
Anthony Unleashed

In a quiet suburban neighborhood, where the sunsets painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, lived a solitary teenager named Anthony. With his striking appearance - black spikey soft hair that reached his neck and an incredibly handsome face - Anthony was like any other ordinary high school student. But beneath his seemingly unremarkable exterior, a dormant power lay hidden, waiting to be unleashed. (join my Patreon.) https://patreon.com/Masteratlest

Master_Atlest · Anime e quadrinhos
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46 Chs

Chapter 44 - Classic X-Men Mission

The X-Men were called upon once again to handle a classic mission - a dangerous mutant terrorist group had taken hostages in a crowded shopping mall. Anthony, ever confident in his abilities, was ready to face the challenge head-on. Alongside him were his fellow teammates: Kurt, Rogue, Scott, and Bobby.

As they approached the mall, Anthony surveyed the area from above, floating gracefully in the air. His calm and collected demeanour was evident as he communicated with his team through their comms, "Alright, team, let's be cautious. We need to neutralize the threat without putting the hostages in danger."

Kurt nodded in agreement, "Ja, we must act with precision and speed. I will teleport us to the best positions."

In an instant, Kurt teleported the team to strategic locations around the mall. Rogue took cover behind a pillar, her eyes scanning for any sign of movement.

Scott, ever the tactical leader, gave out orders, "Rogue, scout the east wing. Kurt, take the west. Bobby, cover the north exit. Anthony, you're with me. Let's move in and assess the situation."

Anthony and Scott made their way stealthily through the mall, their steps soundless as Anthony levitated above the ground. His focus on the task at hand was evident, "I've got a bad feeling about this, Scott. Be prepared for anything."

Just as they turned a corner, they came face to face with the mutant terrorists. The leader sneered at them, "Ah, the X-Men. We've been expecting you."

Without hesitation, the terrorists attacked. One of them unleashed a barrage of energy blasts towards Anthony and Scott, but Anthony's invisible shield effortlessly deflected the attack. Meanwhile, Scott used his optic blasts to disable the weapons of the terrorists.

Rogue and Kurt joined the fray, taking down the remaining terrorists with swift and precise strikes. Bobby formed a protective ice barrier around the hostages, ensuring their safety.

The leader of the group growled in frustration, "You may have defeated my men, but you won't stop us from achieving our goals!"

He activated a device, and suddenly the ground beneath Anthony's feet began to shake. With a quick burst of his reality-warping powers, Anthony levitated even higher, unaffected by the quake.

"Is that all you've got?" Anthony retorted, his steady and unyielding demeanour intact.

The leader scowled and lunged at Anthony, but Anthony used his telekinesis to hold him at bay. With a wave of his hand, he disarmed the terrorist and restrained him with an invisible force.

The mission was a success. The terrorists were captured, and the hostages were safe. As they regrouped outside the mall, Kurt patted Anthony on the back with a smile, "You handled that well, my friend."

Rogue chimed in, "Yeah, you were really something up there, Anthony."

Scott nodded in approval, "Indeed. Your control and precision were impressive."

Anthony shrugged modestly, "Just doing my part as an X-Man."

As they walked back to the Xavier Institute, Anthony couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and camaraderie. They were a team, a family, united by their shared mission to protect the world from mutant threats.

And as the sun set on another successful mission, Anthony knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he could always rely on his fellow X-Men. Together, they were unstoppable, and he was grateful to be a part of such a legendary team.

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