surely be aware of our actions."

Nefud and Remy exchanged a knowing glance, understanding the gravity of their predicament.

Remy's mind raced with doubts, questioning the reliability of an ally who was once an enemy. "How can I trust the very force that I seek to overthrow?" he pondered silently.

In a surprising turn, Nefud's demeanour shifted. His face, once marked with a hint of amusement, now bore a serious and sombre expression. His emotions seemed to vanish, leaving behind a resolute resolve. His Orionite skin tightened, and the membranes covering his eyes concealed his irises.

Without hesitation, Nefud declared, "I will accompany you."

Remy's eyes widened in disbelief, his voice thick with uncertainty, "You're willing to trust her?"

Nefud's response came forth with a calm certainty, "In this chaotic universe, sometimes the only way to survive is to find unexpected alliances. And if Tleilaxu has foreseen a possibility for victory, I am willing to explore it."

Remy's gaze shifted from Nefud to Tleilaxu, weighing the options presented before him. The weight of responsibility settled upon his shoulders as he contemplated the risks and potential rewards.



Remy stood there in silence, grappling with the weight of his concerns. "And what about the crimes committed by your people?" he finally voiced, his tone filled with scepticism.

Tleilaxu met his gaze, her eyes brimming with understanding. "Remy, you comprehend the delicate balance that governs the galaxies and upholds justice. I can assure you of protection for your people, but there are limits to what can be granted..."

Remy interrupted with a wry smile. "Ah, the spin begins."

A mischievous grin stretched across his face. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the coin spinning through the air.

The coin descended, landing with a soft thud on his outstretched palm. Nefud's smile widened as he examined the result.

"Your luck holds, Princess," he remarked, his voice laced with amusement.

A hint of intrigue danced in Tleilaxu's eyes as she observed the whimsical act. "Deciding the fate of galaxies with a mere toss, how fascinating," she mused.



Finally, after a brief moment of contemplation, Remy let out a resigned sigh. "Fine. I will trust you, but remember, any betrayal will have dire consequences."

Tleilaxu's eyes gleamed with a mix of gratitude and determination. "I assure you, Remy, I have no intentions of betraying you. We share a common goal, and together we will defy the odds."




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