
Antarctica’s Myth

In a world that’s been transformed by the sudden appearance of Towers, Humanity faces the onslaught of monstrous beasts that originate from them. Some individuals, blessed with an energy source known as Essence, wield supernatural powers as Slayers— the last line of defense against these beasts. Among the Humans is someone named Katsuki, an ordinary human who discovers he has latent powers and eventually joins the Guild, an organization that fights back against the Towers. As Katsuki traverses into this new reality, he will uncover the mysterious Towers and their power, gain rivals, battle to the death, and save the world that’s coming close to total chaos. ——————————————————————————— I don’t consider myself really good at writing so I don’t see a future with this… But, maybe it will continue if the first few chapters do good. I also do hope to increase my skills as a writer as I go on so please leave criticism! As of right now, chapters will be monthly. Could change in the future…

projectdreams · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

A Question That Is Feared

My name is Lucia Armencuff. The world has been in a frenzy since two days ago, that being the invasion of Eyon. Media outlets throughout the world immediately pounced on the topic to cover and release for their subscribers to read and/or watch.

How disgusting some Humans can be… Do they have no concept of sympathy? Any idea what they have gone through? Humans were always sickening to me. From what I heard from a member of the Armencuff family, a reporter pestered a resident of Eyon about her loss of her son and husband. Absolutely despicable.

Yet… I am a Slayer. It is my obligation to protect Humans from Towers. But don't mix me in with the other Slayers who are not of my "royal" status. You see, I am a Grandmaster's daughter. Automatically making me stronger than most Slayers and smarter than most.

My family, the Armencuff, is one of the most prestigious families in the history of the Guild and so far have the most members of any family as of now. Due to that number, my Father has expanded his "territory" by building the largest estate of any family. There's one main house then other smaller houses spread out that can equal close to the size of the most famous towns in the world. I reside in the main house, where only direct family members of the Armencuff may reside, while the other members must reside at the other houses.

Where I live is in the Guild but not within the walls of the Guild. If I had to describe the Guild, I would say that it reminds me of a circle with smaller circles inside with the outline of every circle being a wall. There are four sections with the middle being the Guild Hall, where everybody is allowed to enter, and each section would have different types of Slayers depending on their skill level and lineage. If you haven't caught on by now, I'm quite special.

The first section would be home to the more… "Common" Slayers. The second circle is where the more skilled and experienced Slayers. The third section is where the Grandmasters reside with their families. It's a smart concept, is it not?

My father, Redfield Armencuff, is currently-

"Lucia!!" The man's voice echoed as he called out to her from outside her elegant chamber.

Lucia quickly dropped the pen and left her diary open as she scurried out the door.

"Coming, Father!" As Lucia's voice echoed through the grand mansion, she dashed down the spiral wooden staircase, the polished steps gleaming under the glow of antique chandeliers hanging above. The common room awaited her arrival, a spacious chamber adorned with luxurious furnishings reminiscent of the Victorian era. Within, two maids attended to Lucia's father, the Grandmaster, one tidying his hair while the other ensured his Grandmaster robes remained pristine. The air was filled with the subtle fragrance of polished wood and delicate perfumes, mingling with the faint aroma of brewing tea. Soft music played in the background, adding to the atmosphere of elegance and refinement that permeated the mansion.

"Are you ready?" The Grandmaster asked Lucia.

Nodding her head in a firm, decisive manner, they began to depart…

Unbeknownst to most Slayers, there is another place in the Guild that they are not permitted, Island of Astra. This island floats above the clouds on top of the Guild and is used as a "war room" to discuss options in major events that can very well change the world.

As Redfield extends his hand, a blue glow emanates from his ring, conjuring a shimmering portal before him and Lucia. Stepping forward, they enter the portal and emerge in the war room of a temple nestled amidst a serene landscape of lush trees, rolling hills, and billowing clouds. The temple, fortified by an array of seemingly infinite invisible barriers, exudes an air of ancient wisdom and formidable protection. Within its hallowed halls, the weight of imminent decisions hangs heavy, setting the stage for the pivotal discussions that are about to unfold.

"Father-" Lucia's throat felt tight when she entered the war room where all of the Grandmasters sit at the large stone table encarved with symbols that she's never seen before and a hologram of Eyon displayed above. Their mere presence made her choke up and she couldn't believe how their Essence has this effect on her. She knew they are powerful, but to be this powerful…?

"T-Their Essence…" Lucia mumbled to herself as Redfield spoke.

"My company can barely breathe. Reduce your output, everyone." Redfield said as he took his seat at the end of the table.

[Their Essence… They didn't even reduce their output!? Does this mean… that my Father purposely reduced his all this time just so I can just stand next to him…?]- Lucia

The pressure is relieved from her throat and Lucia took a deep breath. She couldn't believe what she just experienced despite knowing the answer: they're just strong.

"Grandmaster Lyon Garnett. Head of the Garnett Family." The woman standing behind Lyon exudes elegance in a princess dress adorned in shades of black and white, each hue woven seamlessly together to create the epitome of royal sophistication. The dress flows gracefully around her, its silhouette reminiscent of centuries-old nobility, while a transparent cape hangs over from her shoulders, its delicate fabric holds a golden lining bearing a pattern unique to the Garnett family.

She, and the rest of the people behind the Grandmasters, are known as their "company," which is a person who the Grandmaster is accompanied by 24/7. Although being around a Grandmaster 24/7, a Company is not a bodyguard, but is only a servant. However, there can be instances where a Company will fight for their Grandmaster when pushed.

"Grandmaster Silas Whitelock. Head of the Whitelock family." The rough, gravelly voice that emanated from behind Silas, belongs to a man in armor reminiscent of ancient legends. His helmet bore resemblance to those worn by heroes of times, where they would fight beasts and evil kings, while his sword tells a whole story from its wear, its hilt adorned with scriptures of a language that is long forgotten. Clad in armor as thick as the earth, he exuded an aura of invincibility, capable of withstanding onslaughts from any weapon, whether it be a bullet, plasma discharge, or the keen edge of a blade. The perfect amalgamation of bodyguard and Company, he stood as an indomitable guardian, ready to defend against any threat that dared to challenge his Grandmaster.

"Grandmaster Paradisya Gryeen. Head of the Gryeen family." The monotone voice of the man behind Paradisya grated her nerves, every word devoid of any excitement or passion, as if he listed off things in a to do list. She seemed to be insulted by his lack of enthusiasm when delivering news that should be met with some sort of excitement.

As she cleared her throat, panic flashed across the man's face, prompting him to hastily correct himself.

"Uh, I mean, Grandmaster Paradisya Gryeen!" His voice now brimmed with forced enthusiasm, accompanied by an awkward attempt at jazz hands.

[J-Jeez… I wish she would've told me we were going to have a gathering today… I'm so tired…]-Pierce. (PARADISYA TOLD PIERCE REPEATEDLY)

"Grandmaster Redfield Armencuff. Head of the Armencuff family." Lucia announced, her voice lacking of confidence. She wore a dress the color of a summer sky, its soft fabric hugging gently around her frame with every step. Delicate lace adorned the neckline, adding a touch of femininity to the ensemble, while subtle floral embroidery traced intricate patterns across the bodice.

Her choice of footwear was understated yet practical, a pair of neutral-colored flats that allowed her to move with ease. But it was the accessory adorning her neck that hinted at the complexity of her character—a slender black necklace, its simple design punctuated by an obsidian-black gem.

"Grandmaster Ytvelta Zufiria. Head of the Zufiria family." A man spoke, his voice stagnant. He appeared mostly human, however upon closer inspection, there were small hints of cybernetic augmentation. Their limbs, while resembling flesh and blood, gleamed with a metallic sheen, adorned with intricate circuitry and refined joints.

"The meeting is now in session!" Redfield's voice echoed and the Company's left the room to the hallway that was many meters tall and seemed to go on forever and ever.

"This is a sight you don't see everyday. Lucia Armencuff… Finally out and about in that godforsaken mansion. I can't remember the last time I remember seeing your face... Ah- Actually, I do. It was…" A whirring noise came from the cyborg and he then locked eyes with her, "Fourteen years ago."

[Ugh… It's Nexus.]- Lucia.

"Trying to shit talk might cut your battery life short, Nexus." Lucia said as retaliation.

The woman clad in the elegant black and white dress scoffed, her eyes rolling in suit. "You are all annoying." She uttered.

"I'm so sorry we're not all like you, Seraphina. We should just be the most stiff, unmotivated, and an ass kissing doll like you." He said in a mocking tone with a smile

"You were always childish, Nexus, and you're supposed to be the computer here." The giant man in the legendary armor spoke, his gravely voice having a somewhat soothing tone to it.

"Wolfgang, just be your regular statue self." Nexus said in a dismissive tone.

Lucia walked further down the hall to get away from Nexus, Wolfgang following after.

"Lucia Armencuff, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah." Lucia said, a crack in her voice.

"If it means anything, the rest of us care about your presence."

"Thanks, Wolfgang. I'm fine. He's just an annoying bastard."

"That is right." Wolfgang softly chuckled.

Within the room where the Grandmasters are seated, they're all staring at the Tower that's being displayed in the hologram above the large table.

But the main focus is Ytvelta. She's standing beside her chair with her arms crossed, exuding an aura of a commander. Her flowing robes, a deep and rich purple that absorbed the dim light, embroidery adorned the fabric, depicting an unknown language glowing with a blue hue.

Around her waist is a small embroidered pouch that is clasped with a silver Zufiria family crest. Within this pouch is a silk blindfold that matched the colors of her robes. She picked up a piece of rubble that seemed like it came from a building.

Her eyes focused on the piece of rubble and a faint hum pierced the ears of the Grandmasters around. A deeper view in her eyes show her iris splitting into three with different symbols that pulsed with an ecstatic pattern. And right before everyone's eyes, reality was bending.

Turns out that this piece of "rubble" was actually part of the Tower that appeared in Eyon. They kept it in safe keeping for the sole reason of having Ytvelta inspect it.

"Something is blocking me from seeing too much about it… I can only get glimpses and a word or two." Ytvelta informed the others.

Everyone had a look of worry on their faces. How could she not get all the information about this Tower? This was the first time in all of her life that she couldn't get an answer…

"I keep hearing the same word…" Ytvelta stopped before saying the word as a look of disbelief took over.

"What word? What word is it, Ytvelta?" Lyon asked her.

"Antarctican." She said with full confidence. "And during the invasion of Eyon, someone gave orders to find them. Other than that, I can't see much."

"Impossible…" Lyon muttered.

"You mean to say someone else survived after all these years!? That's impossible!" Paradises exclaimed.

"Unless one survived... And if that's true, then we must take precaution in finding this individual." Redfield's voice having concern.

Ytvelta gently placed the piece of the Tower onto the table and solemnly nodded, "Indeed," she agreed, her gaze meeting the other Grandmasters.

"Lyon," Redfield spoke, his tone firm, "You were friends with one. Did you ever hear of an offspring?"

Lyon's expression remained impassive, though a slight hint of uneasiness passed over. He met the eyes of Redfield before speaking, "No."

"And you're certain?" Redfield's brow furrowed, skeptical of Lyon.

Lyon's jaw tensed and frustration seemed to grow. "I'm certain of it. If he did, I am 100% sure he wouldn't tell me. Besides, I wouldn't be able to ask him anyhow."

The room fell silent as Redfield's string of questions hung in the air. The other Grandmasters exchanged glances, sensing the tension between them. Lyon's denial, while firm, did little to help the doubts now cast upon him.

Redfield's gaze lingered on Lyon until he eventually nodded curtly. "Very well," he said, his tone still having skepticism, "But understand, Lyon, we do not like surprises that can destroy us."

Lyon nodded his head in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable. Now with the question of the Antarcticans survival raised, within the other Grandmasters it ignited fear and suspicions that threatened the trust amongst each other.

Later that day, near the Armencuff Manor…

"Don't run… Hush…" Lucia whispered softly as a white rabbit tried to escape her grasp.

"Your fur is so soft and pretty…" She pet the white rabbit, calming it down.

"You're better than the rest. I think I'll name you… Skippy." Lucia continued to pet the rabbit as its eyes darted everywhere… Corpses of bloodied animals surrounded the rabbit and Lucia as her maniacal laughter echoed throughout the forest…