
Another World: Ludwig The Exiled

The romance of Ludwig and Seraphine. A hero who would do anything for the Kingdom and a girl who would do anything so that her hero may survive the many short-comings he might face

Megumint · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


"War? Why?" Ludwig asked, thrown off by his uncle's request.

It was an odd request, especially one given by the general himself. The Holy Empire had not been in any major war ever since the battle of Latanna, as her sealing caused any harmful intentions towards the empire to dissipate. 

"My bad, my bad. I didn't mean war. It's just a small, little expedition outside of the outer walls. It would help you to get some experiences, that's all."

"I see… So when will I join the expedition? Will there be any pre-training or meeting beforehand?"

"Yea, both of them."

"What about the mock battle between us and the mages? Would the expedition interfere with the date?"

"No, the expedition happens after. It's not that urgent of a matter, just a trip to the elven lands. What? Do you miss Seraphine or something?"

"N-No. Just that… " Ludwig hesitated to finish his sentence. "Y-Yeah I miss her. It's been a long while since I last saw her." 

"Well, just don't take it too far alright?" Ryker said jokingly.

"What do you mean-" 

"Shhhh! Don't worry about it. I know. I know."

"L-Look I just want to focus on myself for now, I have a dream to achieve and I am trying my very best to achieve it…" Ludwig blabbered on. While Ryker watched in amusement.

"Don't worry about it too much, there's still two years for me before the expedition. Which is enough time for me to get you into shape."

"Thanks… Uncle. Also, just curious, will there be any…say, rewards for my efforts?" 

"Of course! Of Course! How can there be none?"

"That will motivate me much more."

"Besides, facing Seraphine?"

"Well. No. For the last time. No."

"I will tell you the plans after your mock battle, so you just focus on that alright?"

After Ryker left, Ludwig spent his entire evening training his sword skills to eventually master his uncle's style of swordsmanship. Which was known to be one of the best in the capital, rivaling many other styles of offenses and unmatched in terms of swordsmanship. It was the one that eventually penetrated the heavy defenses in Latanna and the one that struck the Queen Sorceress down to her knees. 

Ryker had offenses that were impetuous, swift and precise, as well as defenses that were impregnable with the added defenses from his light armor and his mana-infused blades. He did not have a treasured blade like other swordsmen, only using any other weapon that even the lowest ranked soldier would use, including that of the spear, sword and sometimes dagger. He was precise with the bow too, just unable to compete with the best.

Hence, he was thought of as a master of weapons or rather, the God of War. Many were inspired by his feats and accomplishments.

After a year of relentless training and studying, Ludwig was only able to replicate Ryker's sword style to only an acceptable degree which he wasn't satisfied with.

"I don't get it. I really don't. Everytime I swung, it's like the sword doesn't belong to me. It's like I can't feel it at all." Ludwig cried to his friend, Edgar Lauriar.

"Well, it literally doesn't belong to you. It belongs to the academy, heh" Edgar remarked.

"Of course not! I feel like I am being left behind, everyone is surpassing me. Even the women! They are weak biologically and yet they still beat me within seconds."

"Perhaps this path isn't suited for you… Sorry Ludwig, but maybe it's time for you to replace the canteen ladies."

"I hope you lose to the mages."

"I won't need to hope for that to happen to you." Edgar chuckled loudly.

"Good one. Screw you though."

The two of them sat on the stairs leading towards the living quarters, bathing in their own sweats whilst watching the other trainees training. 

"Why don't we have a duel or two?" Edgar requested.

"What's the stakes?" Ludwig replied immediately, knowing Edgar's usual antics.

"You will accompany me to a double date with a girl. If I win."

"Simple stuff. I got girls… I think. Anyhow, what about you? What will you do?"

"I will do a dance in front of the boys."

"Do it in front of the girls, and it's a deal."

"I'm scared I might charm them and leave you with zero heir."


"Yes. Me."

Ludwig bursted out laughing "Y,yeah alright accept the deal if you're so confident."

Edgar began sweating buckets, but with his dignity and pride on the line, he accepted the offer.

"Alright!" Ludwig got up and pulled Edgar up. "Let's go. I got things to do."

"So do I."

Ludwig grabbed one of the wooden training swords in the barrels of the training ground. 

"No mana. Alright?" Ludwig yelled out to Edgar across the ground.

"You got close to none. That's why I'm going to use it." 

"Are you trying to kill me or something? You know mana can't be deflected by ordinary objects right?"

"Not if they aren't purely mana." Edgar said as he pumped himself and went into stance.

"You're trying to burn this place to the ground or something? Just don't use mana!." Ludwig said as he rotated his body, his left arm reached forward, aiming for Edgar while his right arm held the wooden sword in a thrusting position. His feet apart from each other. He focused up and relaxed his breathing.

"Does making me dance in front of girls motivate you so much?!" Edgar said frantically while trying to distract Ludwig, however Ludwig made no mind.

Seeing as Ludwig was doing nothing, Edgar inches himself towards him, having Ludwig's entire body and movement in his sights while maintaining distance to counter when Ludwig makes a move.

When Edgar got closer, within striking distance, he then saw abrupt movement that indicated Ludwig's thrust. So he preemptively ducked, thinking it was going to hit his face. Instead he was immediately faced with a downward slash to his face from Ludwig. Edgar blocked just in time but was knocked to the ground from the force of Ludwig's slash.

After Ludwig faked his thrust, knocking Edgar down, he readily striked down from above. 

Which was blocked by Edgar's quick reflex. 

The two struggled for a bit. Ludwig put more force into his blade while Edgar was losing energy defending himself from Ludwig's forceful strike.

Edgar saw an opportunity arise when Ludwig got a little bit too close to his foot. Which Edgar took, kicking Ludwig in the lead off-balancing and pushing him away, gaining distance and giving Edgar the edge.

By the time Ludwig recovered from his broken stance, Edgar rushed towards him and slashed upwards from his leg. 

Ludwig dodged by a hair then he was met with another and another which he had to defend using the blade of his sword.

Edgar continued to relentlessly striked down on the now defensive Ludwig.

Right when Edgar seemed to be losing strength, Ludwig pushed Edgar's blade with own, using all his strength. Finally managing to temporarily halt Edgar's endless assault.

Before Ludwig could strike back, Edgar kicked him in the leg again, causing Ludwig to lose balance. 

Edgar swung his sword at his face but stopped right before it could hit him. Effectively ending the duel.

"Good duel." Edgar said, a smirk arose in his face.

"I didn't know you could kick in a sword fight." Ludwig said sarcastically.

"There aren't any teachers near, they won't know."

"Isn't that a bit dishonorable? It's called a sword fight, not a leg fight." Ludwig, said unhappily.

"Well, who cares? The important thing is you will accompany me with a girl. And that I don't need to dance in front of the girls."

"Where are you going to get your girl anyways?"


"I bet the old canteen ladies can help you."

"Shut it."

After the sun had set. Ludwig dressed himself nicely, for the double date and as the time approached closer, Ludwig realized he had no girls to bring. Ludwig waited anxiously for Edgar in the crowded streets of the capital, dressing extremely well which gained the attention of the local girls. 

"Ludwig!!" Edgar yelled out, as he waved at him.

Ludwig squinted his eyes trying to search for the sound calling at him.

"Ah. Found you."

Edgar squeezed and forced his way through the crowds, he too was dressed nicely.

"So…? Where's your girl?" Ludwig asked Edgar.

"They are inside the restaurant. Come follow me." 

"They? I thought it's a double date?"

"Brother. I know you. You got no girls. So I had to fetch one for you." Edgar said. "Best wingman in the world, it's a wonder why I have not ascended to heaven yet with my massive wings."

"How about you become a fortune teller instead of a swordsman?" Ludwig said after he paused, impressed by Edgar's future sight.

"Who is going to save you when the time arises?"

"I need no saving."

"...said by the one defeated by me!"

"But you got massive wings!" Ludwig jested.

Edgar ignored him, as the two waltz through the maze of a restaurant that the girls were in. The restaurant had a warm vibe further supported by the yellowish light of the chandelier above and the soft music played by the musicians in the front on a stage. 

There were numerous well-dressed waiters taking the orders of aristocrats and the peasants alike, even with its lavish interior and exterior designs, it treated the poor and the rich equally.

"Excuse me. M'ladies." Edgar said upon reaching the girls' location.. 

Two girls occupied a round table, one of them was dressed in a cute pink gown, her skin shiny and smooth, her hair gold and silky. The other one, wore an elegant black dress, black long gloves, with black hair and had an overall black aesthetic.

Edgar and Ludwig sat themselves down, entranced by the two girls' beauty.

"Excuse me… you are Ludwig, Correct?" The girl in pink asked very politely, her voice high in tone. 

'She feels like a cute Lowchen.' Ludwig thought.

"Uhm…Excuse me?" she asked again.

"Oh sorry. Uhm I was just entranced by your beauty that's all and yes. The name is Ludwig. Pleasure to meet you, mada- miss."

"Oh please! No need to be so formal!" The girl in pink blushed, waving her handkerchief. "The name is Celine! I'm pleased to meet you! I've heard so much about you."

Before Ludwig could reply the girl in black interrupted.

"The name is Hana."

"Oh… Alright. My name is Ludwig. Pleasure to meet you, m'lady."

Hana nodded without saying a word.

Ludwig and Celine enjoyed their dinner and conversation, smiling and chuckling very often. While Hana didn't speak much and Edgar didn't have the chance to enter their conversation.

"And my friend here, he does the same thing as me!" Ludwig said.

"Oh… he existed. Right." Celine said.

Edgar felt his heart was punctured and stabbed by a thousand needles. It hurts to say the least. 

Ludwig in a moment of empathy and pity turned his head to look at his defeated friend, only to be faced with a death stare. 

Edgar was jealous.

Ludwig shivered but not at his friend's deadly stare but at something completely different, a presence that he was both aware and unknown of. Then he noticed a girl in the distance, a brunette girl wearing a green gown and another girl with dazzling blonde hair, who was wearing a brown gown.

The blonde haired girl had familiar facial structure, familiar eyes, familiar face, familiar hair, familiar everything. But, the first thing he noticed was the very apparent death stare the girl gave, one capable of penetrating the toughest of shields and sending the strongest of men down to their knees. After a while of starebacks he realized the girl was Seraphine, his childhood friend.