
Anthony Unleashed

In a quiet suburban neighborhood, where the sunsets painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, lived a solitary teenager named Anthony. With his striking appearance - black spikey soft hair that reached his neck and an incredibly handsome face - Anthony was like any other ordinary high school student. But beneath his seemingly unremarkable exterior, a dormant power lay hidden, waiting to be unleashed. (join my Patreon.) https://patreon.com/Masteratlest

Master_Atlest · Anime e quadrinhos
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46 Chs

Chapter 42 - The Elusive Target

The mission briefing had been clear: a dangerous mutant criminal was on the loose, wreaking havoc in the city. Anthony, Kevin, Rogue, and Scott had been handpicked for this critical capturing mission. As they geared up and prepared to depart from the Xavier Institute, a sense of determination and focus settled upon the team.

The X-Jet soared through the night sky, its engines roaring as it approached the location where the mutant criminal had last been sighted. The team members exchanged serious glances, each one mentally preparing for the task ahead.

As they landed, Rogue took the lead, her experience as an X-Man evident in her confident strides. Her white streaked hair fluttered in the wind as she scanned the area, her mutant senses honed in on any sign of their target.

Kevin gripped the remote switch that Anthony had specially created for him, his fingers tapping nervously against it. With his Organic Decay ability, he knew the risks of using his powers without control. But with Anthony's help, he had gained newfound confidence, knowing he could rely on the remote switch to keep his abilities in check.

The group moved in formation, with Scott taking point, his ruby-quartz visor concealing his eyes. As the field leader, he guided them with precise instructions, ensuring they covered all angles.

Suddenly, they spotted a flash of movement in the distance. The mutant criminal had been quick to sense their presence and was attempting to escape. With a burst of speed, Scott activated his optic blasts, attempting to restrain their target.

But the mutant criminal proved to be agile, dodging the beams with a quick reflex. He retaliated with a burst of energy, forcing the team to scatter for cover. Rogue skillfully maneuvered through the chaos, trying to get close enough for a physical takedown.

Meanwhile, Anthony hovered above the ground, his levitation providing him with a strategic advantage. He observed the battlefield from a unique vantage point, analyzing the enemy's moves and seeking an opening.

Kevin kept the remote switch within reach, ready to activate it at a moment's notice. His nerves were on edge, knowing that a single touch from him could spell disaster. But he trusted in Anthony's invention, believing that it would safeguard against any unwanted accidents.

Despite their best efforts, the mutant criminal proved to be a formidable adversary. He had powers of his own, capable of manipulating the environment around him. His ability to create illusions and disorient his opponents made him a slippery target.

Rogue managed to get close enough for a physical confrontation, but with a swift motion, the criminal vanished into thin air, leaving behind nothing but a trail of lingering energy. The team was left momentarily stunned, the elusive mutant having slipped away once more.

"Damn it," Scott muttered under his breath, frustration evident in his voice. "He's too quick for us."

Anthony glanced at Kevin, silently urging him to activate the remote switch and neutralize their adversary. But Kevin hesitated, unsure if it was the right moment. He didn't want to risk capturing an innocent bystander by mistake.

Rogue's sharp instincts kicked in, and she motioned for the team to regroup. "We'll find him again," she declared with unwavering determination. "And next time, we'll be ready."

As the team returned to the X-Jet, a sense of disappointment hung in the air. They had come so close, but their target had managed to elude them once more. However, they knew that failure was a part of the job, and it only strengthened their resolve to protect the world from those who sought to do harm.

Back at the Xavier Institute, the team gathered in the briefing room to debrief. They analyzed the mission, dissecting every move and decision to learn from their mistakes. Anthony studied his reality-warping abilities, contemplating if there was a way he could enhance their effectiveness.

In the end, they knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but they were X-Men, and they stood together. Failure would not deter them; it would only make them stronger.

And so, they prepared for the next mission, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For they knew that in the world of the X-Men, victory was often born from the ashes of defeat.

(Authors note: I know Anthony could have used his time freeze, but he wanted to give the chance to Kevin to shine.)

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