

Wealthy and beautiful Angela thinks no one will ever know about her dark, terrible past. Being thrown out by her stepdad and having no place to go, she is forced to do things for survival. "After developing an application which made her rich, she becomes a popular figure; of course, everyone wants a piece of the pie, even the person who hates you the most. "Angela never for a moment thought someone would threaten to expose her. Now she's being given the alternative You will do as I say or pay the price. Her past has reared its ugly head. Angela has to find the blackmailer and deal with him by whatever means. Run Angela screamed Jessica as Angela sprinted through the woods with wind bustling through the branches of the trees, making the leaves howl in their symphony. Running along the gravel path in the woods makes her realize how intricate the clash between weather and nature can be. Two natural forces are both in harmony and constantly fighting. The rain would come down any second; its distinct smell filled the air. Plush, intertwining clouds pushed their grey front towards where I stood. The trees continued protesting against the wind as it blew their seeds. Maple seeds twirled down, only to get stuck on my clothes and in the creek. Angela stopped by the edge of the river; she placed a hand on her chest, her heart wouldn't stop raging against her rib cage, and she fought to keep silent a small whimper. Her heart was so loud she feared it would give her away; it was so loud in her ears; she thought the creature that used to be someone she once trusted would hear it and tear it from her. "Who is there? She screamed, looking back, hearing footsteps getting closer. Until she stopped and looked back, there stood a man with a mask, holding a knife; who was this person? Being diagnosed with anterograde amnesia made her unable to create new memories; her past kept haunting her. is it the same person who is always killing her in her dreams?

Legacy_ZA · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 2

"So, son, what have you been up to? Have you decided where you will study?"

"Yes, dad, I was considering Harvard."

"Good son, you always knew where you were heading in life."

Angela's dad glanced at her as she rolled her eyes, "So young lady, it is day one. Have you decided where you will be going?"

Angela shook her head; that's good said her dad; where have you decided to go? She wanted to say away from your sad face, bite her tongue, and give off a fake smile.

"I have decided to go to campus."

The intelligent choice young lady said to her dad.

There was silence for a moment when there was a knock on the door, "who could that be here so early." said her dad; go get the door, son.

Jack walked over to the door, "Hello, officer."

"Good day, young lad. Is your name Jack?"

Yes, said Jack frowning, wondering how the cop knew his name, "would you mind if I ask you a few questions relating to the disappearance of Nicole?

Mr. Fox overheard the officer and stood up,

"Jack does not answer that." His father exclaimed

walking over to the door in his grey suit, the officer raised his eyebrows when seeing Mr. Fox; the cops recognized him well since he had multiple cops suspended for not having sufficient evidence of the accused violating the law; he was visionary and a fast thinker,

When the cop saw Mr. Fox, he knew he had to have his facts together for this visit.

"Good morning, Sir, I am sorry for disturbing you, but the reason, "hurry up," said Mr. Fox, " Angela had hated how her dad spoke down onto her, "Officer Jerry, why are you on my doorstep at this hour?

The officer gulped; well, I do apologize, Sir. Still, I am here because, "he pulled out a photo of a young girl aged sixteen or seventeen. She had red hair and ocean blue eyes with pale light skin, "

This girl went missing two days ago, and your son was the last person speaking to her; just then, another officer came walking from the car.

The second cop immediately recognized Mr. Fox, the best lawyer in town; his interrogation tactics were unlike any other. "So you are telling me that because my son was last seen with this girl, you have the right to question him?"

The one cop looked over to the other, "No, Mr. Fox, but "then what are you doing here?"

We hope your son can help us by directing us where she might be?"

"Where she might be?"

"So you want my son to do your job?"

Jack walked to the door, "dad, it is fine."

"Go back to the table and finish your breakfast."

I know how this goes, "you guys will keep coming back looking for answers; my son has nothing to say to you, officer Jerry."

"But sir, if your son could help us, we could be saving a life?"

"So you are telling me she was kidnapped or taken, not missing, do have reason to believe this is an abduction due to circumstantial evidence you have come across, but you are not getting anywhere."

"Now you want to pin the blame on someone to close the case; that is why you are here, right officer Jerry?"

If the law were breakable, you would interrogate my son without my consent or acknowledgment, which is why you asked if his parents were here.

"No, sir, do ha. e a good day." said the official, realizing they were not going to be able to speak to Jack.

Angela looked out of the window; it was a beautiful day; the layer covering the atmosphere had an aura of brightness as the light flickered through it and reached the surface of Earth, making it scorching.

The sun finding its way from the horizon to the summit of the sky, pierced its lucid sunlight to the people, making their faces plastered with an eerie glow, squinting eyes, and glittered demeanor.

The birds were soaring high with so much zeal and zest that could bring courage to even a derelict in the search for betterment in its life.

Angela stood up from the table and helped her mother. Her dad had left, and she had finally had a chance to speak to her mom, " are you okay honey?" said her mother; I am sorry, but maybe; Angela looked at her mother's face and noticed a blue mark beneath her eye, "he hit you again didn't he"

Her mother is beautiful in all aspects. Her smile shines like the sun at sunrise; she has black hair with shimmering sprays of white, long, and smooth curls like noodle spaghetti. Her eyes are black and round, filled with love even though one eye is blue; when she laughs, you can see a beautiful love on the side of her cheek.

Her mom is of average height; she has large eyelashes and figured eyebrows. Her lips are thick with a sparkle of pink; her nose is medium and much defined. Her ears are rounded and neither too large nor too small, "normal." Her face is generally smooth with a bit of wrinkle on her forehead but beautiful still. She is of a robust constitution but with nice curves.

She looked a lot like Angela, and as for Jack, she looked a lot like his dad; Angela used her index finger to remove mom's hair from her face, "why do you allow him to do this to you, mom? "Well, it's not as if food will magically appear on the table; he is a good man, he has some troubles in his past his still dealing with, but things will get better.

"No, mom, he will keep hitting you for as long as he can because of his a coward." That's enough, Angela; you shall not speak like that about your dad." I heard everything, mom, last night, mom, about him not being my dad.

"You were not supposed to hear that, honey." said her mother attempting to lean in and hold her, Angela turned a cold shoulder, turning her back to her mom, well I did hear it, mom, and I wish you had told me than me having to hear it while he kept on hitting you.

His mother walked over to the kitchen table, looking out the window, "where is your brother Jack?" He is in his room, mom.

It should never have happened, and your dad won't ever forgive me for what has happened, Mike was his best friend, and he came around often; your dad was drunk and left the house, I was vulnerable and alone, and Mike was there and 'her mom paused, anyway. What made you change your mind about going to campus? Is it something you want to do?

"I do not have much of choice." And it will give me a break from this house, especially with everything that has happened; I had made up my mind last night.

"As much as I will miss you, I want the best for you in life, so this is the right decision."

Angela smiled; I need clothes and toiletries.

"We can drive into town later and get those things."

Her mother never spoke about what had happened to Jeremy, their dad was a great guy and always outgoing, a family man, but after what happened to Jeremy, he started drinking more often and staying out late.

Jenny knew he was cheating on her with the Secretary with all the lipstick and perfumes on his clothes, she had confronted him, and he denied it.

He went into his lawyer's defense mechanism mode and turned on her saying she had a guilty conscience of Mike, which is why she always accused him.

Jenny stopped loving her husband long ago, and he knew she had, which is why he was frustrated with his life.

Angela went upstairs to her bedroom and walked over to the window when she saw a suspicious-looking vehicle opposite the street. Angela then removed her phone and snapped a picture of it; it was an old Cadillac with two gentlemen in formal wear, they looked like they were detectives, and they were looking at the house; what would they want with her brother?

Why were they suspecting Jack? Thought Angela, as she remembered the incident with Nicole; her eyes were a fire in water if you can imagine such a thing. They were passionate about ice. So even on first meeting Angela, she'd be a friend for life, never dominating nor submitting, but a companion who walks freely alongside. And that she was and more.

They were close in school, but as they both grew older, they never communicated much until Angela learned that her brother and Nicole were in a relationship, that is when she started to come more around to the house, and they would spend more time together.

Jack and Nicole had broken up months ago, but they remained friends; she was in a relationship with a famous footballer. This is why Angela found it rather strange for the cops to suspect her brother.