
Authors note

Hello readers! This is my first story I have ever created, like some of you I am not a writer I just read, however I have always wanted to be a writer so this story is a kind of test run for me.

But enough about me you came here to read not to hear me complain!


The true reason I created this was not to tell you about myself but to help you understand the story (I'm just winging the damn thing) first off the setting: earth is conjoined with hundreds of planets each with their own gravity fields and that dimension that is introduced at the start. The type of Web-novel this is is quite different the Mc is not overpowered in fact he is quite weak he doesn't get strong he doesn't have any plot armor (thank god) and also has a real shitty disease I made up, this disease makes his mental state and soul deteriorate if something happens to him. Also I put a snippet of something that happens later on in front because I thought it was cool also the Mc is a mix of an antihero and a villain. The names suck and the Mc's name is zeph based on the word zephyr ( I just really like the word zephyr that's all the name means it has nothing to do with wind) but that's all I really have to say and I'm all please enjoy this shitty story of mine :)