
Chapter 145 "Checkmate"


Countless ice lances kept spamming on the ground. No matter who was inside that area would have a very little chance to survive.

"my mana for [ICE TUSK] skill is empty now. I can't use that skill until my mana is full replenished, but this should kill that lowly human"

Chillyd observed the situation in front of him.

"if he still stand...then.."



After few minutes, the ice lances barrage ended. Cold mist still surrounded the area.

Chillyd didn't lowered his guard. He was the type who always learned from his mistake.

"-fuuh- this is the longest time that i need to use my full concentration.."


One of the ice lance remained was kicked by Yana. He stood at his original position with several wounds on his arms and legs.

"just as i thought...you..."

Chillyd couldn't hide his uneasy feeling. He shouted at him.

"you have [IMPERIAL PERCEPTION] skill right?! how can you get that skill!! answer me!!"


People started to make a commotion after they heard what Chillyd said just now.

"imperial perception he said? that's impossible"

"i even don't know why sir Chillyd said that.... everyone know that no higher tier for [PERCEPTION] skill"

The soldiers said their doubt.

"interesting. If he really has imperial perception... then almost any casting skill is useless" Libhane nodded

Yana looked aorund him.

"imperial perception? i think there's a misunderstanding here"

"what do you mean? do you have any other explanation?" Chilly scrunched his eyes

"hmm.... i even don't know how to use any skill from this world"

"hah! spit such a nonsense like that. Let's see how you will handle my attack"

He lowered his sword and walked towards his soldiers.

He stood in front of two soldiers. They didn't know what was actually going on here.

"let's see then..."


He grabbed that two soldier's face and used his skill.

"ughh!! sir Chillyd!!"

"what happ..!!!"



Blue aura covered their body. After few seconds, they stopped moving. Their comrade near them were really confused and scared at the same time.

"men!! keep the moon formation!!" Chillyd shouted

He turned around and stared at his enemy.

"kill him"


Those two soldiers dashed toward Yana. They pulled their sword and prepared to attack.

"....so this is what most likely happened when they got atacked by human soldiers... it matched with Shanti and Barry story...."

He looked at Khall and Ragha direction.

Ragha tried to stand up while Khall used his remaining strength to kill him.

"where do you think you're looking at? lowly human"


One of the soldier brandished his sword but it was successfully blocked by Yana's knife. The other one was getting closer from the different direction.

"Shanti...she should realize it.."



They activated their skill. Yana jumped back to evade their attack, but another ice pillar already rose from the ground.


"their skill..their pattern.. i see"



Yana blocked and dodged their attack. They were slower than Chillyd, yet their numbers and coordinate attacks were quite dangerous.

"this is far from over you know?" Chillyd smirked

Those two soldiers lined up and headed toward Yana.

He sheathed his knife and took his stance. He raised arms and opened his legs.

"that strange movement again... what kind of stance is that...."

Chillyd observed that situation. This was a good timing to analyze Yana's combat abilities from afar.

His enemies were keeping up their linear position. The soldier at front thrusted his sword and the other one waited for Yana's reaction.


Yana was moving exactly when the sword was moving toward his torso. He raised his elbow and opened his palm.


A hard strike to the soldier's chin. He lost his balance but the other soldier already moved to a position where he could launch his attack.


Yana ducked down and did a low spinning kick. His enemy lost his balance and fell to the ground.



One stab to the ground, it almost hit him. The first soldier who got hit by him was already stable and did that attack.


Another attack came from the other soldier who lay down on the ground.

Yana rolled back to evade that and stood up. The moment he did that, those two soldiers already did the same thing.

They dashed again and continued their attack.

"huh, you will see the true nature of my skill"

Chillyd smirked and showed his satisfied expression.

Those soldiers cornered Yana.


Yana swiftly evaded one of the soldier attack and broke his right arm, yet that soldier didn't stop.

He grabbed Yana while the other pointed his sword toward him.

"hahaha, how about that lowly human?! can you do something with your imperial perception?! huh?!"

Chillyd was already sure about his winning.

"hmm, grab in here.. put your weight while twisting your body and.."


Yana threw the soldier toward the pointing blade.


The soldier's torso was pierced by the other soldier's sword, but it didn't stop there.

The soldier kept pushing his sword and the pierced soldier in front of him.

Their distance became closer. Anyone wouldn't predict that kind of situation.

"..... checkmate"

Chilly smiled and used his skill.




A big cold explosion covered the area.

-----( Chapter 145 "Checkmate" )-----

Every dead end is the situation where you think it is.

Ojibearcreators' thoughts
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